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Y&R Recap – Mon Oct 23: Claire Is Obsessed With the Newmans, and Adam Discovers a Strange Drawing In Victor’s Desk

Claire Grace, Victor's Drawing, Adam Newman.

Today’s Young and the Restless recap airs in the USA on Monday, October 23, 2023, and airs one day ahead in Canada. We post our Y&R recaps every weekday!

Last Episode

Tucker and Mamie.

On the last episode of Y&R, Tucker and Mamie discussed Chancellor-Winters while an angry Nikki challenged Victor and his trickery.

Newman Media

Claire presents some files to Nikki and confirms some of her appointments.

Claire Grace.

Nikki says that’s thoughtful, Claire takes good care of her, and she’s calm and cheerful.

Claire says she’s been waiting a long time to work with Nikki.

Nikki says Claire has proven herself to be someone trustworthy.

Nikki smiles at Claire.

The Genoa City Athletic Club

Victor is sitting at the bar when he notices Adam enter the club. He asks his son to join him.

Adam warily sits down with his father. He asks how he’s doing today.

Victor says he’s doing damn well. He feels like he’s on top of the world.

Victor Newman talks to Adam.


Chloe walks into the restaurant and sees Sally sketching on her tablet with a stylus. She sits down with her and says hello.

Sally takes a moment to finish her work, and they talk.

Chloe approaches Sally.

Chloe says she hopes Sally took her advice not to try to tie up any loose threads with Adam.

Sally doesn’t say a word.

Chloe quizzes Sally, asking if she’s worked things out with Nick.

Sally works on her tablet.

Crimson Lights

Nick and Sharon sit in a booth, talking. Nick says there’s tension at Newman, and Victoria says that their father is in some sort of crisis.

Sharon asks if he’s questioning Victoria’s motivation.

Sharon Newman.

Nick says he was, but things have changed. He asks for Sharon’s professional opinion… He thinks there’s something wrong with his father.

Sharon says they should take it one step at a time… What has he noticed?

Nick tells Sharon how Victor thought Victoria was the head of Newman Media, mixed up his and Adam’s name, and thought that Sally and Adam were still having a baby.

Nick Newman.

Sharon looks concerned. She asks if anyone has corrected Victor on it.

Nick says he has, and he seems to be in denial about it, but other times, he’s lucid.

Sharon says it seems that he’s having memory problems.

Sharon talks to Nick.

Nick says it’s unlike Victor. He’s spoken to Victoria and Nikki about it, but his mom seems to be in denial.

Sharon says Nikki would make Victor get help if she thought there was a problem. She asks if Victor has acknowledged anything.

Nick asks if it could be Alzheimer’s or some other type of dementia.


Sharon says it’s out of her field of study; she can’t answer that question.

Nick asks her if she can tell him how they should proceed from here.

The GCAC Dining Room

Victor tells Adam that Nate said he was doing a damn good job as his assistant. It makes him very proud of him!

Adam Newman talks to his father.

Adam doesn’t look convinced. He says that’s nice to hear, but it’s not that hard of a job. He says Nate refuses to give him any work that involves sensitive business because he thinks Adam will misuse it and makes no secret that he doesn’t trust him.

Victor says he can’t blame Nate for that.

Adam agrees. He asks if he can say something “off the record.” He doesn’t think Nate cares about protecting Newman business. It’s just to remind Adam that he’s under his thumb.

Victor Newman looks at his son.

Victor grunts. “Huh.” He says he wants to tell Adam something and wants to keep it between them.

Adam leans in.

Victor tells Adam that he’s suspicious that Nate is conspiring with Victoria to push Victor out of his CEO chair so Victoria can run the company again.

Adam looks at his father.


Chloe tells Sally she can’t help if she doesn’t know what’s going on.

Sally gives in and says Nick has been avoiding her.

Chloe Mitchell talks to Sally Spectra.

Chloe says that might be a good thing… Give him time to miss her; maybe he needs the time apart.

Sally says Chloe didn’t see the look in his eye or hear his tone… There’s no way forward for her and Nick anymore.

Chloe tells her not to freak out. Nick is furious at Adam, but they’ll work things out.

Sally looks at Chloe.

Sally says Nick is convinced she has a deep-seated love for Adam.

Chloe says that she needs to convince him it’s not true.

Sally just looks at her.

Chloe says, “Because it’s not, right?” She sees the look in Sally’s eyes and realizes that Sally really does have feelings for Adam.

Chloe talks to Sally.

Newman Media

Nikki asks how Claire is fitting in.

