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Y&R Recap – Thu Apr 11: Sharon Joins Ashley’s Intervention; Billy Discloses a Possible Diagnosis; Summer & Kyle Discuss Claire & Diane

Sharon Newman, Ashley and Traci Abbott, Kyle Abbott and Summer Newman.

Today’s Young and the Restless recap airs in the USA on Thursday, April 11, 2024, and airs one day ahead in Canada. We post our Y&R recaps every weekday!

Last Episode

Ashley yells at Traci and Jack as Billy blocks her exit.

On the last episode of Y&R, Jack made a tough call as Tucker and the Abbotts staged an intervention for Ashley.

The Abbott Mansion

Ashley (Ms. Abbott) tells Jack and Billy to get out of her way.

Ashley is surrounded by her family.

Jack says he won’t; she needs to realize this is where she is meant to be.

In Ashley’s mind, Ash cries out for Ashley to wake up.

Ashley yells, “STOP!”

Ashley cries out while her family looks on.

The Neil Winters Jazz Lounge

Kyle is having a drink at the bar when Summer walks in and says hello. Kyle asks if she’s meeting someone… Isn’t it past her bedtime?

Kyle Abbott and Summer Newman.

Summer says she couldn’t sleep, and she’s starting to wonder whether it’s a good or a bad idea to live upstairs from a bar. She asks if Kyle’s having a bad night.

Kyle says he’s not having the best night of his life.

Summer asks if it would make it better or worse if she joined him.

Kyle Abbott.

The Abbott Mansion

Traci approaches Ashley with concern as Jack makes a phone call.

Ashley asks if Traci will let “them” get away with this.

Traci says she doesn’t know what she’s going to do… Ashley’s breaking her heart, and they have to find out what’s going on with her!

Jack mutters that he keeps getting redirected to voicemail.

Ashley says she’s being held against her will… That’s what’s going on with her! She knows Diane doesn’t give a damn about her, but Traci’s supposed to be her sister!

Diane Abbott talks to Ashley.

Diane says she does care about what happens to her, but she’s hurting the people she loves by attacking them instead of letting them in.

Ashley yells at Diane to shut up! She says it’s abuse; they say they love her, but Traci needs to get the others to back off!

Traci tells Jack it’s too much… This isn’t what she had in mind when she called them together; it’s tearing Ashley apart!

Traci Abbott talks to Jack as Diane looks on.

Jack says it’s killing him, too, but what choice do they have?

Ashley tells Jack not to speak like she’s not in the room with them.

Jack tries calling Sharon again, and Billy thinks it’s a good idea… Sharon could turn this around.

Jack Abbott makes a phone call.

Ashley says she could tell them what’s happening, but what she says obviously doesn’t matter.

Jack manages to get through to Sharon. He says he knows it’s late, but they have a family emergency and could use her expertise. He asks if she could come to the house right now.

Sharon says it’s no problem; she’s on her way.

Sharon Newman takes Jack's call.

Ashley glares at Jack and asks why he’s bringing in another outsider… Sharon’s “expertise” centers around pouring coffee!

Jack says an outsider is what they need right now… Someone who has an objective opinion can help them keep this from escalating any further!

Ashley asks what she’s done to them… Why are they so afraid of her? She says she’s trying to live her life, but it’s thrown all of them into a panic!

Ashley Abbott.

Billy says something is going on, and she knows it, too. He doesn’t know why she’s scared or embarrassed, but they’re her family, and they love her… They’re just trying to help her.

Ashley says she won’t act like this is normal… When was the last time Billy was locked in his house against his free will?! Billy tries to get a word in, but Ashley tells him not to speak to her. He’s not listening to her, and she won’t listen to him!

In Ashley’s mind, Ash’s voice calls out. “We have to stop her!”

Jack Abbott looks concerned.

Ashley screams out that nobody is listening to her. She says everyone is vile and cruel. She cries crocodile tears, saying she doesn’t know what she did to them to make them treat her this way.

Traci wishes Ashley could see what they’re seeing. If Ashley would stop fighting them, they could get to the bottom of this together.

Ashley says it doesn’t matter what she says… They all believe in something that’s not real, and they’re waiting for “Dr. Sharon” to show up and tell them what they want to hear.

