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Y&R Recap – Wed Nov 1: Chelsea Returns to Calm The Waters at Marchetti as a Battle Rages Between Summer and Chloe, While Victor Advances His Plan

Chelsea Lawson, Summer Newman, and Victor Newman.

Today’s Young and the Restless recap airs in the USA on Wednesday, Nov 1, 2023, and airs one day ahead in Canada. We post our Y&R recaps every weekday!

Last Episode

Mamie Johnson and Billy Abbott.

On the last episode of Y&R, Mamie confronted Tucker after speaking to Ashley, while Billy fought to keep his co-CEO position.


Mariah enters the restaurant and sees Kyle. She walks over and says hello and sits down with him.

Mariah Copeland talks to Kyle Abbott.

Kyle jokes around that he hardly has seen Mariah, her beautiful wife, and their lovely baby. He asks how Aria is doing.

Mariah says that Aria still has a fascination with all things shiny. She says the doctors had run more tests on her and found that she had significant hearing loss.

Kyle says it’s tough to deal with.

Kyle Abbott talks with Mariah Copeland.

Mariah says they were able to find hearing aids, and they will have them fitted today… Fingers crossed, they’ll work!

Kyle thinks that’s great.

Mariah is nervous… What if the hearing aids don’t work?

Kyle says she shouldn’t jump to negative conclusions… What if they do work?

Mariah smiles.

Chancellor Park

Billy enters the park and sits down on a bench.

Chelsea walks over and says, “Hello stranger!”

Chelsea Lawson.

Sally’s GCAC Suite

Adam wakes up in bed beside Sally. He picks up his phone and sees a message from Nate. “Are you planning on coming to work today?” He curses, looks at Sally, and gets out of bed, trying not to wake her.

Adam looks at a message from Nate on his phone.

Newman Enterprises

Nick and Victoria enter the corporate office. Nick closes the door behind him.

Victor says good morning to them and asks what they’re there for.

Victoria, Nicholas, and Victor Newman talk.

Nick says he brought Victoria up to speed on Victor’s “mental fitness.” He told her the truth about his health.

Victor acts confused… “My health?”

Victoria is frustrated. She tells him Nick told her about Victor fooling them the whole time. She can’t believe Victor felt her loyalty was in question and that she’d exploit his health for a job title.

Victor acts confused again, asking what this is all about.

Victor Newman.


Kyle tells Mariah that she’s doing everything right. The audiologist she’s seeing came highly recommended.

Mariah says Dr. George is excellent, and Devon knows her from personal experience. She’s patient with Mariah’s endless questions.

Kyle grins.

Kyle says even if the hearing aids don’t work, there are other options. She can do this!

Mariah wants to talk about Kyle… How’s his job search going?

Kyle jokes that he barely remembers what a job is.

Mariah smiles.

Mariah asks if he’s even looking for a job.

Kyle says he’s enjoying the easy life right now.

Mariah laughs and says she doesn’t usually think of Kyle as a man of leisure.

Kyle talks.

Kyle says he’s learning to make sourdough from Mrs. Martinez. But seriously, he’s having fun.

Mariah says that’s great, but how much longer can it last? Kyle’s like his father… He likes hard work and driving himself.

Kyle admits that the downtime is driving him crazy. He wants to go back to Jabot at his old co-CEO job.

Mariah talks to Kyle.

Mariah thought Kyle said things were going downhill at Jabot… And now he wants his job back there? It’s too bad that Billy has his old job now.

Kyle says that could be changing soon.

Chancellor Park

Billy gets up and gives Chelsea a hug and a kiss.

Chelsea smiles as she talks with Billy.

Chelsea says, “I’m back, baby!” That was the welcome home she was waiting for. Did Billy miss her?

Billy says he missed her terribly. He asks why she didn’t let him know she was coming home.

Chelsea says she wanted to surprise him… Did it work?

Billy smiles at Chelsea.

Billy smiles widely.

Chelsea says it’s nice to see that smile in person instead of over video chat. She’s in town for some work at Marchetti and needs to put out a few fires.

Billy asks if there’s trouble at Marchetti.

Chelsea and Billy.

Chelsea says that Summer and Chloe have “very strong” personalities.

Billy says he hasn’t heard of any issues.

Chelsea says that’s about to change.

Billy and Chelsea talk.


Summer tells Chloe it’s starting to come together, but they’re not quite there yet.

Chloe says they’re just initial sketches to give an idea of where they’re headed.

