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Y&R Recap – Mon Sep 25: Adam’s Obsession with Sally Persists; Tucker Changes The Terms with Phyllis and Targets Billy for Embezzlement

Tucker, Phyllis, and Adam.

Today’s Young and the Restless recap airs in the USA on Monday, September 25, 2023, and airs one day ahead in Canada. We post our Y&R recaps every weekday!

Last Episode

Phyllis Summers, Billy Abbott, and Jack Abbott.

On the last episode of Y&R, Jack told Phyllis she’s dead to him, Billy dug for dirt on Tucker from Adam, and Phyllis got a job offer.

Tucker’s GCAC Suite

Tucker tells Phyllis he’s transferred $1 million dollars into her account, and the rest will be deposited on completion of the task.

Tucker smiles with arms crossed.

Phyllis says the agreement was for $2.2 million, and they agreed half would be deposited today, so he still owes her $100,000.

Tucker isn’t sure whether to be impressed or offended. He transfers the rest of the money, and Phyllis verifies it. He asks what happened to honor between…

Phyllis says, “Thieves. It’s thieves.” She asks if he’s planning to steal from Billy Abbott.

Phyllis talks to Tucker.

Tucker says he’s not. Scout’s honor!

Phyllis opens her laptop and gets to work, with Tucker watching over her shoulder.

The Abbott Mansion

Billy enters and asks if Jack asked him here to talk about his conversation with Devon. Jack already made his feelings clear on that.

Billy talks to Jack.

Jack says Billy made his feelings clear by walking out of the restaurant while they were talking.

Billy says Jack didn’t choose to trust him.

Jack says he disagreed with Billy; he didn’t mistrust him.

Billy says Jack expects him to fall to pieces, and Jack will have to step in and fix the situation.

Jack talks to Billy.

Jack rolls his eyes and says Billy was tempted by Tucker and Ashley’s offer to run Jabot.

Billy says he was enticed and admitted it.

Jack says that when Tucker and Ashley split up, it stopped them from coming after Jabot, ending Billy’s chance to be the sole leader of Jabot, and he thinks that Billy felt cheated out of it.

Billy Abbott.

Billy asks him to get to the point.

Jack says he doesn’t think having Billy work at Jabot is working out.

The GCAC Dining Room

Adam enters the restaurant and starts speaking to the bartender. He looks around and notices Sally sitting and working at a table.

Adam looks over at Sally.

Sally looks up and is surprised to see Adam there.

Adam walks over and says he wasn’t going to disturb her… She looked busy.

Sally smiles and says her business plan can survive a moment of distraction.

Sally smiles as she listens.

Adam sits at her table and asks how the business plan is going.

Sally says it seems alright so far.

Adam offers to look at her business plan after she’s done and says he’d like to apologize for what happened last night outside of her room.

Adam looks at Sally.

Sally thought they were going to pretend it never happened.

Adam explains that he hated putting her in an awkward position, but he’s not sorry he kissed her and can’t stop thinking about it.

Sally says they had made good progress to have a “normal” relationship until it happened, and they shouldn’t make it more than it was.

Sally talks to Adam.

Adam says he’s just being honest.

Sally says she knows but doesn’t want to hear him tell her how they should be together and claim he’s “speaking his truth.”

Adam says it’s not what it is. He’s making a change in his life.

Adam talks with Sally.

Sally says it doesn’t sound like it when he tells her he can’t stop thinking about kissing her.

Adam says if he hadn’t said anything about it, Sally would wonder what was happening inside his head.

Sally says he’s overthinking it.

Sally Spectra.

Adam says nobody believes he will change, but he has to ignore people’s reactions to him saying he’s changing.

Sally says she never made fun of him saying he would change.

Adam says she assumed he was putting on a front instead of telling her the truth. He loved kissing her and how it felt. It reminded him of how good they were together, and he thought it may have reminded her, too.

Adam and Sally talk.

Tucker’s GCAC Suite

Tucker paces around and asks Phyllis how long it will take to hack into Billy’s bank accounts… It shouldn’t take that long for someone with Phyllis’s skills.

Phyllis says she’s routing the hack through various locations to take precautions. She says she needs to go to a public location.