Ashley holds out her hand as she talks.

Jack says Ashley promised Traci she’d speak to a professional, and this is a way to fulfill that promise.

Ashley says she will speak to someone, but it’ll be someone she chooses… Not Jack’s ex-wife, the barista!

Billy promises they’ll get her a therapist of her choice tomorrow.

Billy Abbott talks to Ashley as Traci and Diane look on.

Jack says their job right now is to keep her safe and to get her through the night.

Ashley sneers. Thanks so much. She says Sharon isn’t even a practicing professional.

Traci says Sharon is trained in this field and can share her thoughts.

Ashley says Sharon’s thoughts obviously matter more than hers. She doesn’t know who they are; they’re not her family, and she’ll never forgive them for this betrayal!

Ashley looks upset.

Ashley’s Mind

Ash tugs at her handcuffs and begs Ashley to wake up. She says Ms. Abbott doesn’t sound like Ashley, and everyone knows it! She says if Ashley doesn’t wake up, they’ll send them away to one of the “scary places,” and she won’t be able to protect Ashley anymore.

Ashley continues her slumber, unaware.

Ash talks to Ashley.

The Abbott Mansion

Ashley sits at the desk and tries to block the voice in her head.

Diane tells Jack that she knows it’s breaking his heart, but Ashley doesn’t mean what she’s saying… She’s not herself right now.

Diane talks to Jack.

Ash continues screaming in the confines of Ashley’s mind.

Jack tells Diane not to worry about him… He’s worried about Ashley and Diane.

Diane’s confused as to why he’s concerned about her.

Jack and Diane talk.

Jack says he doesn’t know what’s happening with his sister, but there’s no reason Diane should have to put up with it; he’d understand if she wanted to spend the night at the club.

Diane says she’ll go if he wants her to, but she’d rather stay. They’re in this together, and she meant what she said; if Ashley has more rage that she needs to vent at her, she can take it. She says she’s not sure if anything productive can come from all this… Ashley’s in such a dark place.

Jack says they have to pull her back from that edge, and he won’t let Ashley near Diane until she calms down. He’s here to protect her and will keep her safe.

Diane smiles at Jack as they talk.

Diane thanks him. She wonders if it’s a good idea to bring Sharon in, given that Ashley is feeling so much rage. She says Sharon and Ashley have never cared for one another.

Jack says Ashley isn’t herself right now. She hates the Abbotts, but maybe she’ll listen to someone else. He trusts Sharon, and maybe she’ll give them some insight about what Ashley is going through so they can prepare her for what’s next.

Ashley tells Traci that if she cared about her, she’d help her get out of the house. She suddenly groans and doubles over, and Billy rushes over, concerned.

Ashley is doubled over as Billy and Traci attempt to help.

The Neil Winters Jazz Lounge

Summer tells Kyle she won’t press him to tell her why he’s not having a good night.

Kyle says he appreciates it. He figures she won’t force him, but she’ll sit there quietly until he tells her what’s bothering him.

Kyle talks with Summer as they sit at the bar.

Summer assumes it’s the same reason she couldn’t fall asleep… They haven’t found a nanny for Harrison.

Kyle nods. The search isn’t going well. They’re both working adults with a “very active” child who needs plenty of looking after, yet no nannies are waiting in the wings.

Summer says they’ve gone through many candidates but haven’t found one that Harrison doesn’t glare at.

Summer talks with Kyle.

Kyle says there’s one person Harrison didn’t hate, but they didn’t interview her.

Summer figures he’s talking about Claire.

Kyle nods. Harrison won’t stop talking about her.

Kyle and Summer.

Summer says she can’t stop talking about her, either.

Kyle says Claire and Harrison clicked.

Summer shrugs. She never saw any “clicking.” At all.

Summer talks to Kyle.

Kyle is confused… She didn’t see them click? Harrison really liked her, and Kyle thinks it’s because Claire has a “childlike happiness” about things, like going out for coffee with her mother.

Summer says she didn’t notice.

Kyle says Claire was excited that she could go out in public with her mother “like normal people.” He figures it’s because Claire’s childhood was a “horror show.”

Kyle looks at Summer.

Summer says Kyle must have really been paying attention to pick all that up from one meeting.