Summer talks to Chloe.

Summer hands the tablet back to Chloe and says they need to go back to the drawing board and start completely fresh.

Chloe says they’ve done that a couple of times already… Can’t Summer trust in her years of experience? They need a bit more time to get the ideas fleshed out.

Summer says Marchetti has a specific look for a specific clientele.

Chloe Mitchell.

Chloe figures Summer needs to give her and Chelsea some more leeway. They know what they’re doing; they have years of experience in the business.

Summer asks if Chloe is saying that they have more experience than her.

Chloe mutters that’s not what she said.

Summer Newman.

Summer says she knows they have a lot of experience; they’ve both worked in fashion before, but she’s in charge of Marchetti, and she knows exactly what she wants.

Chloe says that’s fair, but being in charge means listening to her people and letting their creativity flow.

Summer asks if Chloe thinks she’s holding her back.

Chloe says Summer seems to be second-guessing every design and suggestion they make. Why can’t she just let go?


Newman Enterprises

Nick tells Victor that his sister knows everything.

Victoria says that Nick told her that he’s been pretending to be mentally unstable.

Victoria and Nick Newman.

Nick says they’re willing to go along with Victor to help him prove that Adam has loyalty issues.

Victoria says the plan should be for Adam… And only Adam.

Victor says he doesn’t know what the hell they’re talking about. What plan?

Victor points.

Nick says they’re talking about the plan that Victor admitted to him.

Victor says he didn’t admit a damn thing! He never set a trap for anyone! He asks Nick if he’s trying to trick him.

Victoria says that’s not true… Nick’s not trying to trick anyone.

Victor says he knows what they’re doing. They’re trying to convince him he’s losing his mind!

Victoria looks shocked.

Sally’s GCAC Suite

Adam walks out of the washroom, dressed. He says good morning to Sally.

Sally can’t believe what time it is. She asks if he’s heard from his job.

Adam talks to Sally.

Adam says he got a bunch of texts from Nate that he missed. He hasn’t slept that soundly in a long time.

Sally says she hasn’t either. She seems uncomfortable.

Adam says he knows that their evening was “unexpected,” and he wants to make sure Sally is okay. There’s probably a lot for her to unpack after what they did. He’d understand if their night together didn’t mean what he hoped it would… Does she regret that they spent the night together?

Sally talks with Adam.

Sally says she doesn’t regret what happened last night, but there is a lot to unpack.

Adam asks if they should go to dinner and talk.

Sally says she needs some time to think by herself.

Adam says he doesn’t regret anything about last night. He leaves the room.

Sally watches as Adam leaves her room.

Newman Enterprises

Nick tells his father that nobody is trying to trick him. After their conversation last night, he contacted Victoria and told her everything.

Victor asks what conversation Nick’s talking about… They never spoke last night!

Nate and Victor.

Nick reminds him of the drawing that Adam found in his desk, the one from The Serpent of Names.

Victor acts like he doesn’t know what they’re talking about.

There’s a knock at the door. It’s Nate. Victor calls for him to come in and asks him to get him out of there. He tells Nick and Victoria that he doesn’t know what the hell they’re talking about.

Nick: WTF?

Nate says, “Of course,” and escorts Victor out and closes the door behind them, leaving Nick and Victoria in the office alone.

Nick, incredulous, says to Victoria, “What the hell is going on?”

Crimson Lights

Billy asks Chelsea how Connor is doing.

Chelsea Lawson.

Chelsea says Connor is doing well; the new school is doing wonders for his self-esteem and mental health. He’s made friends with other children at the school who are going through similar problems. It was the right move to have Connor attend.

Billy says when he last visited with Connor, he was proud of himself for picking the right school.

Chelsea says Connor moved into the dorms at school and is enjoying it, and he’s supportive of his mom coming back to Genoa City so she doesn’t have to work remotely. When she could visit him, it was only on the weekends since it’s a boarding school.

Billy smiles at Chelsea.

Billy is looking forward to visiting Connor again soon, and he’s happy that Chelsea will spend more time in town. He needs her around!

Chelsea says she still has her apartment upstairs from the coffee shop… Want to go upstairs for a bit?

Billy grins.

Billy and Chelsea kiss.

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Y&R Spoilers

Chelsea’s Apartment

Billy and Chelsea kiss in the bedroom. Soon, their clothes come off, and they fall into bed.

Billy and Chelsea kiss and undress.