Claire says it’s a process.

Claire talks to Nikki.

Nikki says it must help to be familiar with Genoa City from the summers she spent during college. Is it starting to feel like home?

Claire says she’s starting to get around without her GPS.

Nikki asks if she’s made any new friends… How about that friend from college? Did they meet up?

Nikki waves at Claire.

Claire says they’ve been playing phone tag but will catch up soon. She says she’s happy to have made some new friends and will be going out for drinks with them tonight.

Nikki says she’s happy to hear that. She wants Claire to be happy, so she stays at Newman!

Claire says she’s got a dream job working for a woman she admires… She won’t walk away from that.

Claire and Nikki.

Nikki says Claire’s done enough work for the day; it’s time for her to leave.

Claire laughs and says it’s time for Nikki to get out! Nikki should head home, and Claire will lock up.

Nikki calls Claire an angel. She takes her coat and tells Claire to have a wonderful time with her friends that evening. She leaves the office.

Claire watches Nikki leave.


Sally says she shouldn’t have said anything.

Chloe says she won’t judge anything or be negative. How is Sally feeling?

Sally talks with Chloe.

Sally says she tore into Adam for all the ways he messed up her life.

Chloe says that’s great to hear.

Sally says that she also admitted to him that she hadn’t been able to let him go.

Chloe talks with Sally.

Chloe sighs and shakes her head. She says Sally gave Adam an opening, and now he’ll continue to hound her… Even though Sally is too good for him, and Nick is so much better than Adam.

Sally says she had to be honest with him. It’s too late now.

Chloe says even though Sally feels something about someone, she doesn’t have to let them know. Because Adam is Adam, he’ll do everything he can to make her fall for him again, and because he’s Adam, he’ll break her heart.

Sally listens to Chloe.

Crimson Lights

Sharon tells Nick she could talk with Victor and see if she can tell if anything is off.

Nick says that’d be great. He’ll set something up where Sharon can “accidentally” meet Victor, and they can go from there.

Sharon and Nick sit and talk.

Sharon nods. She says she’ll ensure Victor doesn’t know he’s being interrogated. She knows how to handle him.

Nick thanks her. He says he will keep an eye on his dad in the meantime.

Sharon thinks it’s a good idea. She wonders if Nick will have enough time to focus on their business launch.

Nick talks to Sharon.

Nick says he won’t leave her in the lurch. He’s excited about the company’s launch and its future. He figures she could run it on her own if it came down to it.

Sharon smiles and says it’s nice of him to say that, but part of the fun is being in a partnership.

Nick says he feels the same. He promises that looking out for his father won’t interfere in their business, and he won’t be going back to Newman Enterprises.

Sharon smiles at Nick.

The GCAC Dining Room

Adam says Victoria’s insulted that Victor demoted her, and Nate is ambitious.

Victor says Adam agrees they’re trying to take him down.

Victor and Adam sit at the bar and talk.

Adam shakes his head. He didn’t say that, but Victoria wants her title back, and Nate will go along with whatever she says. He asks why Victor thinks they’re trying to do something behind his back.

Victor shrugs. He’s not sure… He overheard Victoria say she was upset she was demoted, and instead of calming her down, Nate encouraged her. He’s convinced they’re trying to prove that he’s lost his marbles.

Adam says everyone makes mistakes, like calling people by the wrong name.

Adam and Victor.

Victor asks what Adam thinks about it.

Adam says he doesn’t want to say anything against his sister.

Victor asks him to be honest and tell him what he thinks.

Victor and Adam.

Adam says Victoria was furious and is probably trying to undermine him, even going so far as to plan a coup. He thinks it’s a real possibility that she’s teaming up with Nate.

Victor nods. That’s what he fears. He says he’s glad he talked to Nicholas, who said he might join him again at Newman Enterprises to keep an eye on Nate and Victoria.

Adam looks confused. He asks when Nick reconsidered coming back to Newman.

Adam and Victor talk.

Victor says it was a while ago… Isn’t Adam happy to hear it?

Adam isn’t. He’s surprised Nick would even want to come into the office since Nick was angry that Victoria pushed him out. He’s in business with Sharon now.

Victor says Victoria convinced Nick that their father is losing his mind and isn’t stable enough to run his company.

Victor talks with Adam.

Adam says they’re coming at him from all sides.

Victor says it breaks his heart that his children are conspiring against him for such a stupid reason.

Adam says nobody is tougher, sharper, or smarter than Victor. He’s sorry that he has to deal with that… Shame on them both!