Kyle says he ran into Claire and Victoria again at Society.

Summer thinks her “sweet, innocent” cousin couldn’t help but fill him in on her tragic backstory about growing up with her crazy aunt Jordan.

Summer talks with Kyle.

The Abbott Mansion

Ashley struggles in Billy’s grip and tells him to get off her. She says she was a little dizzy for a moment, but she’s fine now… Can they blame her? They’ve been badgering her for hours with this so-called intervention of theirs!

Traci asks Ashley to sit down with her.

Traci talks to Ashley as Jack and Billy look on.

Ashley tells Traci to stop badgering her… They’re sucking all the air out of the room, and she doesn’t want to sit down. She wants to lie down alone in her room!

Diane blocks her way.

Ashley scoffs. Do they think she’ll jump out the window and shimmy down the drain pipe? She wants some peace and quiet! It’s the least they could do after what they’ve done to her.

Ashley Abbott.

Ashley’s Mind

Ash screams at Ashley to wake up. She reaches over with her foot and manages to kick Ashley’s bed.

Ash kicks Ashley's bed.

Ashley’s eyes flutter open.

Ash is ecstatic that Ashley is waking up. She begs her for help.

Ashley Abbott.

The Abbott Mansion

Ashley groans, grabs her head, and collapses onto the sofa.

Traci and Jack surround her, offering comfort.

Ashley holds her head and cringes.

Ashley (the real Ashley) sits up and asks what’s happening… What’s going on?

Jack tells her she’s at home with everyone who loves her.

Ashley asks why everyone is looking at her like something is wrong with her.

Ashley Abbott.

Traci explains that Ashley was lightheaded and wanted to go to her room to lie down, and then she fainted.

Ashley asks what happened before that… How did she get here?

Billy asks what she remembers.

Billy Abbott.

Ashley says she’s not sure.

Diane says they were talking, and things had gotten intense. She’s incredulous that Ashley doesn’t remember any of it.

Ashley shakes her head in confusion.

Jack, Ashley, and Traci sit and talk.

Diane says they need to get Ashley to the hospital.

Ashley says she’s not going anywhere until they tell her what’s happening… How long has she been here? What did she miss?

Jack says they’ll tell her everything she wants to know later, but she needs to relax right now and take it easy.

Jack talks to Ashley.

Ashley says she can’t “take it easy.” She’s terrified!

Billy says Ashley’s right… They need to give her a break so she doesn’t get overloaded. She’s just had another blackout.

Ashley asks Traci if she’d told them this had happened to her before.

Ashley talks to Traci.

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The Neil Winters Jazz Lounge

Kyle tells Summer she’s right… After everything Summer found out about Claire, he wanted to know more, so when he ran into her at Society, he decided to get more information.

Summer asks what he found out.

Summer smiles as she talks to Kyle.

Kyle says he has to hand it to Claire… After everything she did and went through, she holds a lot of regret and shame, but she’s doing everything she can to make amends and become part of the Newman family.

Summer can’t believe he’s only had two chats with Claire, and he’s already on her side.

Kyle’s confused… On Claire’s side about what?

Kyle is confused as he talks to Summer.

Summer thinks Kyle is on Claire’s side to be Harrison’s nanny and wants to convince Summer to tolerate her, but if he wants to convince her, he’ll have to get in line, as he’s not the first!

Kyle says he’s not on Claire’s “side,” but it sounds like someone else is.

Summer says Claire has won over everyone else except for her… Summer is the “cold-hearted cousin” who is too skeptical to welcome her with open arms! She says she’s getting bored of their conversation… What should they talk about instead?

Summer and Kyle.

Kyle says he’ll say one last thing about Claire… When he said how much Harrison liked her, he wasn’t suggesting she be his nanny; he was just making an observation.

Summer says that’s good… They both have to agree on Harrison’s nanny, and it will never be Claire. She asks if they’re finished talking about Claire now.

Kyle nods. They are. He asks what she’d like to talk about now… Menswear fashion week?

Kyle raises his eyebrows at Summer.

Summer says they could talk about Jabot’s summer palette.

Kyle looks uninterested.

Summer says they could talk about the thing that Kyle doesn’t want to talk about… Whatever has him drinking alone at night.

Summer talks with Kyle.