Summer tells Chloe she’s not second-guessing her. She has faith in her and Chelsea. It’s not personal; she knows what she wants, but she hasn’t seen it yet.

Chloe says Summer needs to open her mind. They need to meet in the middle on this.

Chloe talks to Summer.

Summer says they can’t put out anything less than perfection. They need to up the ante; that’s been their goal since they moved Marchetti to the States.

Chloe says they’ve done the research. Summer needs to trust that the designers know what the clients are looking for.

Summer says that sales have been down. They need to be more targeted, so she’s pushing them to be the best they can be.

Summer and Chloe.

Chloe says she’ll look closer at the sales numbers, but she thinks that Summer’s scared and feels the need to prove herself since Kyle is gone. Maybe she’s scared that she won’t measure up without him.

Summer says that’s not what’s happening.

Chloe says the only other reason would be that she doesn’t think Chloe and Chelsea can pull it off.

Chloe and Summer.

Chelsea’s Apartment

Billy and Chelsea are snuggling under the covers in her bed. Billy says he’s enjoying having her home.

Chelsea laughs. She’s enjoying it too! She wasn’t sure if she could track Billy down today since she didn’t know his schedule at Jabot.

Chelsea and Billy.

Billy’s face falls at the mention of Jabot.

Chelsea asks if he’s still having problems at the office.

Billy says it’s chaotic.

Billy and Chelsea.

Chelsea says she figured things would improve with Ashley back at the office.

Billy says it’s okay, but Tucker’s playing shady games. He tells her about Tucker hiring Phyllis to make it appear that Billy was embezzling money, but luckily, he and Jack figured it out. He says that Tucker showed up at Jack & Diane’s wedding with a gift that had a listening device in it.

Chelsea laughs. “Are you serious?” She says Tucker’s got some “brass” on him.

Chelsea talks to Billy.

Billy says Ashley’s trying to figure out what Tucker’s up to… She has a plan, but he’s worried for her.

Chelsea asks how much of a problem Tucker could be… He’s pretty childish and sketchy.

Billy isn’t sure what’s happening with Tucker. Maybe it’s all a diversion.

Billy and Chelsea talk.

Chelsea suggests Tucker could attack from another angle while they’re paying attention to something else.

Billy hopes they can handle another “Tucker attack.” He can hit hard when the mood strikes him.

Chelsea hopes Ashley will soften Tucker up and learn something.

Billy thinks he’s got a bigger problem to solve. He thinks that Kyle is coming after him.

Chelsea talks to Billy.


Mariah asks Kyle why he thinks Billy will lose his job soon… Did he pull another “Billy Abbott special?”

Kyle says it’s only a matter of time before he does. They shouldn’t wait for him to screw things up at Jabot, they should take action.

Mariah talks to Kyle.

Mariah doesn’t like the look in Kyle’s eyes… She’d never known him to be the ruthless kind.

Kyle says he’s looking out for his family’s company… And himself.

Mariah asks if he’s trying to get his uncle fired.

Kyle rubs his face.

Kyle says he’s not actively trying to undermine him, but he’s going after what he wants. He says he told his dad that if he doesn’t bring him back as co-CEO, he’s gone for good.

Mariah says that seems harsh, and ultimatums don’t often work, especially with family. Is it worth a family war to take back his co-CEO position? Kyle can do whatever he wants; maybe he should start his own business, free of family interference.

Newman Enterprises

In the elevator lobby, Nate tells Victor that whatever Nick and Victoria were talking about with him, they meant well. Their intentions are good.

Nate talks with Victor.

Victor says he’s not sure about that.

Nate says they’re worried about him and want to protect him.

Victor says they want to make a big deal out of it! They want him to be examined and tested, and he doesn’t want that intrusion in his life. He asks if Nate got in contact with the specialist for him.

Victor points at Nate.

Nate says he’s waiting for a callback.

Victor tells Nate that he’s the only one he can trust.

Nate looks warily at Victor as they step into the elevator.

Nate looks at Victor.

The Genoa City Athletic Club

Adam walks down the stairs into the lobby and runs into Nick and Victoria, who’ve just arrived. He says good morning and says that Victoria looks “unusually miserable”.

Victoria tells him to shut up.

Nick asks if Adam came from Sally’s room… Did he beg her for another chance? When is Adam going to let it go?

Adam, Nicholas, and Victoria Newman.

Sally’s GCAC Suite

Sally sits at a table, working and sketching on her tablet. She thinks back to her night with Adam.

