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Y&R Recap – Tue Oct 31: Mamie Angrily Confronts Tucker, While Billy Fights to Keep His Co-CEO Position

Mamie Johnson and Billy Abbott.

Today’s Young and the Restless recap airs in the USA on Tuesday, October 31, 2023 (OoOoOh SpOoOOky!), and airs one day ahead in Canada. We post our Y&R recaps every weekday!

Last Episode

Kyle Abbott and Ashley Abbott.

On the last episode of Y&R, Kyle agreed to ally with Audra and Tucker, while Ashley meets Tucker and takes the first steps to reconciliation.

Lily’s Apartment

Nate thanks Devon and Lily for meeting with him.

Nate Hastings and Devon Hamilton-Winters.

Lily asks what happened with Aunt Mamie that he wanted to talk about.

Nate says he’s met with her a few times, and she set off alarm bells for him… She’s asked him to leave Newman and join them at Chancellor-Winters.

Devon says Mamie is being persistent.

Lily Winters.

Lily thinks Mamie is being presumptuous as well… It’s not Mamie’s company; is she not aware?

Nate says he thought it was wishful thinking on Mamie’s part that the family would be working together but he found out something about her that changes everything… And not in a good way.

The Abbott Mansion

Mamie checks her phone as Ashley brings a tray with a coffee pot and mug on it into the living room.

Mamie Johnson and Ashley Abbott.

Ashley says she’s glad to see Mamie, it makes her heart happy!

Mamie says it’s nice to be away from the “prying eyes” of Genoa City. She asks how Ashley is.

Ashley invites her to sit and pours a coffee for them both. Ashley says she’s okay, but she’s getting used to people looking at her as the “woman who lived happily ever after”… For a week and a half.


Mamie laughs and says it’s so wrong.

Ashley waves it off and says she’ll live. She asks Mamie about her surprise investment in Chancellor-Winters.

Mamie says her whole goal was that people wouldn’t see her coming… Expect the unexpected when Mamie’s in town! She explains that she was ready for a change, and wanted to do it with her family.

Ashley talks to Mamie.

Ashley smiles and says she respects that Mamie is so good at balancing her home and work life… She’s not good at it!

Mamie says she didn’t know much about Tucker other than he was Katherine Chancellor’s son, but she doesn’t know why Jack doesn’t like him.

Ashley says Jack’s just being Jack… Protective of Ashley and Jabot. She likes Jack most of the time.


Mamie keeps probing. She says she sensed a connection between Ashley and Tucker when she first saw them at the Bicentennial Gala.

Ashley says there was a connection… And then there wasn’t.

Mamie says Jack thinks Tucker is out for blood and wants revenge against the Abbotts… Is any of it true?

Ashley wonders if Mamie’s trying to ask her how she could have been so wrong about Tucker.

Ashley smiles.

Crimson Lights

Jack and Billy meet at the cafe. Jack tells Billy that Ashley visited Tucker. He’s outraged, of course, that Ashley visited him without his express consent.

Billy asks how it went.

Billy and Jack.

Jack says Ashley told him that it was the first step. She’s determined to connect with Tucker and discover what he’s doing.

Billy thinks Ashley might pull it off.

Jack doesn’t think so.

Jack and Billy.

Billy says Jack doesn’t have faith in anyone who’s not named Diane.

Jack glares at Billy and says he’ll pretend he didn’t say that.

Billy says they should give Ashley the benefit of the doubt.

Jack calls Tucker unhinged and dangerous; there’s no telling what he’ll do when Ashley finds out he’s playing her.

Bily and Jack Abbott talk.

Tucker’s GCAC Suite

Kyle, Audra, and Tucker are in the suite.

Tucker tells Kyle he doesn’t believe him about helping him take over Jabot.

Kyle Abbott, Audra Charles, and Tucker McCall.

Kyle says he’s serious, and Tucker offered him the deal… Why wouldn’t he believe him?

Tucker shakes his head. Nope, Audra offered the deal without his knowledge; he would have vetoed it. Blood is thicker than water when it comes to the Abbotts. He thinks it might be a trap and thinks Kyle might take Tucker’s plans and go to Jack with them.

