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Y&R Recap – Tues June 13: Abby Plays Peacemaker as Ashley & Tucker Plan Their Wedding, While Nick & Sharon Deal With Faith’s Kidnapping

Abby sits and talks with Jack.

Today’s Young and the Restless recap airs Tuesday, June 13 2023 in the USA, and airs one day ahead in Canada. We post our Y&R recaps every weekday!

Last Episode

Sharon cries as she talks with Chance.

On the last episode of Y&R, Faith was kidnapped, Nick was arrested for battery, Phyllis reached out to Daniel, and Summer asked Victor for help finding the EMT.

The Neil Winters Jazz Lounge

Jack and Diane sit in the lounge listening to the piano player and talking.

Jack and Diane kiss as they talk.

They laugh and kiss as they discuss their autumn wedding.

Diane wonders if Kyle and Summer will get through their current troubles.

Jack says they’ve gone through worse, but they can solve their problems. Jack says he wants to focus on Diane.

Tucker and Ashley walk into the lounge together.

Diane says Jack is hers… All night long.

Tucker and Ashley come into the lounge.

Crimson Lights

Billy walks up to Chelsea and gives her a kiss. He offers her an espresso and says he’s excited for movie night.

Billy kisses Chelsea.

Chelsea says that Connor won’t come out of his room for movie night.

Billy’s disappointed.

Sally’s Hotel Room

Adam comes into Sally’s room and brings her a bag of takeout.

Adam brings Sally some takeout.

Sally says she’s not hungry… Nick was just arrested for assaulting Cameron.

Adam says that tracks… Nick is a “punch-first, ask-questions-later” kind of guy. He says that Sally knows Nick can be his own worst enemy.

Sharon’s House

Sharon tells Chance that he promised that Faith would be safe. She gets ready to leave.

Chance talks with Sharon.

Chance says that she has to stay and stay safe.

Nick comes into the house and says he just made bail. He asks Sharon what’s happened, as she’s clearly in distress.

Sharon cries as she tells Nick that Cameron kidnapped Faith.

Nick talks with Chance and Sharon.

Nick asks Chance how Cameron got his hands on Faith. He says that he was set up to be in jail.

Chance says that Cameron must have had inside information; how else would he know about the flight?

Sharon says that the cat was inside, so Cameron must have been inside the house.

Nick finds a bug behind a photo on Sharon's mantle.

Nick starts searching for a hidden microphone. After a minute or two, he finds a “bug” on the back of a photo that was on the mantle.

He yells into the microphone that they’re coming for Cameron and Faith.

The Neil Winters Jazz Lounge

Diane tells Jack they should have a toast to their wedding.

Jack and Diane raise their glasses as they talk with Ashley and Tucker.

Ashley says that something smells like a rotten corpse.

Tucker says they should toast to righting old wrongs.

Ashley says that Diane burnt down the poolhouse and she’ll do anything to get what she wants.

Diane scoffs and says they need to toast to the abundance of love that’s found its way into the Abbott family.

Ashley laughs and Tucker frowns as they talk with Jack and Diane.

Sally’s GCAC Suite

Sally and Adam talk about Ashland and how Nick hit Ashland and caused him to fall.

Adam sits and talks with Sally.

Adam says that they need to talk about Sally’s feelings. He offers her some food, but Sally says she’s still not hungry.

Adam says they’ll sit there in silence… He says it’s too awkward; maybe they should listen to an audiobook.

He suggests The Art of War by Sun Tzu.

Sally looks concerned as she talks with Adam.

Sally laughs and says she doesn’t think so. She asks why Adam’s working so hard to prove something.

Adam says he’s working to convince his daughter he’s a good guy.

Sally asks what plans he has for McCall Unlimited.

Adam says once he makes McCall a contender, he plans to take over Newman Media, which should have been his to begin with.

Adam talks with Sally.

Sharon’s House

Sharon tells Nick and Chance that Cameron took away her sense of security.

Sharon talks with Chance and Nick.

Nick says Cameron was probably planning this for a while. He says that Cameron wants to be with Sharon and that he thinks that they belong together.

Sharon says she never loved Cameron and will never be with him.

Chance says that he put out an APB (All Points Bulletin) and a BOLO (Be On LookOut) on the car that Faith was taken in.

Nick looks angry as he talks with Sharon and Chance.

He tells Nick and Sharon to stay put in the house and says he’s going to check out Cameron’s room at the Athletic Club.

As Chance leaves, Sharon begs him to find Faith.

Nick hugs Sharon as she cries.

Sharon cries as Nick comforts her.