Flashback. Adam and Sally are snuggling in bed. Adam kisses her head and says that he missed her, and their night together means a lot to him… It’s like it was meant to be.

Sally sighs and tells herself, “Enough.” She gets back to work.

Sally has a flashback.

The GCAC Lobby

Adam asks Victoria and Nick if they’ve spoken with their father this morning.

Nick says they just came from seeing him at the office. He seems to be in and out of a faltering mental state. He was forgetful today.


Adam says whatever is going on with Victor doesn’t seem to be going away. He tells them that he spoke with a specialist about it.

Victoria can’t believe he spoke to someone without consulting them.

Nick asks if the doctor has any advice.

Nick and Victoria speak with Adam.

Adam was worried for their father when he talked to the specialist, who advised him that he needed to meet with Victor so he could assess him. He figures the three of them could make it happen.

Victoria shakes her head. She says Adam doesn’t need to be involved going forward. They’ll handle everything for Victor. She says Victor doesn’t trust Adam; in fact, none of them do.

Chancellor Park

Victor and Nate walk through the park. Victor acts confused and asks where Nate took him… Where are they?

Nate Hastings and Victor Newman walk in the park.

Nate tells him that they’re at Chancellor Park. Victor asked him to take him there.

Victor nods. “Oh.” He takes a seat on a bench and rubs his eyes. He says he can’t figure it out… He has moments of clarity, and then it’s just… Gone.

Nate promises they’ll get it sorted out.

Victor sighs. He says that he feels alone.

Victor holds his head.

Nate says he’s not alone. He has his family.

Victor says his family wants to take everything from him. They want to take his company from him… They want to take his sanity, his autonomy, and everything. Victoria’s very angry with him!

Nate says Victoria wouldn’t do anything to go against Victor. She wouldn’t use his condition against him.

Victor asks if he’s sure. He raised his children to be ruthless and cutthroat, just like their old man. He’s created monsters of his own making!

Nate talks with Victor.

The GCAC Lobby

Adam tells Victoria and Nick that he understands why they’re shutting him out. He knows what the consequences would be if news of their father’s issues leaked to the public.

Victoria tells him to keep his voice down.

Adam knows they don’t trust him, but he can’t back off. He’s Victor’s child, too. He has to do something, with or without them. He leaves the club.

Nick and Victoria listen to Adam.


Summer says she does trust Chloe and Chelsea.

Chloe says it’s hard to believe when Summer is always breathing down their necks.

Summer Newman talks with Chloe Mitchell.

Summer says it’s not about them… This is about the spring line!

Chloe says they’re working on the designs… They’re in her hands; she’s just refusing to see it!

Summer says they need to take a break; they’re not getting anywhere arguing about it. She has calls she needs to make. They’ll wait for Chelsea, and then they can reconvene. She leaves the boardroom.

Chloe looks frustrated.


Kyle tells Mariah that he’s thought about starting his own business, but he’s never done it because it doesn’t feel right. He wants to go back to Jabot. Victor gave him some advice after he left Newman Media.

Mariah laughs. She can’t wait to hear Victor’s advice to Kyle.

Mariah Copeland.

Kyle says that Victor told him he should go back to where he belongs… Working with his family. He thinks Victor was right.

Mariah asks if Kyle is basing his life purpose on something Victor told him to do.

Kyle says it’s been brewing in him for a while, but Victor clarified it. It’s his family company and his grandfather’s legacy. It’s a part of his identity, and he’ll do whatever it takes to get back.

Kyle Newman.

Mariah asks if he’ll railroad Billy to get back in.

Kyle asks her not to put it like that. He deserves his spot, and he’s confident things will go his way eventually.

Chelsea’s Apartment

Chelsea asks Billy why he’s concerned about Kyle.

Chelsea frowns.

Billy says Kyle wants his job. He had it before, and he wants it back.

Chelsea asks if Jack would give his job away.

Billy says Kyle is putting Jack in a challenging position… He wants him to choose between his son and his brother, and Billy isn’t confident Jack won’t pick his son.

Chelsea says Jack wouldn’t do that… Would he? She asks if Billy blames Jack’s “blind devotion” to Diane for this.

Billy talks to Chelsea.

Billy says that Diane has been reasonable, but she’d probably love to have her son work with her and wouldn’t question pushing Billy aside for that.

Chelsea says it sounds like Jack needs Billy’s leadership skills.

Billy says he’s been working hard in the C-suite to prove himself.

