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Y&R Recap – Thurs Aug 10: Jack & Ashley Bury the Hatchet, and Nate Convinces Victoria to Merge Newman Media With Adustus

Abby, Jack, Ashley, Nate, and Victoria.

Today’s Young and the Restless recap airs Thursday, August 10 2023 in the USA, and airs one day ahead in Canada. We post our Y&R recaps every weekday!

Last Episode

The Judge, Heather, and Phyllis.

On the last episode of Y&R, Phyllis was shocked when given community service as the judge rejected Christine’s sentencing recommendation.

The Genoa City Athletic Club

Audra calls Nate and asks if he’s talked to Victoria yet about the merger. She reminds him that Adam could let it slip at any time that she and Tucker covered up a scandal.

Audra Charles.

Nate says he will meet with Victoria in a minute and will propose it as a good business move.

Audra sees Adam enter the club and ends her call with Nate.

Adam sits at Audra’s table and asks her for an update and whether she’d reached out to Victor and told him it’s a smart idea to merge Newman Media with Adustus.

Adam and Audra.

Audra tells Adam it’s in progress.

Adam says it sounds like Audra’s stalling. He wants it handled and over with by the time they officially launch the company.

Audra says she has a two-stage plan in the works.

Adam talks with Audra.

Newman Enterprises

Nikki tells Victoria that she heard from Victor, and things are progressing well overseas.

Victoria and Nikki.

Victoria says she’s glad to hear it. There’s a knock at the door; it’s Nate.

Nate walks in and sits down with them. He says he did a deep dive on the paperwork for the Adustus/Kirsten launch, and he thinks Adam is correct that having two media companies competing against each other isn’t good business.

Nikki says Victor doesn’t see it that way.

Victoria and Nate.

Nate thinks that might have been Victor’s initial reaction, but it’d be a media powerhouse if they merged the two companies.

Victoria is shocked and wonders where he’s getting these ideas from.

Nikki asks Nate why he’d suggest defying Victor like this… What’s gotten into him?

Nikki and Nate.

The Abbott Mansion

Abby and Jack walk into the house and are greeted by Diane.

Diane and Jack.

Diane makes some small talk about how Jack had shown her a video of Dominic and how adorable he is.

Abby says she spoke to Ashley and has agreed to come to a mediation session which Abby would oversee.

Jack says he’s willing to try.

Abby says only Jack, Ashley, and Abby will attend the meeting. No Diane and no Tucker.

Diane and Abby.

Jabot Cosmetics

Billy thanks Tucker and Ashley for meeting him. They all sit down at the boardroom table.

Billy says he’s considered their offer to push Diane over the edge at Jabot.

Ashley and Billy.

Ashley says Billy would just be speeding along Diane’s inevitable downfall and will hopefully open Jack’s eyes at the same time.

Billy says what they’re planning will weaken Jabot, allowing Tucker and Ashley to take over… Has he got that right?

Tucker says that’s right. He asks where Billy stands on it… Can they count on him?

Ashley and Tucker talk to Billy.

Billy asks what’s in it for him.

Ashley says Simply Ashley will be a huge success, and Diane will weaken Jabot with Billy’s help.

Tucker says when that happens, Ashley and Tucker will take over.

Billy gestures as he talks to Tucker and Ashley.

Ashley says it’s the only way to save their father’s company. She’s discussed it with Tucker, and they’ve decided it’s short-sighted to fold Jabot into their company because of its extensive branding, so Jabot will remain a separate entity under the Simply Ashley umbrella.

Billy thinks it’s smart to keep Jabot as it is. He asks again what his payout is.

Tucker says that Billy will run Jabot after the takeover.

Ashley, Tucker, and Billy.

Ashley says Billy will run their father’s company and won’t be under Jack’s shadow anymore.

Tucker says Billy will be where he belongs… In charge.

Billy says he’s intrigued.

Billy Abbott.

Tucker says the position is his as long as Billy does his job with Diane.

Billy smiles.

Ashley says she has to go and meet with Jack. She tells Billy that Abby is trying to broker peace between her and Jack.

Ashley and Tucker talk to Billy.

Billy says it’s about protecting their family legacy; he’s on board with Ashley and Tucker.

Ashley says he won’t regret it. She and Tucker leave.

Billy sends Jack a text message. “Ashley and Tucker on their way. Be prepared for anything.”

Billy sends Jack a text message.

The Abbott Mansion

Jack tells Abby that she thinks they can’t work things out unless Diane is excluded.

Abby says it’s just for the meeting.

Abby talks to Jack and Diane.

Jack says it’s not going to happen. He says that Diane is the reason for his war with Ashley, so Diane has to be involved. He mentions Ashley’s “absurd relationship” with Tucker as another reason for the war.

Abby says that Ashley feels the same about Jack’s marriage to Diane.

