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Y&R Recap – Tues July 25: Leanna Love Drops a Bomb on Jack as He and Diane Plan Jabot’s Defense, While Phyllis Is Disturbed by Victor’s Threats

Phyllis, Leanna, Diane, and Jack.

Today’s Young and the Restless recap airs Tuesday, July 25 2023 in the USA, and airs one day ahead in Canada. We post our Y&R recaps every weekday!

Last Episode

Phyllis looks worried as Tucker, Ashley, Abby, and Devon toast.

On the last episode of Y&R, Phyllis’s defense crumbled as Carson went missing, and Tucker & Ashley were invited by Abby and Devon to have their marriage at the Chancellor estate.

Sally’s GCAC Suite

Sally unpacks her bags and puts her clothes away.

Sally unpacks.

There’s a knock at her door. She answers; it’s Nick.

They kiss, and Nick presents her with a bouquet of flowers. He asks if she had a nice visit.

Sally says she had a nice time in L.A. visiting her sister and grandmother. She talked with her sister about coping with loss and dealing with grief.

Nick gives Sally flowers.

Nick tells her she looks great and seems more at peace.

Sally smiles and thanks him. She asks what the latest news is in Genoa City.

He answers with a kiss.

Nick and Sally kiss.


Sharon tells Chance their “supper club” was supposed to introduce them to new restaurants, but here they are at Society.

Chance says he won’t avoid the best restaurant in town just because his ex-wife owns it. He asks about Kirsten and Adustus’s merger.

Chance smiles at Sharon.

Sharon says that she doesn’t really like the name “Adustus”.

Chance says “Adustus” is Latin for “burned”. He thinks Adam is just having fun with the name.

Adam walks up to Sharon and Chance’s table and asks Chance to stay out of it… It has nothing to do with him.

Adam talks to Chance and Sharon.

The Neil Winters Jazz Lounge

Tucker tells Ashley that “the infighting has begun!”

Ashley talks with Tucker.

Ashley says it’s entertaining… Jack offered her a fair share of Jabot to keep the peace.

Tucker asks Ashley if that’s a good thing.

Ashley says she doesn’t want it to end that way.

Tucker and Ashley sit and talk.

The Abbott Mansion

Diane sits down and tries to read a book but can’t concentrate.

She thinks back to Jack offering Ashley her share of Jabot in order to keep Diane and how he’d said he’d do it to stop the war between them.

Diane sits on the couch and thinks.

Jack enters the living room.

Diane says Jack is probably mad at her for saying she’d walk away from Jabot… It’s like she let him down.

She says that stepping down as Chief Talent Officer is their best choice… She can’t let Jack break apart the company to stop Ashley.

Jack sits and talks with Diane.

Jack says he doesn’t want her to quit her job to satisfy Ashley.

He says Diane isn’t a threat to Jabot, and as long as Ashley has Tucker weighing her down, their new company has no chance of success.

Diane says she won’t let Jack throw away any part of Jabot for her… It’s where they met, and it’s part of their love story.

Diane talks with Jack.

Jack says that he and Ashley have gone through this before. He says it’s his decision to make.

Diane says she’s making a decision too… She’s not letting him walk away from the fight.

The Neil Winters Jazz Lounge

Ashley tells Tucker she’s not backing down from the fight… She won’t have Jack risk her father’s legacy.

Tucker says they should get whatever assets they need from Jabot and let Diane drag the company into the mud.

Tucker and Ashley talk.


Adam asks Chance and Sharon what’s going on… He thinks there’s a difference in their relationship. He says Sharon glows whenever she’s with Chance.

Chance says it’s none of Adam’s business. He tells Adam he doesn’t think Adam and Sharon’s merger is in Sharon’s best interest; the name of Adam’s company is reason enough, and he thinks Adam will somehow weaponize the company against Victor.

Chance talks with Adam and Sharon.

Adam says that’s all hearsay, and Chance has no idea what he’s thinking.

Sharon tells Chance to give Adam the benefit of the doubt… She and Nick can keep him in line.

Adam says, “You can try!”

Adam talks with Sharon and Chance.

Sally’s GCAC Suite

Nick tells Sally he’s going along with Victor’s plan and will work with Sharon and Adam.

Sally thought Nick liked working with his mother and sister.

Nick and Sally sit on the couch and talk.

Nick says he likes working at Newman with his family, but he’s ready to do something new. Nick is focused on the future, and he’s very excited about it.

He says that if he can turn Cameron’s blood money into something positive, that’d do a lot of good.