Kyle says they could talk about the weather… It’s supposed to rain next week!

Summer grins and asks what’s upsetting him… Is it work, family, or maybe a bit of both?

The Abbott Mansion

Traci tells Ashley she did tell the family that she’d been having blackouts, but Ashley already knew that.

Traci talks to Ashley as Jack, Diane, and Billy look on.

The doorbell rings, and Jack answers. It’s Sharon, and Jack invites her in. He tells her he knows therapy isn’t her focus right now, but he’d be grateful for any guidance she could give them.

Traci tells Ashley she didn’t call the family together to betray her confidence or to gang up on her. She thought Ashley was trying to get her off her back because she promised to get professional help.

Ashley swears she was planning on getting professional help, but she doesn’t know what happened… She doesn’t remember. She looks over at Sharon and asks why she’s there… Is it because of her? Who called her?

Ashley talks to Sharon as Traci looks on.

Jack says he called Sharon.

Ashley asks why… Does Jack think she’s crazy?

Sharon tells Ashley she’s there as a friend and nothing more.

Sharon  Newman and Jack Abbott.

Jack says they all think she’s been through a lot the past few months, and their concern only seemed to make things worse, so he thought having someone more experienced and objective might be just the thing to help ease her burden.

Ashley says she can’t… She’s too exhausted and needs to lie down.

Billy thinks that’s a good idea. Ashley should go upstairs and get a little rest.

Billy Abbott.

Ashley’s Mind

Ms. Abbott is handcuffed to the bed. She pulls at her restraint and glares at Ash.

Ms. Abbott is handcuffed to her bed.

Ash jumps around, no longer handcuffed, and celebrates. She’s happy that she beat Ms. Abbott at her own game… She’s won!

Ms. Abbott tells Ash she has no idea what she’s done.

Ash jumps in the air.

The Neil Winters Jazz Lounge

Kyle and Summer move to more comfortable seats. Kyle says it’s not a very interesting story, but she asked for it… He’s alone in a bar at this late hour because he left the office after a late meeting and decided to stop in for a drink.

Summer says he’s right… It’s not a very interesting story, and she doesn’t think it’s true. She reminds him that she’s his ex-wife and knows he wouldn’t sit alone and brood at a bar unless something is gnawing at him… So what’s wrong?

Summer talks with Kyle.

Kyle says she’s right… He says he’s having difficulty working at Jabot as a subordinate to his mother.

Summer says she doesn’t get it… Kyle was the one who pushed for his mom to take the co-CEO position.

Kyle says he was being noble and self-sacrificing, but he’s seen that his mom isn’t ready to be Jabot’s co-CEO, and he isn’t ready to watch her blow the opportunity of a lifetime.

Kyle Abbott.

Summer says he’s held that position in the past, so he knows what goes into it. Summer figures that if Kyle thinks Diane is in over her head, he can’t be the only one who thinks that. She asks if he’s talked to Jack about it.

Kyle says Jack doesn’t see it or doesn’t want to, and it’s causing a lot of tension between him and his mom.

Summer says she knows what he means… She worked with her mom at Marchetti and can sympathize with him.

Kyle says he tried to discreetly clean up after his mom made a mistake, but she saw him as the “jerk” who overstepped or was looking for fault where there wasn’t any. He says it’s not about Diane messing up… She thinks he’s making her look bad, but he’s the one keeping an eye out and saving the day. He says Diane isn’t wrong, either.

Summer Newman.

The Abbott Mansion

Jack tells Ashley that Billy’s right… They’ve stressed her to the point of exhaustion. He tells her to go upstairs and rest, knowing they love her.

Sharon suggests that one of them go with her.

Sharon Newman.

Traci nods and says she’ll go. She and Ashley head upstairs.

Jack says he played along with Billy because he seemed to want her out of the room; why didn’t Billy want Ashley to talk with Sharon?

Billy says he wants Sharon to know what Ashley’s been going through before she talks to her. He might know what’s going on.

Billy Abbott.

Ashley’s Mind

Ash bounces on a bed and tells Ms. Abbott not to be a “sore loser.” She says Ms. Abbott made a mess of everything.

Ash talks to Ms. Abbott.