Chelsea smiles as she talks.

Chelsea asks about Kyle.

Billy says Kyle’s been handed everything and hasn’t paid his dues. He’s not ready for a leadership role.

Chelsea asks what the solution is… What’s Billy going to do?

Billy isn’t sure. He feels like he’s on the right path, and he’s going to do everything he can to stay on it.

Billy and Chelsea kiss.

Chelsea says she supports him.

They kiss.

Chancellor Park

Nate tells Victor he raised his children to be ruthless, but they will never be ruthless against Victor himself. He says that Victoria has accepted her place as his co-CEO.

Victor Newman talks to Nate Hastings.

Victor asks if Nate believes that.

Nate says he does.

Victor says Adam has resented him ever since he came to Genoa City.

Nate reacts to Victor.

Nate says Adam might be more concerned about Victor than he’s allowing himself to see.

Victor says Adam and Victoria are plotting to take him down. He’s going to do something to stop them.

Nate asks what Victor is going to do.

Victor says, “I’ll fire their asses!” He’ll send them as far away from him and the company as possible. That’s what he’ll do!

Victor talks to Nate.

The GCAC Dining Room

Nick and Victoria sit at a table and talk. Nick tells Victoria he doesn’t know what to make of their father’s behavior.

Nicholas Newman thinks.

Victoria says there are only two explanations… Victor is trying to stop them from investigating his mental decline, or Victor is faking that he didn’t tell Nick anything because he still doesn’t trust Victoria.

Nick is confused… Why would their dad do that?

Victoria says Victor’s changed his game and came up with another trap, but this trap is set for Victoria.

Victoria rests her head on her hand.

Newman Enterprises

Adam walks into the office and calls for his father. Victor isn’t around.

Adam calls Dr. Skelton and says he will meet with his father at Society. Would it be possible for the doctor to meet them there so he can make an assessment?

Adam on the phone.


Chelsea walks into the boardroom and hugs Chloe in greeting. They make some small talk before Chelsea asks where Summer is.

Chloe explains that they needed a “breather.”

Chloe talks to Chelsea.

Chelsea laughs. That bad?

Chloe says it’s becoming a disaster, and things are falling apart at the seams.

Chelsea says they’ll sit down and figure out how to work things out.

Chloe says Summer is fixated and inflexible. Chelsea needs to help Chloe calm her down and let her see that they know better than she does.

Chelsea Lawson.


Mariah tells Kyle she has to meet Tessa and Aria for their appointment.

Kyle tells her to keep him posted.

Kyle Abbott.

Mariah says she wants to know how things go with Jabot, but she wants him to proceed cautiously.

Kyle wishes her luck.

Mariah leaves the restaurant.

Billy walks in and approaches Kyle’s table. He tells him he knows what he’s up to. They’re going to clear the air once and for all!

Billy Abbott.

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7 thoughts on “Y&R Recap – Wed Nov 1: Chelsea Returns to Calm The Waters at Marchetti as a Battle Rages Between Summer and Chloe, While Victor Advances His Plan”

  1. Kyle doesn’t deserve to be put back as co-CEO, he’s spoiled and has been handed everything. Jack is treating Billy horrible by even considering letting Kyle back in, if that’s the case maybe Jack should let Billy & Kyle run the company and Diane never should have been put in the position she’s in!

  2. This show is exhausting to watch! It’s all over the place with not much progress! Storylines presented, and then not mentioned again back-and-forth and around and around! Not enjoyable! Too much but not enough!

  3. Victor just needs to figure out what his endgame is and finally put to bed the need to plan out who is trying to backstab him. Everyone knows Adam is coming the CEO chair in Victor’s office. Once Sally tells Nick that she slept with Adam all Hell will break lose and she may just have puller the plug on her business because of it. Kyle and Billy should run Jabot with Ashley as COO. That way Tucker will have his plan thwarted.

  4. The Newman brats act so privileged and Niki included. They act as if they haven’t done anything wrong. I hate the way they treat Adam he deserves a chance. The wicked stepmother and her privileged children. And Kyle included spoiled Bratt and his mom you can bet is up to something. Jack is so gullible geez.

  5. Too much going on and not enough movement forward.
    All the old story lines coming back. All the returning actors. Weird. Time to move the story lines forward

  6. Yeah I lost interest too much the same story,Some you ask why are they on? Some you ask why they only on once a month? They need a major shakeup Some being moved out and those on once a month becoming major storyline.

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