Sally asks about Adam’s involvement.

Sally talks with Nick.

Nick says he and Sharon should be able to keep Adam in line. He says that he’s excited to work with Sharon again.

Sally says if he’s excited, she’s excited. She asks if he’d like to go get something to eat.

Nick talks with Sally.

The Genoa City Athletic Club

Victor sees Phyllis walk into the restaurant and asks her to come over.

He says she looks “damn good” for a dead person. He says that he’d thought of faking his own death a few times but can’t believe she actually did it.

Phyllis stands and talks to Victor.

Victor says that Phyllis allowed her daughter to have a memorial for her and that Summer’s marriage is in shambles because of what Phyllis had done.

Phyllis says she knows about Summer.

Victor says Summer wants him to find Carson to help exonerate Phyllis.

Victor talks with Phyllis.

Phyllis tells Victor that Carson has been found.

Victor says what Phyllis has done to his granddaughter is unacceptable, and she’ll pay for it.

Phyllis walks off without a word.

Phyllis talks with Victor.

The Neil Winters Jazz Lounge

Ashley and Tucker finish a dance and applaud the pianist.

Tucker asks Ashley if she wants another dance or whether they should go home and find out what the “nutjobs” are up to.

Phyllis talks with Tucker and Ashley.

Ashley says they should go home.

Phyllis enters the room and walks up to Tucker and Ashley. She asks Tucker where Carson is and what he’s done with him.

Tucker says that Carson is in a safe place. He says that Phyllis tried to get Carson in protective custody, which violated their agreement.

Tucker talks with Phyllis as Ashley looks on.

The Abbott Mansion

Jack says that Diane won’t leave Jabot, and they won’t let Ashley win either. He says that if they go through with the fight, Tucker will pull all the dirty tricks he can.

Diane says that may be, but she has a plan.

Jack talks with Diane.

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Y&R Spoilers – Updated

Y&R Comings and Goings

Y&R News

The Neil Winters Jazz Lounge

Tucker gets a notification on his phone. He reads it and says the war isn’t done with Phyllis.

Tucker checks his phone as Ashley and Phyllis look on.

The Abbott Mansion

Jack gets a notification on his phone and checks it.

Leanna Love has posted a “news” (gossip) video talking about Phyllis’s resurrection and how it’s affected Jabot.

Jack and Diane watch Leanna's video on Jack's phone.

Jack says Ashley must be eating this up.

Leanna reports that Summer and Kyle have divorce lawyers due to Phyllis’s return. She says that on the business front, Jack has given his fiance, Diane, a top job at Jabot.

Leanna says that Phyllis is facing charges and could spend the rest of her life in jail, while Diane has a comfy room at the Abbott mansion.

Leanna Love's video on a cellphone.

The Neil Winters Jazz Lounge

Tucker, Ashley, and Phyllis watch Leanna’s video.

Tucker says Leanna made some good points, and his confidence in Phyllis is shot… She’ll have to do something for him to win it back.

Phyllis talks with Tucker and Ashley.

Crimson Lights

Sharon and Chance walk into the coffee shop.

Sharon asks if running into Adam was bothering Chance… He barely said a word on the way over.

Sharon and Chance talk in the cafe.

Chance says he doesn’t want to ruin a perfect evening by talking about Adam.

He says he’ll give Adam the benefit of the doubt since Sharon vouched for him.

They kiss.

Chance and Sharon kiss.


Nick and Sally walk into the restaurant, and Victor beckons them over to his table.

Victor asks them to have a seat. He tells Sally he offers his deepest condolences about losing a child.

Victor talks with Nick and Sally.

Sally says it wasn’t meant to be.

Victor says he’s very sorry and admires how Sally handled herself.

Nick asks Victor where he’s going with this.

Sally and Nick talk with Victor.

The Neil Winters Jazz Lounge

Phyllis asks Tucker what job he has in mind for her.

Tucker says he doesn’t know yet… Maybe he’ll walk away and let Phyllis go through the trial by herself.

Ashley says it would be “karmic justice” since Stark wouldn’t have come to town if Phyllis hadn’t called him.

Ashley talks with Phyllis as Tucker listens.

Tucker and Ashley decide to head home and leave Phyllis at the bar.

As they leave, Adam walks in.

In passing, Tucker tells Adam that he thought Adam enjoyed country music more than jazz… You know, crying in your beer over a woman. He and Ashley laugh as they leave.

Tucker and Ashley talk with Adam.