Abby explains that having Diane or Tucker involved in the meeting will get everyone’s back up, and the whole meeting will be over before it even started.

Diane, Jack, and Abby.

Diane tells Jack that she agrees with Abby. The only chance for Jack and Ashley to have a peaceful conversation is if she’s not involved.

Jack says they’re married, and Ashley has to realize that isn’t going to change.

Diane says if he wants peace with Ashley, Jack has to understand that Ashley accepting Diane as part of Jack’s life means that Jack has to accept that Tucker is part of Ashley’s life.

Diane and Jack.

Newman Media

Nate tells Nikki and Victoria that his instincts say it’s a smart move to integrate the two companies, and he wanted to make sure both Victoria and Nikki were on board with his idea before he presented it to Victor.

Victoria says she’s not sure that Victor’s mind can be changed, and doesn’t want to give Adam the satisfaction of winning.

Nate talks to Nikki and Victoria.

Nate says Victoria shouldn’t view it on a personal level… It’s good business.

Nikki says that anything involving Adam is never a good idea, and it’s best to have him have his own company.

Victoria agrees and says Adam can run his own company into the ground all by himself.

Victoria talks to Nate.

Nikki says that she hopes Nick can keep Adam level. She notices the time and says she has a meeting to attend.

Before Nikki leaves, she says that she agrees with Victor that the two companies should stay separate. Audra can run Newman Media, and Adam can do whatever he’s going to do with his company. She leaves.

Victoria asks Nate why he’s looking into it, she thought they had things settled.

Nikki talks with Nate and Victoria.

Nate says that since Adustus was ramping up to launch, he realized the two companies were redundant.

Victoria says that Nate’s disrespecting her father’s wishes.

Nate disagrees. He’s not saying they should do anything behind Victor’s back.

Victoria says it’d be tough to convince Victor. She says that merging the two companies would dilute Audra’s power… Has Nate lost faith in Audra?

Nate talks with Victoria.


Audra tells Adam that she has Nate working on Victoria to get her on board with the merger.

Adam thinks that’s smart because Victoria will listen to Nate, if anyone.

Adam Newman.

Audra says that Victor’s out of the country, so she has to go through other routes.

Adam agrees, and says he wants it taken care of by the company’s launch… Next week.

Audra says it’s a tight timeline, she’ll do what she can. She says it’s not a good incentive for her to know that her position will disappear after the merger.

Audra Charles.

Adam thought that Audra wanted to keep a scandal quiet, and that should be her incentive.

Audra says it could destroy her career. It was a coverup of a coverup. She’s fought to get where she is, and wants to fight for her position.

Adam says she needs to do what he’s asked her and they’ll see what happens.

Audra talks to Adam.

Audra says Adam is underestimating her… She’s a valuable asset. She says that Adam needs her as much as she needs him. She’s willing to call his bluff.

Audra tells Adam she wants a written guarantee that she’ll get a position of power in the new company… And if Adam isn’t willing to do that, she’ll take her chances on what happens.

Adam says she’s negotiating when she has no leverage.

Audra says that if Adam releases the emails, Tucker will be an enemy for life, and Adam doesn’t want that… He should just give Audra what she wants.

Adam Newman.

Newman Enterprises

Nate tells Victoria that he trusts Audra… Nothing’s changed. He just thinks it’s a good move.

Nate and Victoria talk.

Victoria says that Adam just wants to take control of Newman Media away from her.

Nate says the strength of the two companies as one is undeniable.

Victoria asks what Nate thinks Audra’s new position would be in the company if it merged.

Victoria smiles at Nate.

Nate says they’d figure it out. He says he is concerned about what’s best for Newman Enterprises.

Victoria says she’ll have to think about it… Nate’s passion for business is a big turn-on.

They kiss.

Nate and Victoria kiss.

The Abbott Mansion

Ashley and Tucker arrive at the house.

Tucker looks at Ashley in surprise.

Abby greets them and tells them that Tucker and Diane have to leave. This is a sibling-only situation.

Tucker says he’s ok with that, he understands that Diane or his presence could only be a cloud over the meeting.

Jack says he agrees that Tucker’s a storm cloud.

Jack and Diane.

Tucker tells Jack that he wants Ashley and Jack to find peace despite of Jack’s antagonism. He asks Diane if she wants to broker peace with him over lunch… He’s buying.

Diane says she’d like that. She leaves with Tucker.

Abby asks where they should begin.

Abby Newman.


Tucker and Diane enter the restaurant and see Billy sitting there.

Billy Abbott talks to Tucker and Ashley.

Tucker tells Billy that he’s taking remote work to a whole new level by working as he sits at a bar. He asks if he’s got a vodka tonic in front of him.

Billy says he doesn’t owe Tucker an explanation, but it’s a club soda that he’s drinking while he waits for his takeout order. He asks if they were kicked out of the mediation between Jack and Ashley.