Kyle says Tucker is making a big mistake. He says if Tucker thinks he has any allegiance to his father, he hasn’t been listening to him. Jack hasn’t shown him any loyalty, so why would he be loyal to him in return?

Kyle Abbott.

Tucker says it’s because Jack is his father and gave him everything he has. He’s not sure he could see Kyle blowing it up when the time comes.

Kyle grins and tells him to watch him light the match.

Tucker laughs. He asks Audra what her take is.

Kyle and Audra.

Audra says it’s obvious. They wouldn’t be talking if she didn’t think it was a good idea.

Tucker asks Kyle to sell him on it.

Kyle says he wants what is coming to him. He left his position as co-CEO of Jabot to run Marchetti, but Jack forced him out of Marchetti when his marriage to Summer fell apart. Jack had kept Summer on to run Marchetti and offered Kyle a lesser position at Jabot instead.

Kyle and Tucker.

Tucker sarcastically says Kyle will make him cry with his sad stories.

Kyle says Jack has Billy in charge. Billy’s a proven screw-up, and even when Billy screws up, Jack doesn’t want to let him go.

Tucker grins and says Billy was willing to sell out his family for more control.

Tucker looks at Kyle.

Kyle raises his eyebrows. Tucker offered Billy that?

Tucker says Billy ended up choking.

Kyle smirks and says Billy is weak. Kyle won’t choke, and he’s not waiting any longer… He’s tired of taking the crumbs his family offers him; he wants what’s rightfully his, and he’ll do anything to get it.

Kyle smiles at Tucker.

Crimson Lights

Billy and Jack sit down at a table on the indoor patio. Billy says they can’t tell Ashley what to do, and they need to trust her instincts on Tucker. She knows who he is and what he can do.

Jack says normally he’d agree with Billy, but Ashley fell for Tucker twice, and he broke her heart both times. Their sister doesn’t see clearly when it comes to Tucker.

Billy talks with Jack.

The Abbott Mansion

Mamie tells Ashley she’s sorry for bringing up such a painful subject. They can talk about anything else.

Ashley says it’s okay. She wasn’t entirely blameless when it came to her marriage ending with Tucker. They were starting a company together, and plans were well underway, but she couldn’t go through with it… She thought she could easily walk away from her family and her father’s legacy but found it difficult.

Ashley talks to Mamie.

Mamie thinks it makes sense she couldn’t give up Jabot.

Ashley says Tucker didn’t like it; he wanted her to put him above everything and everyone else. When she changed her mind, Tucker felt like she had pulled the rug out from under him, and it got intense.

Mamie asks what she means by intense.


Ashley says Tucker got really angry and it scared her. His eyes got cold and dark, and he was in a rage. Ashley had to get away from him; he terrified her.

Mamie says she had no idea.

Ashley says she can understand it from Tucker’s perspective.

Mamie shuts her down. She tells Ashley not to make excuses about “that man.” It doesn’t matter what she did to him; his behavior toward her was unacceptable.


Lily’s Apartment

Nate tells Devon and Lily that it seems that Tucker and Mamie have a connection.

Lily asks how Nate found out about it.

Nate gestures as he talks to Lily and Devon.

Nate says he saw Tucker’s text message to Mamie on her phone about them connecting later.

Devon asks if Mamie knows that Nate saw the message.

Nate doesn’t think she did, but she put her phone away very quickly.

Lily talks to Nate.

Devon says Tucker lied to him about having no interest in Chancellor-Winters. It wasn’t just a simple meeting, or she wouldn’t have hidden the phone.

Lily thinks that Tucker returned to his original plan of coming after Chancellor-Winters after things blew up with Ashley.

Nate doesn’t think Mamie would do that to them.

Lily, Nate, and Devon.

Lily says Mamie would do it to Jill in a heartbeat. She says they have to act like the company is under attack. Tucker has plenty of money and no debt, and now he’s using Mamie as his way in.

Devon gets up and throws on his jacket. He says he’s going to find out the answer from Tucker himself, and he’ll remind him of the stakes that he’s risking by lying to him. He leaves the apartment.