The Neil Winters Jazz Lounge

Tucker asks what Ashley thinks of the wine.

Ashley talks with Tucker as she looks pointedly at at Diane and Jack.

Ashley says she likes it, and they should have it at their wedding.

She says that she may want to make some changes to the house.

Jack says, “My house?”

Jack narrows his eyes as he talks with Ashley.

Ashley says she doesn’t always like running into “certain people” at the house.

Diane asks Ashley when she’s going to stop with the asinine wedding charade.

Ashley asks why her wedding is asinine when Diane’s wedding is just fine.

Abby walks into the jazz lounge and sees Ashley, Tucker, Diane, and Jack arguing.

They all start arguing.

Abby comes in and sees the couples fighting. Under her breath, she says, “What fresh hell is this?”

Crimson Lights

Chelsea wonders if Connor’s depression is hereditary.

Chelsea shrugs as she talks with Billy.

Billy says he’ll go talk to Connor to see if he can figure out what’s up.

Chelsea says she’s not sure if that’s a good idea.

Billy says that maybe Connor’s attitude is about a girl that he doesn’t want to talk to his mom about.

Chelsea wishes him good luck, and Billy leaves.

Chelsea half-smiles as she talks with Billy.

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Y&R Spoilers – Updated

Y&R Comings and Goings

Y&R News

Sharon’s House

Nick says he should have been there for Faith. He says he should have driven her to the airport.

Sharon looks at her phone as she talks with Nick.

Sharon says it’s not Nick’s fault… Faith had a police escort, and Cameron still managed to take her.

Nick says he can’t wait to hurt Cameron.

Sharon says they need to wait for a phone call or other communication from Cameron.

Nick gets ready to make a phone call.

Nick pulls out his phone and calls Sally.

Sally answers and asks if Nick’s alright.

He says he’s better now that he can hear her voice. He says he’s out of jail.

Nick calls Sally and Adam.

Sally wonders if there’s something Nick’s trying to keep from her.

Nick says he doesn’t want anything to upset her. He asks to talk with Adam.

Sally hands Adam the phone. She tells Adam not to leave her in the dark.

Sally talks with Nick while Adam paces.

Adam gets on the phone and tells Nick that before he asks, Sally’s fine.

Nick tells Adam to pretend that he’s not hearing bad news.

Adam agrees.

Nick tells Adam that Cameron took Faith.

Adam talks with Nick on the phone.

Adam asks what now.

Nick says he’ll take care of Cameron.

Adam says he’ll take care of Sally while Nick handles the issue.

Nick looks purposeful as he talks with Sharon.

The Neil Winters Jazz Lounge

Diane says that Ashley has been attacking her since Diane came back to Genoa City.

Abby talks with Jack and Diane as Tucker and Ashley look on.

Abby says that everyone needs to stop attacking each other.

Jack says that August seems soon for Ashley and Tucker’s wedding.

Ashley says that she can’t wait for their new beginning.

Abby looks Ashley and Tucker as Ashley talks with Jack and Diane.

Diane says they should find a table closer to the music, and Jack and Diane head off.

Abby tells Ashley and Tucker that they’re acting worse than children.

Crimson Lights

Billy comes back to the coffee shop and says that things could have gone better with Connor.

Billy talks with Chelsea.

He says that he did his best, but Connor used homework as an excuse to get him to leave.

Chelsea asks what Billy thinks is going on. She doesn’t think Connor will come out of his funk anytime soon.

Billy says the best she can do is to support and love Connor. He thinks that Chelsea should talk to a qualified professional about Connor’s behavior.

Chelsea says she’ll see if Sharon can help Connor.

Chelsea sits and talks with Billy.

Sharon’s House

Sharon says that when Faith was born, the hospital told her that Faith was stillborn.

Sharon hands Nick a cup of coffee as she talks to him in her living room.

She says she could feel in her heart that Faith was out there, and she ended up getting her back, and that Faith has a guardian angel.

Nick says he thinks that Faith really must have a guardian angel. He says Faith is a miracle.

Cameron’s GCAC Suite

Chance walks into Cameron’s hotel room and turns on the lights. He starts searching the room.

Chance starts searching Cameron's room.

Sally’s GCAC Suite

Adam tells Sally, “Look who had an appetite after all!”

Adam hides the bag from Sally as they talk.

Sally asks where he got the food from.

Adam hides the bag from her, saying that he won’t tell her where he got it.

He asks what happens if he goes to the restaurant and finds out that Nick and her made it their new spot.

Sally looks unimpressed as she talks with Adam.

Sally says wherever he got it, it was delicious.