Adam smiles awkwardly at Tucker and Ashley and walks over to Phyllis at the bar.

He tells Phyllis she looks frazzled.

Phyllis says she’s not in the mood for Adam.

Phyllis talks to Adam.

Adam says that Phyllis’s situation is looking dire… A key witness appearing out of nowhere screams “payoff.” He says he has faith in Phyllis and that she’ll come through things just fine.

Phyllis tells him to shut up and stay out of her life.

Adam says he was just about to make her an offer.

Adam talks to Phyllis.


Victor tells Sally he has a proposition for her. He understands Jill has gotten Sally to do design work for her at Chancellor-Winters, but he wants Sally to create a design division under Newman Enterprises.

He says there’s no limit on money, and he already has office space for her.

Sally listens to Victor as they talk.

Sally starts to talk, but Victor interrupts.

Victor tells Sally that hard work is the best therapy there is.

Sally tells Victor she wouldn’t want to bail on Chancellor-Winters… She wants to finish what she started.

Victor says if she accepts the offer, she works for nobody but Newman Enterprises.

Victor talks with Sally and Nick.

Crimson Lights

Chance says he fully believes in Sharon’s ability to “control” Adam. He wants Sharon to be happy and successful.

Sharon takes Chance’s hands and says she’s on her way to finding both.

Sharon smiles as she talks with Chance.

The Abbott Mansion

Jack makes a remark about Leanna airing his dirty laundry.

He asks Diane how Billy fits into Diane’s plan.

Jack talks with Diane.

Diane says that Billy’s not averse to getting his hands dirty, and Jack should let Billy take the lead this time.

Jack says Billy didn’t seem too concerned about Ashley ruining Jabot. He says that he doesn’t want to put Billy in an untenable position and asks what Diane’s plan is.

Diane says that Billy will become their Trojan horse.

Diane talks with Jack.

Tucker and Ashley walk into the house.

Ashley asks Jack when they can expect the paperwork, giving her and Tucker access to Ashley’s share of Jabot.

Jack says he’s changed his mind. He won’t give them anything, and Diane is staying.

Ashley talks with Jack and Diane.

Ashley can’t believe Jack is tearing the company apart for Diane.

Jack says it’s Ashley’s last chance… She’s turning this into war.

The Neil Winters Jazz Lounge

Phyllis tells Adam she doesn’t like him and is unwilling to listen to anything he offers.

Phyllis and Adam talk.

Adam says he needs someone to start a new IT department for his company. He says that Nick is his partner, and it would be a good way for Phyllis to return to Nick’s good graces.

Phyllis says she’s not interested in anything he wants to offer; she’s busy trying to save her life.

Adam says he understands and tells her to get in touch with him. He leaves the lounge.


Nick tells Sally he’s sorry Victor put her on the spot.

Nick talks with Sally.

Sally says it’s fine… Victor her a job and an apology! She says she’s getting tired, they should just go up to her room and order room service so she can get to bed.

Nick thinks that’s a great idea. He tells her to head upstairs while he says goodbye to Victor.

They kiss, and Sally stops as she’s leaving the restaurant. She thinks back to when she told Adam she would never work for a Newman.

In a flashback, Sally tells Nick she'll never work for a Newman.

Nick sits down with Victor and asks him if Victor is trying to keep Sally away from him while he works with Adam.

Victor says he gave Sally a great offer to create a design company under the Newman empire. Why must Nick question his motives?

Sally’s GCAC Suite

Sally thinks about Victor’s offer and Adam’s offer.

Sally sits and thinks.

There’s a knock on her door. It’s Adam who calls out, asking if she’s there.

She doesn’t answer.

Adam walks away, and Nick passes him in the hall.

Nick asks him what he’s doing there, and Adam says, “Nothing.”

Nick and Adam talk.

Crimson Lights

Chance puts some music on the jukebox and begins dancing slowly with Sharon.

He kisses her hand as they dance closely.

Chance kisses Sharon's hand.

Sally’s GCAC Suite

Sally orders room service and tells Nick she doesn’t want to discuss Victor’s offer… She has no idea how she feels about it right now.

She says that, actually, she doesn’t want to talk about anything at all. She kisses Nick.

Nick and Sally kiss.

The Abbott Mansion

Jack and Ashley have a staredown, and Ashley and Tucker leave the room without a word.

Jack picks up his phone as Diane watches. He calls Billy and leaves a voicemail asking to meet tomorrow. He says Diane has a plan to stop Ashley from destroying Jabot.

Jack makes a call while Diane listens.

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