Tucker’s GCAC Suite

Kyle tells Tucker his father doesn’t see his worth at Jabot, so it’s time for him to make a move. His father won’t ever think he’s ready.

Tucker talks to Kyle.

Tucker says Kyle could double-cross him by telling Jack his plans so that he could impress him enough to give him back his old job.

Kyle says he sticks to his guns when he commits.

Tucker says that’s what Billy said about taking Jack down.

Kyle talks to Tucker.

Kyle says he’s not Billy. Billy operates out of desperation, but Kyle operates out of logic and opportunity. He says there’s a vacuum at the head of Jabot, and he intends to fill it. He knows what to do when he gets there.

Tucker says that remains to be seen. Words are cheap. He’s more action-oriented.

Crimson Lights

Billy tells Jack that Ashley might be able to find something out from Tucker that they can use to keep him in check.

Jack and Billy.

Jack thinks that’d be amazing.

Billy says Ashley wants to work with them, and they should let her.

Jack says they don’t have much of a choice; Ashley’s going to do what Ashley’s going to do! He fidgets for a moment.

Billy and Jack.

Billy says it seems like there’s something else on Jack’s mind… What’s going on?

Jack says that he and Diane have been trying to get Kyle to return to Jabot, and he offered him the COO position.

Billy says it was a generous offer.

Jack and Billy.

Jack nods and tells Billy that Kyle turned it down and said he’d only come back on one condition.

Billy nods. He figures that Kyle wants his job.

Jack says he didn’t suggest or encourage it, but he did consider Kyle as Billy’s replacement.

Billy Abbott.

Billy appreciates Jack’s honesty.

Jack says he’d love to have his son back to Jabot, but he’s stuck between a rock and a hard place.

Billy understands. Of course Jack would want that, but it’s a bitter pill to swallow knowing it would be at his expense.

Jack and Billy.

Jack tells him that nothing’s been decided.

Billy says that doesn’t give him any confidence… He knows Kyle is higher up on the pecking order than he is.

Jack says there’s no pecking order. It’s all merit-based; positions will be based on who’s best for the job.


Billy says Kyle had the job and walked away.

Jack says Kyle went to Marchetti.

Billy says Kyle has been given everything by his family… Jack should let him work his way up like everyone else.

Jack laughs. He says that’s ironic, coming from Billy… Does he honestly think he’s paid his dues?

Jack laughs.

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Y&R Spoilers

Tucker’s GCAC Suite

Kyle asks what “action” Tucker wants. How can he prove that he’s serious? He’ll do whatever is necessary to get rid of Tucker’s doubts.

Tucker says Audra had told him that Kyle is tenacious.

Kyle Abbott.

Kyle says he’ll be just as tenacious when he and Audra take Jabot to the next level while Tucker sits back and counts the money.

Tucker says he’s more hands-on, but he appreciates it when people who work for him take charge.

Kyle says he needs to ask a question… Now that Ashley’s back in town, how does that affect Tucker’s plans?

Tucker McCall.

Tucker says it doesn’t affect him at all. He and Ashley are no longer together.

Kyle says he needs to know if there’s any chance that Tucker and Ashley will get back together. He doesn’t want to risk everything he has just for Tucker to suddenly fall in love again and pull the plug on the takeover.

The Abbott Mansion

Mamie gets up, upset. She tells Ashley she can understand why Jack thinks Tucker is trouble.

Mamie and Ashley talk.

Ashley says Jack sees everything in black and white, but Tucker’s grey… It’s complicated!

Mamie asks Ashley if she still has a soft spot for Tucker.

Ashley says she doesn’t… Not after what happened! She knows Tucker “deeply,” and that makes him feel vulnerable. He doesn’t like it and lashes out.

Ashley talks to Mamie.

Mamie says Ashley needs to run for the hills.

Ashley says she tried to, but it didn’t work; she realized she had to face things head-on. She won’t let anyone hurt her, her family, or Jabot ever again.

Mamie tells her that family always comes first.

They hug.

Mamie and Ashley hug.