Diane says they chose to leave so that Jack and Ashley could work things out.

Tucker and Diane.

Billy says that’s good, he’s sick and tired of their fighting. He tells Diane that she’s going to push it too far at the company, and Jack won’t be able to forgive or fix the problem she’s created, and then Jack will realize that Ashley was right the entire time.

Diane says she’s sick of all of them, and sick of having to prove herself to everyone except Jack. She tells Tucker that she’s lost her appetite, and leaves the restaurant.

Outside the restaurant, Diane runs into Nikki. They both exclaim, “Oh great!” when they see each other.

Diane and Nikki.


Adam tells Audra he’s not afraid of Tucker, and Audra just needs to trust that he’ll take care of her.

Audra says she can’t remain as CEO of Newman Media, since Sharon, Nick, and Adam will be in charge… But she wants to be second-in-command.

Adam talks to Audra.

Adam laughs.

Audra says she deserves it. She’s strong and smart.

Adam says he’d have to run it by Sharon and Nick, but he’s confident he can convince them, as long as Audra can deliver.

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Y&R Spoilers – Updated

Y&R Comings and Goings

Y&R News

The Abbott Mansion

Ashley asks for a few minutes alone with Jack.

Abby tells her mom that she agreed to be a mediator to keep Jack and Ashley from getting into a shouting match.

Abby Newman talks to Jack and Ashley.

Jack immediately starts in on Ashley about how she’s not the sister he once knew.

Ashley says that Diane has turned Jack into an “insipid fool”.

Abby tells them to stop, and that’s why she can’t leave them alone. She’ll do whatever it takes to broker peace.


Ashley says she’ll save Abby some time. She doesn’t want anything from Jack or Jabot. She’ll gladly walk away empty-handed if she could be done with Jack and Diane.

Jack is incredulous that she’d walk away willingly.

Ashley tells Jack that she can’t stand arguing anymore. Congratulations, he wore her down.


Jack asks what the catch is.

Ashley says there is no catch. She says that it’s happened because of Tucker, he convinced her that the war between her and Jack is futile. She says that Jack should buy her out, and she’s done.

Jack says he agrees to that. In fact, he’s happy.

Jack, Abby, and Ashley.

Ashley says he’s happy because he’s getting everything he wants.

Jack says he’s happy that Ashley has changed.

Ashley says she wants to move on.

Abby gestures as she talks to Jack and Ashley.

Newman Enterprises

Nate and Victoria are making out on a love seat. Victoria says as much as she’d like to continue, she has to get ready for a video call. They make plans to have dinner after work.

Nate asks Victoria to think about the merger.

Nate and Victoria kiss passionately.

Victoria says she will, but bringing Adam in could be a disaster.

Nate says he can handle Adam.


Adam tells Audra he sees her value, and appreciates what she brings to the table.

Audra talks to Adam.

Audra says they could work well together and do great things.

Adam says Audra protected McCall and put business and loyalty first, and he respects that.

Audra says it wasn’t her proudest moment.

Adam says to keep him posted and if she delivers, things will work out between them. He leaves the table.

Adam talks to Audra.


Outside of the restaurant, Diane tells Nikki that she doubts she’s going to congratulate her.

Nikki says she’s amazed at what Diane has achieved since she came back to Genoa City.

Nikki and Diane.

Diane says she came back without evil intentions, despite Nikki’s thoughts on it.

Nikki says Diane married the billionaire she’s been chasing for decades and has driven a wedge between Jack and Ashley while gaining a foothold at Jabot. She says she’d admire Diane, if only she weren’t so loathesome.

Diane smiles and tells Nikki to have a good day. She leaves.

Diane smiles at Nikki.

Inside the restaurant, Tucker asks Billy how he sees Diane’s downfall at Jabot playing out.

Billy says after Ashley walks away, Diane will come up with some bad ideas and Jack will go along with them because he’s blinded by love, and Billy will be feeding her ego and tell her to take more control.

Tucker says that there will be a pot of gold waiting for Billy at the end of the rainbow.

Tucker smiles.

Billy says he’s grateful for that.

Tucker wonders if Billy has his own agenda… It seems a bit too good to be true.

Nikki overhears them talking and asks what’s too good to be true.

Nikki, Tucker, and Billy.

The Abbott Mansion

Jack says that if Ashley could give Diane a chance, he can do the same with Tucker.

Ashley says she’ll try her best.

Jack talks with Ashley.

Jack and Ashley agree that they’ve both been beaten down by their battle, and they both want it to end.

Abby asks if Jack will attend Ashley’s wedding.

Jack says that depends on whether Ashley will accept him bringing his wife to the wedding.

Ashley talks to Jack.


Billy tells Nikki that he and Tucker were just marveling over the fact they had found common ground… A mutual distrust for Diane.