Tucker and Phyllis.

Tucker says he can’t let her out of sight until she’s finished.

Phyllis laughs and asks if Tucker doesn’t trust her. Tucker says nothing, and she stops and looks at him. “No, really, don’t you trust me?”

Tucker says he’s handling it like any other business transaction.

Phyllis and Tucker.

Phyllis says she needs the other million dollars, and he knows that. She needs to pay off her debt.

Tucker says dying proved costly for her. He is concerned that she’ll leave a trail that will lead back to him.

Phyllis says she’s too good for that. Billy will never know that anybody accessed his accounts.

Tucker talks.

Tucker says his plan is more complicated than that.

Phyllis asks what he means.

Tucker says Phyllis isn’t only hacking into Billy’s accounts.

Phyllis looks at Tucker.

The Abbott Mansion

Billy asks Jack what he means that things aren’t working out between them at Jabot. Is Jack firing him?

Jack says Billy ignored everything they talked about and went straight to Devon. He’s acting like the aggrieved and competitive little brother he always was.

Billy and Jack talk heatedly.

Billy says he didn’t say anything to Devon that he hadn’t already heard from Abby.

Jack says it’s not the point.

Billy gets even more upset and tells Jack that Tucker’s back in town, and people will notice that he’s not with Ashley, and she kicked him to the curb.

Jack holds up his hand as he talks.

Jack says he’s not sure that’s the whole story.

Billy asks if Jack is taking Tucker’s word over Ashley’s. He says he just told Devon to be careful of Tucker.

Jack says Billy did that after he made it clear that he didn’t want to involve Devon, and the next thing he knew, Billy was talking to Devon.

Billy argues with Jack.

Billy says that keeping Tucker at bay is what matters, and protecting the company is paramount. He’s pissed off because he’s the co-CEO and he can’t do his job.

Jack says they’re supposed to be working together.

Billy says Jack is quick to cut him off because he doesn’t agree with him and doesn’t take Jack’s word as law.

Jack and Billy argue.

Jack says the decisions he makes are for the good of the company.

Billy says Tucker is coming after their family company… Guaranteed. Tucker is pissed off and vindictive that Ashley had second thoughts about their new path together.

Jack says he’s aware.

Billy gestures as he talks to Jack.

Billy tells Jack that he shouldn’t throw his one ally overboard, especially when that ally has the ammunition to stop Tucker in his tracks.

Jack looks confused. He wonders why he hasn’t heard about this before and warns Billy not to play any games.

Billy says he has information that could be damaging to Tucker… What part of that sounds like a game?

Jack talks to Billy.

Jack says the timing is suspicious.

Billy scoffs and says Jack was just about to fire him over trust issues.

Jack says it’d be a good opportunity for Billy to show him that he’s acting in good faith.

Billy takes a drink.

Billy says he thinks Jack’s right. Things aren’t working out for him at Jabot; he should take his energies elsewhere.

Jack says Billy wouldn’t be that petty.

Billy looks Jack in the eye and says, “Tell that to the aggrieved, competitive little brother.”

Jack looks at Billy.

Jack says if Billy has information that could stop Tucker from harming the company, he owes it to the entire family and to their father’s legacy to let him know what it is.

Billy says Jack’s desperate and resorting to emotional blackmail.

Jack says Billy is only reinforcing his concerns about Billy’s state of mind and his motives.

Billy Abbott.

Billy asks if Jack’s saying it’s his fault they’re where they are.

Jack says people make choices, and those choices come with consequences. Billy has a choice now and should make the “good choice.”

Billy says it would be good for Jack… And for Jabot.

Jack Abbott looks shocked.

Jack asks if that’s his answer.

Billy says he wants to use the information to protect Jabot but should leverage it to keep his job.

Tucker’s GCAC Suite

Phyllis tells Tucker that they only discussed getting access to Billy’s accounts, nothing more.

Phyllis talks with Tucker.

Tucker says the $1 million he deposited into her account says otherwise.

Phyllis says she’s giving him what he wants.

Tucker says he hasn’t told her everything he wants yet.

Tucker talks to Phyllis.