Crimson Lights

Billy gets up and puts his mug in a bus bin. He tells Jack that he can’t believe he compared him to Kyle… It’s insulting! He says he worked his ass off to get where he is at Jabot while Jack watched his every step, waiting for him to screw up.

Jack says Billy’s exaggerating.

Billy talks to Jack.

Billy shakes his head. Nope. He’s felt like he’s been on probation since he came back.

Jack says that shouldn’t surprise him… He says Billy’s a loose cannon sometimes.

Billy says when he makes a mistake, he takes accountability for it, unlike Jack’s son, who seems to think he should be “handed the throne” because it’s his birthright.

Jack talks to Billy.

Jack says nothing is being handed to Kyle. Whatever position he gets, he has to earn it.

Billy wonders why they’re even having this conversation if that’s true. Kyle is Jack and Diane’s son; of course they want him to succeed at Jabot. It’s unfair to Billy, Kyle, and Jabot because Kyle isn’t ready.

Tucker’s GCAC Suite

Tucker tells Kyle not to worry about Ashley. She’s of no importance to this.

Audra, Kyle, and Tucker.

Kyle says he doesn’t want to be blindsided. He’s risking a lot.

Tucker says Kyle will be rewarded if he convinces him he can be trusted.

Kyle asks Tucker to test him.

Tucker opens the door to Devon.

There’s a knock at the door. Tucker opens the door and invites Devon in.

Devon sees Kyle and Audra and asks if he’s interrupting something.

Tucker says they were just leaving.

Audra, Devon, Tucker, and Kyle.

Kyle and Audra leave.

Devon asks what that was about… Was Tucker giving them relationship advice?

Tucker says he was asking Kyle about Ashley… She’s back from Paris.

Devon didn’t know. He asks if they’ve spoken.


Tucker says he doesn’t want to get into it right now.

Devon says he has other things on his mind. He’s going to ask a question, and this will be the last time he will ask. He says that Nate saw Tucker’s message to Mamie asking to meet. He tells Tucker not to lie to him this time; what is Tucker’s connection to Mamie?

Tucker admits he sent Mamie a text; in fact, he’s expecting her any minute now.

Tucker talks to Devon.

Devon asks what they’re meeting about.

Tucker says he wanted to talk to Mamie about Devon. He hoped she could help him fix his relationship with his son.

Devon asks if that’s all they’re going to talk about… Just him?

Devon Hamilton-Winters.

Tucker asks what else they’d discuss.

Devon shakes his head. He tells Tucker that he only wants to be able to trust what comes out of his mouth.

Tucker says he can. He’s telling him the truth. His only interest in Mamie is Devon.

Tucker looks sad.

Devon says he’s not even related to Mamie; she doesn’t even know him… And even if she did, Tucker lied about being in contact with her. He says he’s given Tucker the benefit of the doubt many times over the years, but every time, Tucker has proven that he can’t be trusted.

Tucker says he’s Devon’s father and he loves him.

Devon says he’s a liar who uses anyone or anything to get what he wants. He tells Tucker to leave Mamie out of whatever he’s up to since he believes her intentions are sincere. He leaves the room.

Devon looks at Tucker.

The GCAC Dining Room

Devon runs into Mamie in the lobby as he’s leaving. He kisses her cheek in greeting.

Mamie asks what he’s doing at the club.

Mamie and Devon talk.

Devon says he was upstairs talking to Tucker. He knows they’re meeting.

Mamie is a bit taken aback.

Devon says their meeting probably concerns Tucker investing in Chancellor-Winters because Tucker is Katherine Chancellor’s son.

Devon talks to Mamie.

Mamie says when she’s talked with Tucker about it, he says that Tucker’s interest in Chancellor-Winters was because of Devon.

Devon says he needs to tell her… Don’t trust Tucker at all. Anything he says to her is going to be a lie. It’s all for his own agenda. Tucker doesn’t care about Mamie, Devon, or the company. He only cares about himself.

Mamie says she’s beginning to sense that.

Mamie Johnson.

Devon says he’s happy to hear that… He is, too, but wishes it didn’t take him so long to realize that. He wishes her a good day and leaves.

Mamie heads upstairs.

Audra Charles talks with Kyle Abbott.