Ms. Abbott says she had everything under control except for one tiny little setback… Ash should have let her stay in control so she can finish this! She says the most dangerous thing for Ashley is to be around the people who are questioning her and doubting her.

Ash says Ms. Abbott is more dangerous than they are.

Ms. Abbott calls Ash “stupid” and says the Abbotts don’t know what’s right for Ashley. They think they do, but they’re wrong! She’s the only one who can protect Ashley and make things right again!

Ms. Abbott talks to Ash.

Ashley’s Bedroom

Ashley sits on her bed, deep in thought. It’s unclear whether or not she hears Ash and Ms. Abbott fighting in her head.

Traci puts a quilt over Ashley.

Traci brings a quilt she’d made for Ashley on her 21st birthday… She had no idea Ashley still had it! She asks if Ashley remembers tucking her in when they were little. She says Ashley would sneak into her room when everyone else was asleep, and they’d talk until the late hours of the night about the dreams they wanted to have that night.

Ashley tears up and holds Traci’s hand. She says she’s scared and needs help.

Traci tells her she’s there for her and comforts her.

Traci comforts a crying Ashley.

The Neil Winters Jazz Lounge

Summer tells Kyle he’s worked hard to accept his mom back into his life, but now he’s trying to show her up after being supportive of her.

Kyle says he hates feeling resentment against her… She’s his mom and he loves her, but every time he tries to move on, it gets worse.

Kyle talks to Summer.

Summer says she had a feeling something like this would happen when she heard that Jack promoted her. She knows Kyle, and she’s sure he had the best intentions when he pushed for his mom to take the job. Maybe he wouldn’t be feeling so much resentment if Diane was doing well at the job, but she’s not, and how could she? She didn’t get the job based on her resume!

Kyle grins and says Diane has some qualifications… The biggest qualification being that his dad likes working with her and doesn’t have to share his power with her. He says Diane is happy being second-in-command as long as Kyle is a “distant third.”

Summer talks to Kyle.

Summer says it’s working out for Jack now, but it can’t last forever… Not that Jack would ever admit that.

Kyle agrees. He says he’s stuck; should he back off, which will hurt the company and drive him nuts, or should he try to clean up after his mom in a low-key way? He doesn’t know what to do.

Summer says those aren’t real options… The only choices he has is to walk away before he reaches a breaking point or he stands up and proves to everyone that he deserves to be the co-CEO, not Diane.

Kyle Abbott.

Ashley’s Mind

Ms. Abbott curses at Ash, saying she’s destroyed all her hard work. Thanks to Ash waking Ashley up, her family thinks the only way to protect her is to send her to Fairview!

Ms. Abbott rants that they’ll be powerless, and all their efforts to save Ashley from Tucker will be gone. She says Ash thought it was tough being chained to a bedpost, but soon, she’ll find herself in a corner wrapped up in a straitjacket!

Ms. Abbott talks to Ash.

The Abbott Mansion

Jack and Diane tell Sharon the situation with Ashley was tense, and she refused to listen to them.

Billy nods. He says Ashley was angry and combative, and she thought the whole evening was a “betrayal.”

Billy talks to Sharon as Jack and Diane listen in.

Jack says Ashley accused them of holding her hostage when they wouldn’t allow her to leave.

Sharon nods and writes something down on a notepad. She asks about Ashley’s memory of the events.

Jack says Ashley didn’t remember any of it or even know how she’d gotten there.

Jack Abbott.

Traci walks downstairs. She says Ashley was drained emotionally and physically and fell asleep quickly.

Jack thanks her for being there for Ashley.

Traci asks Sharon if she’s been filled on with what’s been going on with Ashley.

Traci and Jack Abbott.

Sharon figures there’s more to the story but thinks she has the gist of what’s happened. She says she’s sorry for what Ashley and her family are going through; she knows how terrifying it must be. She asks about Ashley refusing to speak to a professional about her condition.

Traci says when Ashley was “more herself,” she wanted to get help because the blackouts were terrifying for her.

Sharon didn’t know about the blackouts. She asks for more information.

Sharon Newman.

Traci says Ashley was out all night and couldn’t remember anything about it, and promised Traci that she’d see a specialist.

Sharon nods, figuring Ashley didn’t follow through with that.