Adam talks with his father.

Victor says he needs allies. Would Adam be one of them?

Adam says he would; he meant it when he said he learned his lesson. Whatever Victor needs… Whatever happens, he’s on Victor’s team and has his back.

Victor reaches out and shakes his son’s hand in a firm grip. “I knew I could count on you.”

Victor shakes Adam's hand.

Crimson Lights

Sharon holds Nick’s outstretched hand. She tells him that he went through the Cameron nightmare, the tragic loss of a baby, and now this? He can’t catch a break.

Nick wonders if he’s the problem… “Nick Newman, bad luck charm!”

Nick and Sharon hold hands across the table.

Sharon laughs. She says it’s about more than his father. She asks what happened with Sally.

Nick says he doesn’t want to talk about it. He’s got too much going on in his life to focus on what went wrong with Sally.

Sharon asks if he wants some advice.

Sharon talks with Nick.

Nick says he doesn’t, but he knows Sharon will give it to him anyhow.

Sharon says unresolved issues in his relationship will come back to haunt him. He should try to work them out.

Nick makes sure he understands her… Is she telling him to work things out with Sally?

Nick Newman.


Sally tells Chloe that Nick had walked out on her, and her mind was in a jumble when she told Adam how she felt about him. She regretted saying it the moment it passed her lips.

Sally Spectra talks with Chloe.

Chloe says at least Sally is sane enough to realize she screwed up, but Adam will hold onto her words for dear life. Sally needs to forget it ever happened and should fix things with Nick.

Sally says it’s not that simple.

Chloe says nothing worth fixing ever is. Sally shouldn’t let Adam cost her someone like Nick, who is so valuable to her on many levels. If she lets Nick slip away, she could lose her business and the best man she’s ever known.

Chloe Mitchell.

Crimson Lights

Nick tells Sharon he’s not the problem… Sally is still in love with Adam.

Sharon asks if Sally told him that.

Sharon and Nick talk.

Nick says she didn’t need to. Sharon knows how Adam can pull a person in.

Sharon nods. She knows, but what she thought was love with Adam was actually something else… Something very complicated and unhealthy for everyone.

Nick says it kept Sharon attached to him like Sally is now. Sally needs to deal with it, and Nick has to move on.

Nick talks with Sharon.

Sharon says she’s sorry things turned out like this for them both.

Nick says he’s focusing on his father and getting their business off the ground.

Sharon asks if Nick will be moving away from funding the company for Sally or whether he will proceed with the plan.

Sharon talks to Nick.

Nick says it’s a tough call… It was his idea, and pulling the funding because their relationship failed is a “very Adam” thing to do.

Sharon says she doesn’t know Sally that well, but Sally is probably assuming Nick will drop out of the deal. He needs to talk to her and tell her that she won’t lose her new company.

Nick says Sharon’s right… He doesn’t want to look back on the situation and regret how he handled it.

Nick calls Sally.

Sharon gets up and heads behind the counter.

Nick calls Sally and asks if they can meet.


Sally tells Nick she’d be happy to meet. They arrange a time and place. She thanks him for calling and hangs up.

Sally looks at her phone.

Chloe says Nick is a good guy. He’s not afraid to have a conversation like an adult. This is a good sign!

Sally won’t get her hopes up, but at least she’ll know what’s happening. She stands up and says she’s got a meeting with Nick Newman that could change her life.

Chloe wishes her luck.

They leave the restaurant.

Chloe smiles at Sally.

The Neil Winters Jazz Lounge

Nikki tells Victor she’s fortunate that Claire came into her life. She’s smart and interested in the business. She’s on top of everything, calm, and there’s no drama.

Victor’s not really listening; he’s deep in thought.

Victor thinks.

Nikki notices. She says she’s talking to herself again.

Victor apologizes and says he was listening… Something about how she liked Claire. He says he had a discussion with Adam earlier where he planted the idea in Adam’s head that Victoria might be plotting against him with Nate’s help.

Nikki laughs and says Adam must have loved to hear that.

Nikki Newman.

Victor says Adam wasn’t too happy about it, but he did think that Victoria might be plotting against him, and he pledged his allegiance to him… A bit quickly, but he was trying to be convincing.

Nikki reminds Victor that she hates his plan. People will be hurt, and Victor will discover things he doesn’t want to know.

Victor says it’s not things he wants to know… It’s things he needs to know! Who is going to make the first move? Will it be Adam or Victoria? He figures he’ll find out soon enough.

Victor talks to Nikki.