Audra and Kyle sit at a table in the dining room. Audra tells Kyle he handled Tucker well… He didn’t let Tucker intimidate him, and he brought up Ashley, which threw Tucker off. She thinks Tucker respects that Kyle didn’t back down.

Kyle says he still doesn’t know what Tucker expects of him since Devon interrupted them.

Audra tells him they’ll know soon enough.

Kyle Abbott.

Kyle figures whatever Tucker has planned for him won’t be easy and will involve some kind of betrayal of his family.

Audra says she doesn’t want to use the word betrayal. It’s business, and Tucker will test him, because Kyle asked him for a test. He won’t just accept Kyle’s word for it. The stakes are high, and Kyle’s either in, or he’s out.

Tucker’s GCAC Suite

Mamie tells Tucker that her plans have changed. She no longer needs Tucker’s help with Chancellor-Winters.

Mamie Johnson.

Tucker asked what changed her mind.

Mamie says that she had a very revealing discussion with Ashley. She’s learning things about Tucker that she can’t tolerate.

Tucker asks if she just decided to take Ashley’s word for it.

Tucker McCall.

Mamie says she spoke with Devon, too.

Tucker says Mamie must know Tucker’s a liar, then. Maybe he’s the devil in disguise!

Mamie says she’s not afraid of the devil. Tucker’s something else entirely! Her goal of bringing Chancellor-Winters to her family is pure; she has no other agenda… But Tucker… His motives aren’t quite as noble.


Tucker says he doesn’t need to plead his case with her; she’s already condemned him.

Mamie says she trusted him because he was Katherine’s son.

Tucker says she trusted him because he’s rich, has a ruthless reputation, and she was desperate to get rid of Jill Abbott. He asks how she expects to get rid of Jill without him.


The GCAC Dining Room

Kyle tells Audra he’s still in.

Audra asks what Kyle would do if Jack surprised him and gave him Billy’s job.

Kyle talks to Audra.

Kyle says that won’t happen, but he’d take the job if it did.

Audra asks what would happen to their alliance if that happened.

Kyle says it’d be gone. Audra would be Jabot’s adversary, and he’d have to destroy her.

Audra laughs. “Ouch.” She says that she hopes that Jack will continue to let him down. She gets up and kisses Kyle, taking him upstairs to her room.

Kyle and Audra kiss.

Crimson Lights

Jack tells Billy that he only asked Kyle what it would take to get him back to Jabot.

Billy and Jack talk.

Billy says at least he knows that Kyle is after his job now.

Jack says he can’t fault Kyle for giving him an honest answer.

Billy says Kyle’s an ambitious young man. Good for him. He says that Jack won’t replace him because he screwed up… That won’t happen. He’s holding onto this job, because he deserves it and he’ll fight like hell to keep it. He leaves the coffee shop.

Jack frowns.

Lily’s Apartment

Devon knocks and enters the apartment.

Lily looks at Devon.

Lily asks him how his meeting with Tucker went.

Devon says Tucker said that he was meeting with Mamie to talk about Devon and how to fix their relationship.

Lily says it could be true… Maybe there’s a part of Tucker that wants to be closer to Devon.


Devon wonders why Tucker would keep sabotaging their relationship if that’s the case.

Lily asks if Devon eventually got the truth out of Tucker.

Devon says he has no idea. He thinks that Tucker’s plotting something to do with Chancellor-Winters.


Tucker’s GCAC Suite

Tucker tells Mamie that he’s the rightful heir to Chancellor.

Tucker McCall.

Mamie says he’ll always be Katherine’s son, but she never left the company to him.

Tucker says she left it to Victor Newman… Does Mamie want to hand it back to him? He says he has no interest in running Chancellor-Winters; Devon can do that. It will not happen while Jill is still in the picture, though.

Mamie says she’s well aware of that.

Mamie talks to Tucker.

Tucker says they both have an interest in seeing Jill removed, and he’s the only one who can make that happen.

Mamie laughs and says she doesn’t think so. She tells him that she’s going to take her business elsewhere and regrets that she trusted him in the first place.

Tucker smirks.

Tucker smirks.

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