Adam says that’s what New York feels like… Eating a grilled cheese sandwich while the city comes alive.

Sally says she loves grilled cheese and is glad he likes late nights and early mornings.

She asks what Adam is trying to protect her from. Is it Cameron?

Adam smiles as he talks with Sally.

Sharon’s House

Nick tells Sharon that Faith is a survivor and a fighter, and wherever Faith is, she’ll come back to them.

Nick and Sharon sit on her couch and talk.

Sharon says that Faith has to come back; she couldn’t handle it if she didn’t.

Nick says she should pity the bastard who’s messing with their girl.

Sharon says she wishes she had Faith’s strength right now.

Nick sits and talks with Sharon.

Nick says Sharon does have that strength; she needs to reach deep to access it. He says Sharon needs to get inside Cameron’s head to help them find Faith.

Sharon says she can’t get inside his head right now.

Nick says she can… She needs to tell him what Cameron will do next.

Sharon says Cameron will play mind games and get inside their heads. He’ll make Faith believe his lies.

Sharon looks scared as she talks with Nick.

Cameron’s GCAC Suite

Chance goes through a bag in Cameron’s room.

He finds a portfolio inside and looks through it. He looks shocked at what he sees inside.

Chance digs through a bag  in Cameron's room.

The Neil Winters Jazz Lounge

Jack says that Diane doesn’t deserve Ashley’s abuse.

Diane excuses herself as she talks to Jack.

Diane laughs and says she doesn’t mind Ashley. She excuses herself to go to the ladies’ room.

Abby comes up to Jack and asks him what’s up with Ashley’s behavior.

She says that Ashley says she’s trying to save Jack from Diane’s “diabolical designs”.

Abby sits and talks with Jack.

Jack says he’s not sure what Ashley is up to, but he’s in love. He says Tucker is manipulating Ashley, and he’s the one that needs a talking to.

He says even if Tucker marries Ashley, he’ll never get his hands on Jabot.

Sally’s GCAC Suite

Sally asks if she should be worried about Sharon and Nick’s past… Should she worry about Cameron?

Adam talks with Sally.

Adam says that she shouldn’t worry about anything right now.

Sally says she needs to lie down, and Adam tucks her in.

Adam says she needs to be in her happy place. He asks what she’s thinking about.

Adam tucks Sally into bed.

Sally says her happy place is figuring out what colors to paint Jabot.

Adam says she needs to go to her happy space, but she has to do it in this room and bed.

Sally asks what Adam really wants.

Sally holds Adam's hand as she lies in bed.

Adam says he wants everything.

Sally reaches out and takes his hand. She asks him to wake her when Nick calls.

Adam promises he will.

Adam looks at Sally as they talk.

Crimson Lights

Billy tells Chelsea he knows it’s tough… No parent wants to see their child have problems coping.

Chelsea and Billy sit and talk.

He says Connor adores his mother, but they need to ensure Connor gets the help he needs.

Chelsea kisses Billy and says that date night for single parents is supposed to be better than this.

Billy says that he’ll take any time he can with her.

Chelsea kisses Billy.

The Neil Winters Jazz Lounge

Abby asks Tucker if he’s so bored after selling his company that he has to sow discord amongst her family to entertain himself.

Abby talks with Tucker.

Tucker says he wants peace. He says he wants to take his time and be with Ashley.

Abby says  Ashley won’t walk away from the family business and that Tucker’s trying to take over Jabot.

Tucker says that’s not true… Abby obviously doesn’t trust him.

Tucker sits and talks to Abby.

Abby says that’s right… She doesn’t trust him.

Ashley comes back, kisses Tucker, and asks what she’s missed.

Abby says she’s just trying to get to know Ashley’s former/future husband.

Tucker, Ashley, Abby, Jack, and Diane all talk.

Diane and Jack come over, and Abby says she’s heading home to take care of Dominic. She tells everyone to act their age and get along. She leaves the lounge.

Jack says that Abby’s right… They should all act their age and show respect to each other.

Ashley rolls her eyes and tells Tucker they should go. They get up and leave Diane and Jack alone.

Jack and Diane kiss.

Jack kisses Diane.

Sharon’s House

Sharon gets a text message. She leaps off the couch, crying, and asks, “How can he do this to me?!”

Sharon clutches her chest and cries as she talks with Nick.

Nick looks at her phone. He reads out the message:

“Join me where our old love died, and a new love can be born. Come alone to the same motel. Some things you can never forget.”

There’s a picture on the phone… It’s Faith, tied up and looking like she’s unconscious.

Faith is tied up, unconcious.

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