Phyllis gets up, angry, and tells Tucker that he can’t just change the terms of their agreement.

Tucker says she took the money and needs the other half. It’s too late to go back, and he can change the deal if he wants to, unless she wants to refund him the $1.1 million he’s already paid her.

Phyllis says he’s a bastard. It’s dirty.

Phyllis talks.

Tucker says she should have seen it coming. Maybe she was planning to take all his money and leave him hanging out to dry.

Phyllis asks what she wants him to do.

Tucker says he wants her to hack into Jabot’s accounts and make a sizeable transfer.

Tucker McCall.

Phyllis asks if the transfer will be going into Billy’s account.

Tucker nods and says that devious minds think alike.

Phyllis says he wants to make it look like Billy is stealing from the family company.

Tucker says that’s when the fun begins.

Phyllis Summers.

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Y&R Spoilers – Updated

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Y&R News

The GCAC Dining Room

Sally says Adam is crossing a line by making assumptions about her feelings.

Adam says he understands why she could feel that way.

Adam and Sally.

Sally says when he’s in doubt, he should say less.

Adam says he gets it, but he sensed something when they kissed.

Sally says it doesn’t matter whether or not she was reminded of how things used to be between them because it has nothing to do with where they are now. She’s with Nick, she’s moved on, and she’s starting a business.

Sally and Adam sit and talk.

Adam knows.

Sally says Adam’s trying to start over and impress his father… It won’t be easy.

Adam says he’ll try to maintain “modest” expectations from everyone. He says that Sally’s only said that his “mess” doesn’t fit into her life.

Adam talks with Sally.

Sally says he’s doing it again. He’s reading into things.

Adam says he’s just making an observation.

Sally says Adam isn’t based in reality; it’s wishful thinking.

Sally looks at Adam.

Adam says he knows she’s right, but a whole future was laid out for them… They’d be parents to a baby, but she was taken away from them, and the feelings are still swirling around.

Sally says she understands the loss is still there.

Adam says the thoughts for Sally are still there, and he can’t stop them.

Adam talks to Sally.

Sally asks what thoughts he’s talking about… What does Adam want? Does he even know?

Adam says of course he knows. He wants her to tell him that she may love Nick, but she’s still in love with him.

The Abbott Mansion

Billy tells Jack that since their conversation started with Jack telling him it’s not working out, he has to consider his own interests.

Billy and Jack Abbott.

Jack tells him he’s not fired.

Billy says Jack only wants the dirt on Tucker.

Jack says he wants them to trust each other instead of questioning and doubting each other.

Billy and Jack talk.

Billy asks what he suggests.

Jack says they need to listen to each other and quit reacting.

Billy says he always feels like the other shoe is going to drop.

Jack looks angry as he talks to Billy.

Jack says he doesn’t like it either; he thought they’d be working together. If Billy does something for the company’s good, then he shouldn’t be concerned that he is going behind his back and doing the opposite.

Billy says starting now, he’ll be more considerate and less reactive.

Jack says that’s all he wants. If they can’t compromise, they can never have a partnership.

Billy holds up his hand.

Billy says that Jack won’t ever see him as a true partner.

Jack protests that he’s given Billy every opportunity.

Billy says Jack is always in control, expecting Billy to fail.

Jack says he’s just waiting for Billy to get out of his own way.

Jack talks with Billy.

Tucker’s GCAC Suite

Phyllis tells Tucker she’s uncomfortable taking it to this extreme. The only reason she’s doing it is because she has to pay back the insurance company. She says she’s trying to be a better person.

Tucker says he knows she’s trying to be a better person. He thinks it’s great.

Tucker yells at Phyllis.

Phyllis says she promised her kids.

Tucker says Billy’s dipped his hand into the candy jar before.

Phyllis doesn’t understand why he’s targeting Billy, since Jack and Diane are the ones who had a problem with Tucker.

Phyllis clutches her chest.

Tucker says he doesn’t have a problem with Billy. He likes him, but he’s in a position to help him achieve his final objective.

Phyllis asks what Tucker’s final objective is.

Tucker says she doesn’t have to know it. He asks her to get back to work.

Tucker talks.