Traci says Ashley doesn’t remember why she didn’t follow through. She says it’s like they’re dealing with two Ashleys.

Billy thinks it might be more than that.

Billy Abbott.

The Neil Winters Jazz Lounge

Kyle tells Summer that’s a bold move… She’s telling him to turn on his mother?

Summer says she told him he could also just walk away. She says her opinion of Diane has “softened” since she first came to town. She doubts she’ll ever completely trust her, though… She’s the skeptical one who doesn’t trust easily, whether they’re talking about ex-mother-in-laws or crazy cousins!

Summer talks earnestly with Kyle.

Kyle laughs and says he’s glad she’s the one who said it.

Summer says she never thought Diane should have taken the job… Diane should have turned down Jack’s offer and insisted he give the position back to Kyle. She says it’s self-serving and arrogant of Diane to take a job she wasn’t qualified for from her son. It was doomed to fail from the start, whether Jack knows it or not. She says that Jabot is so important to the Abbotts, and they can’t afford to have Diane in a position of power when she can’t handle it.

Kyle nods. Summer’s right; if he doesn’t do something, the company and the family will suffer. There’s no way around it… Either he walks away, or he needs to take back what should have been his in the first place.

Kyle Abbott.

The Abbott Mansion

Jack asks Billy if he thinks Ashley has “splintered” and has dual personalities.

Billy says he’s not qualified to diagnose anything, but he thinks it’s clear that they all witnessed two very different personas from Ashley. He says when Ashley wanted to go after Tucker, she was referring to herself in third person, and when he met up with her at Society, he walked away thinking he’d had a conversation with a teenager. He says he kept quiet because didn’t want to project his own experience on her.

Billy crosses his arms as he talks.

Sharon listens and takes notes.

Traci asks what Billy means by “his own experience.”

Jack says Billy might as well tell her about it.

Traci and Jack listen to Billy.

Billy says he went through a dark period in his life some years ago, and he was blacking out. He lost blocks of time when the blackouts occurred, and found out that he was out and about and “not doing good things.”

Traci asks when this happened to him.

Billy says it was years ago, but after Delia’s death. He says he thought he’d dealt with everything, but he hadn’t… He was hallucinating, seeing Delia’s ghosts, and getting into fights. He says he woke up once in the Chancellor Mansion with no idea how he got there and what he was doing. He says there was another “really bad night” that he won’t get into, but it involved him wanting to hurt Adam.

Billy Abbott.

Sharon tells Billy that he can take a moment if he needs to.

Billy shakes his head. He says he’s fine. He got some “very serious” therapy, and they treated him for Dissociative Identity Disorder (which used to be called split personality disorder). He says he’s lucky because he got help; Victoria would have banned him from seeing his children if he hadn’t.

Jack says Billy did the work and found his way through it. He’ll always be proud of Billy for that.

Jack talks to Billy as Traci listens.

Billy says Ashley is stronger than he is; they all love her, and he believes she’ll be okay.

Jack asks what Sharon thinks… Is there a chance that Billy’s right?

Sharon says Billy’s right about the similarities, but none of them can diagnose Ashley. She says it could be DID, but there are other possibilities, and this is far too serious for guesswork. She says she’s going to make some phone calls first thing in the morning and get them a list of referrals; Ashley needs to see a professional right away.

Sharon talks to Billy.

Jack thanks her for her help. He says the Ashley they saw that evening will try to fight them every step of the way… Does Sharon have any suggestions?

Traci doesn’t think Ashley will be a problem. She says the Ashley she took upstairs and tucked into bed will go along with the therapy. She says their sister is “in there,” but she seems lost, and she’s never seen her so fragile or so terrified. They have to help her before it’s too late!

Traci gestures as she talks, while Jack and Diane listen.

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1 thought on “Y&R Recap – Thu Apr 11: Sharon Joins Ashley’s Intervention; Billy Discloses a Possible Diagnosis; Summer & Kyle Discuss Claire & Diane”

  1. Been a fan of Y & R, since a kid. My Grandma & Mom was fanatics about the show. They in Heaven now. I watch the show faithfully. I’m crazy about “Nick Newman”. Not crazy about who plays “Billy Abbott”…. Ashley playing good alter ego…. Help your Sister, Jack & Traci….

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