Newman Media

Claire tidies up Nikki’s office and looks at the pictures on Nikki’s desk.

She leans in, focusing on a picture of Victoria and Nikki smiling at the camera.

Claire looks at a picture of Nikki and Victoria.

The GCAC Dining Room

Sally enters the club and sees Adam sitting at the bar. She comes over and says hello.

Adam says he was going to call but figured she needed some time. He says it’s nice to see her in person, and he can’t get what she said out of his mind.

Adam talks to Sally.

Sally asks him to try. She had no business saying that to him except when she said they had no future.

Nick walks in and sees them talking.

Adam asks if Nick is there to meet her.

Sally talks to Adam.

Sally says he is.

Adam asks why.

Sally says it’s none of his concern.

Adam, Nick, and Sally.

Adam tells Sally that Nick abandoned her because of his bruised ego. Can she stay in a relationship with Nick after she admitted how she felt about Adam?

Sally says she shared a private thought with Adam in a moment of confusion, which was a mistake. If he respects her, he’ll leave it alone.

Adam says he respects her more than she respects herself, and their love deserves a chance.

Adam Newman.

Nick waits while they talk, fidgeting.

Sally says she’s not having this conversation with him now. Not ever. Goodbye, Adam.

Adam shrugs and leaves.

Sally and Nick talk.

Sally thanks Nick for meeting with her… They have a lot to discuss.

Nick says they don’t have to discuss anything personal; they’ll keep it strictly business.

Sally asks if he’s pulling the plug on her. She gets it; he’s lost faith in her business, too.

Nick looks at Sally.

The Neil Winters Jazz Lounge

Nikki tells Victor she knows Victoria was furious when he demoted her, but Victor’s still her father, and she’d never do anything to betray him. If anyone is plotting against him, it’s Adam.

Victor says he’ll find out soon enough.

Nikki glares at Victor.

Newman Enterprises

Adam walks into the office. He looks around and pours himself a drink.

He approaches Victor’s desk and sits down in his chair, looking at Victor’s portrait as he sips his drink.

Adam takes a drink.

The GCAC Dining Room

Nick says he’s not pulling out of Sally’s business. He thought about it, but that’s not who he is. He made a financial commitment, and he’ll honor it even though things have changed between them. He still believes in her talent.

Sally asks how things got off-track between them.

Nick talks with Sally.

Nick shakes his head. He says it wasn’t him. He was excited about their relationship, and he hoped that Adam would fade away, but he never did… Adam was always there, and Sally needs to figure out what she wants in life.

Sally says she was so confused… So many things have happened.

Nick says he doesn’t want to sound cold, but he knew what he wanted. Sally needs to work out her own confusion. Nick has too much going on in his life to keep going through this with her.

Sally looks sad.

Claire’s GCAC Suite

Claire pours a glass of red wine and pulls a folio from the nightstand.

She sits down and takes some papers out of the folio.

Claire takes a drink of wine.

The papers are printouts of various newspaper articles and accolades of the Newman family.

“Key of Hope – A Dedication Concert for The Nicole Newman Research Center”

“Being Victoria Newman: When your ‘Murdered’ Ex Comes Looking For Payback”

“Newmans Celebrate at Home”

Claire and some newspaper articles.

The Neil Winters Jazz Lounge

Nikki stands on the stairs, looking contemplatively at Victor. She sends Victoria a text message. “Can you come to the ranch? I need to see you.”

Nikki sends Victoria a text message asking to see her.

Newman Enterprises

Adam looks through the files on his father’s desk and goes through his drawers.

Adam looks confused at the notepad.

In one of the drawers, he finds a drawing of a snake on a notepad.

He looks closer. The snake is made up of the words “Nicholas,” “Victoria,” and “Adam.”

Adam is confused. “What the hell is going on with you, Dad?”

The snake made out of people's names.

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7 thoughts on “Y&R Recap – Mon Oct 23: Claire Is Obsessed With the Newmans, and Adam Discovers a Strange Drawing In Victor’s Desk”

  1. Courtney Hope is so nasty her hatred for Mark is digusting I wish she never Mark I get the feeling she hate Mark she disrespect him at every turn now I’m seeing Courtney true colors

  2. Boy they’re pushing the Claire storyline right along . Nikki is feeling her in 5 episodes like she’s been there right along. Maybe that’s the problem. Claire should have been treated and brought on board as an already employee Newman Media being recognized.

  3. Tessa. Why are you referring to Courtney and Mark? They are actors portraying Sally and Adam. Both are excellent in their roles. This isn’t personal.

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