Phyllis says she’s not doing it.

Tucker asks if Phyllis really believed that he wanted nothing more than to look into Billy’s bank accounts.

Phyllis says she didn’t know.

Phyllis is upset.

Tucker says she knew he was targeting Billy; she must have known that it might not end well for him.

Phyllis says she didn’t think he would set Billy up for embezzlement. She could see him setting up Jack or Diane, but Billy hadn’t done anything to deserve it.

Tucker says Billy embezzled from Jabot in the past.

Tucker sits and listens.

Phyllis says it was long ago, and Tucker was on a mountain somewhere. What’s the relevance?

Tucker says Billy was forgiven and welcomed back into the fold repeatedly. Why should Phyllis care?

Phyllis says Billy’s worked hard to change.

Phyllis talks to Tucker.

Tucker says most people are just waiting for Billy to backslide. It’s expected behavior.

Phyllis says the same could be said about her.

Tucker asks if she thinks Billy would hesitate to throw Phyllis under the bus if their roles were reversed. Of course, he wouldn’t! Phyllis is so close to getting out of the massive debt she’s in, thanks to Tucker.

Tucker leans over Phyllis's shoulder.

Phyllis just looks at Tucker.

Tucker asks if she wants to piss him off at this point.

Phyllis sits before the laptop, and Tucker watches over her shoulder. She says Tucker is hovering.

Tucker and Phyllis look at the laptop.

Tucker tells her to pretend he’s not there.

Phyllis says he’s breathing down her neck.

Tucker says it’s a good exercise. Breathe deep, and find her peace in her root chakra. He says she’s really in a mess with Billy and Jack now.

Phyllis Summers.

Phyllis says she’s not listening to him.

Tucker asks if she ever smoothed things over with Jack.

Phyllis winces. She says she hit a firewall and can’t get around it.

Tucker figures she’s stalling.

Tucker and Phyllis.

The Abbott Mansion

Jack says he’s worried that Billy will lose track of who his real friends are… The people who have his back.

Billy says he feels like he’s been on his own lately.

Billy and Jack talk.

Jack says he’s been frustrated and worried for Billy, but he’s honest about it.

Billy says it’d be nice not to be viewed as disposable.

Jack says he respects Billy and has given him this latest opportunity, and he’s made the most of it. He’s accomplished amazing things since he took over as co-CEO. They managed a serious threat by working together. He says that Tucker’s coming after them now, and since Billy says he has information that could help them, he’s asking for Billy’s help.

Jack looks at Billy.

Billy says he doesn’t have the information… Adam does, and he knows how important it is to the Abbotts.

Jack asks how they know that it’s legitimate.

Billy says he saw Tucker and Adam arguing a few weeks ago, and Adam came to him and told him he had damaging information and was willing to share it for the right price. He thinks Jack should be the one to negotiate with Adam.

Billy looks at Jack.

The GCAC Dining Room

Sally tells Adam that he’s telling her to leave Nick and everything they have and choose Adam instead.

Adam talks.

Adam says those are his hopes and thinks that Sally is too scared to admit her feelings for him.

Sally asks if Adam thinks she has a secret longing for him.

Adam says he didn’t want to get involved with her. He wanted to keep things strictly business, but there was something between them. Does she think he imagined the sparks between them?

Sally talks.

Sally says she remembers.

Adam talks about the time in Tuscany when they had first kissed, and he had held himself back… Not because he wanted to, but because he knew it had to be more than just the two of them giving into a moment.

Sally says they had good times and loved each other, but things have changed.

Adam gestures as he talks.

Adam says they went through a loss together, which changed how they see the world. He says they’re destined to be together. He apologizes and says he’s said more than he meant to say.

Sally says she can’t keep doing this. It might be Adam’s “truth”, but her truth is that Adam is too much for her.

Adam says the last thing he wants is for her to feel pressured. He’s just glad they are in a place where they can talk again. He gets up and leaves the dining room and heads downstairs to the lounge.

Sally looks at Adam.

The Abbott Mansion

Jack tells Billy that he has a better relationship with Adam than most people. He thinks Adam saw him as a father figure.

Jack and Billy sit in the living room.

Billy says that makes sense, considering who Adam’s father is. He figured Jack and Adam’s relationship was just a way for Jack to get under Victor’s skin.

Jack says maybe it was at first, but he felt close to Adam.

Billy says Jack has a big heart.

Jack Abbott.

Jack says it’s complicated. He has a good relationship with Adam but doesn’t trust him completely.

Billy asks Jack whether it’s worth pursuing.

Jack says he’s trying to trust Billy and wants to protect Jabot.

Billy and Jack talk.

Billy says it’s their best shot. Adam’s a sonofabitch, but he won’t sell them information he doesn’t have.

Jack nods. He’ll reach out to Adam and find out. He hopes that Adam’s information on Tucker is as valuable as he claims.

Billy and Jack shake hands.

Jack and Billy shake hands.

Tucker’s GCAC Suite

Tucker rants that Phyllis claimed to have a cyber superpower. He asks how she can’t handle simple tasks like hacking into a bank account.

Phyllis says it’s not for lack of trying. Would he like to give it a shot?

Tucker talks to Phyllis.

Tucker says he’s paying her for it. She can’t claim it’s beyond her ability and expect him to throw the rest of the money at her. He wants a refund immediately.

Phyllis tells him to relax. She’s working on it.

Tucker says he wanted to make sure she was properly motivated.

Phyllis looks uncomfortable with Tucker's hand on her shoulder.

There’s a beep from the computer. Phyllis says, “There. It’s done.”

Tucker can’t believe it. She’s in the system! He sits down and takes a look. He’s impressed… Billy’s doing well, but he expected to see more zeros. He says Billy is probably recovering from all his gambling, which works out well for them.

Phyllis says it works out for Tucker.

Tucker says she shouldn’t forget that it’s working out for her too. He gets up and tells her to get into Jabot’s accounts now.

Tucker sits at the computer.


Billy enters the lobby as Phyllis walks down the stairs from Tucker’s room. He says hello to Phyllis and says he’s just there to get a bite to eat. He asks how things are going with Nick and Sharon’s venture… Is she still in the mix?

Phyllis says things are still up in the air regarding it.

Phyllis and Billy talk.

Billy says he’s sure Phyllis will land on her feet; she’s nothing if not resourceful.

Tucker walks down the stairs, and Billy says hello. Billy leaves the lobby and heads into the dining room.

Phyllis leaves the club, and Tucker leaves the lobby and heads to the jazz lounge.

Tucker, Phyllis, and Billy.

Sally’s GCAC Suite

Sally enters her room to find a bouquet of roses. She sighs, thinking it must be from Adam.

Sally enters her room.

Sally picks up the card on the flowers. It’s from Nick! “Hate that I’m still so far from you. Almost home. Love, Nick.”

Sally says, “Oh Nick… Please hurry!”

She thinks back to Adam kissing her outside her room.

Sally closes her eyes and sighs.

The Neil Winters Jazz Lounge

Adam is sitting at the bar. He takes a drink, and his phone rings. It’s Jack.

Jack says he figures Adam wasn’t expecting to hear from him.

Adam talks to Jack on the phone.

Adam says Billy was smart enough to pass things on to Jack.

Jack asks if they can meet.

Adam agrees. He wants to see if they can develop a mutually beneficial agreement. He ends the call.

Jack talks on the phone with Adam.

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3 thoughts on “Y&R Recap – Mon Sep 25: Adam’s Obsession with Sally Persists; Tucker Changes The Terms with Phyllis and Targets Billy for Embezzlement”

  1. Why can’t people understand that Sally is obvious afraid and scared I believe she is that exactly why she putting up her wall up with Adam we know she wants him we know that her heart is saying Adam but her head is saying something totally different I understand you don’t want to get your heart broken again it’s a painful feelings which I get

  2. If Sally wanted Nick the way she said she does she wouldn’t even let Adam kiss up on her like that she did that by giving him mixed signal one minute she wait Adam then the next she doesn’t and want Nick she can’t have it both ways either she wants Adam or she wants Nick

  3. I’m getting fed up with this writing we need another a new head writer of the show SMDH lord have mercy when will we ever be free

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