Nikki laughs and says Diane can bring together the most distant of people.

Tucker McCall.

Billy says that he’s worried about Jack and Jabot.

Tucker says he’s tired of the fight between Jack and Ashley.

Billy says they’re on the same page.

Billy talks to Nikki.

Nikki says they can’t trust Diane. Every plan to drive Diane out of town has blown up. She says Phyllis is a prime example of what happens when someone goes against Diane.

Tucker says that you can’t underestimate Phyllis… She may have something up her sleeve for Diane.

Nikki sits down at the next table over and says that there’s no upside in doing battle with Diane. She’s resigned herself to the fact that Diane is part of Genoa City now.

Nikki Newman.

Crimson Lights

Diane is typing on her phone and sipping coffee when Audra comes into the cafe.

Audra walks over to Diane’s table and says hello.

Audra smiles at Diane.

Diane invites her to have a seat. She says that she’s heard that Kyle and Audra have been working together and have a personal relationship too.

Audra says Kyle’s a good, kind man.

Diane says she and Jack are really protective of Kyle, and they were curious when they heard that Audra and Kyle were spending so much time together.

Diane looks surprised as she talks to Audra.

Audra says Kyle is a great addition to Newman Media, and he’s in good hands there. She says she’s hard to impress, but Kyle’s done so.

Diane says she’s impressed too, but Kyle belongs at Marchetti with his wife. She says he’s still in love with Summer.

Audra says she doesn’t know Kyle’s true feelings, but he seems ready to move on from his marriage and his whole life. She says that maybe Kyle needs to take a break from his family.

Audra Charles talks to Diane Jenkins.

Diane says that Kyle needs his family more than ever, and he doesn’t need to align himself with Audra to find himself.

Audra says her intentions are sincere, she wants to help Kyle if she can.

Diane says Audra is the type of person to put herself first.

Diane has a questioning look on her face.

Audra says she wants to be there for Kyle at a difficult time in his life.

Diane says Audra’s helping Kyle hide from the truth, but eventually, it’ll all fall apart.


Adam talks on the phone in the lobby. He finishes his call when Nate approaches.

Adam talks to Nate.

Nate asks him how things are going for the launch.

Adam says it’s coming together. He asks if Audra is living up to Victoria and Nate’s standards.

Nate tells him that he finds Adam’s manipulation despicable and pathetic.

Nate talks to Adam.

Adam smirks and says that’s rich, coming from a guy who sold out his own family… He says that Nate and him are similar… Nate wanted a big role at a company and a rich, powerful woman… And now he has both.

Nate says he worked hard for what he has.

Adam says that he knows who he is, and he embraces it… Nate should learn to do the same.

Adam and Nate.

The Abbott Mansion

Ashley tells Jack that she loves him in spite of everything, and it matters that he’s at her wedding. It would signify that Jack has accepted Tucker.

Jack says he’s not happy about it, but he’ll always support Ashley.

Jack and Ashley talk.

Ashley says if Jack can make that gesture, then she’ll do the same where Diane is concerned.

Jack says that’s all he ever wanted.

They hug awkwardly as Abby looks on, smiling.

Abby says that was easier than she expected.

Jack and Ashley hug as Abby looks on.

Newman Enterprises

Nate tells Victoria his meeting was canceled at the last moment, but he’s booked them a dinner reservation, so it wasn’t a complete waste.

Victoria says she’s had time to think about his proposal about Adustus and Newman Media, and his idea has merit… But she has one condition.

Victoria talks to Nate.


Ashley walks into the restaurant and joins Tucker and Billy.

Tucker asks Ashley how things went with the mediation.

Nikki talks to Ashley.

Ashley says that she and Jack are in a good place now. She asks Nikki if she’ll be coming to their wedding, as she hasn’t received their RSVP.

Nikki says she’s not sure if Victor will be back from his trip. She can’t believe that Ashley and Tucker are back together, but she thinks there will be fireworks at the wedding.

Ashley says she’s not so sure… She and Jack worked things out between them.

Ashley and Tucker.

The Abbott Mansion

Jack asks Abby why she’s not as happy as she should be since the meeting with Ashley went well.

Abby says it happened so quickly that she wonders if it’s a ploy on her mom’s part.

Jack and Abby talk.

Jack says she should give her mother the benefit of the doubt.

Abby smiles and hugs him. She leaves the house, passing Diane who is on her way in.

Diane kisses Jack and asks how things went.

Jack talks with Abby.

Jack tells Diane that Ashley relented and only wants him to buy her out of Jabot. He thinks that with Billy in their pocket, things are going well for them.

Diane isn’t so sure. She tells Jack that Billy was there when she and Tucker went to Society, but he seemed to be playing his part a little too well.

Jack asks what that means.

Diane wonders if Ashley might have turned Billy against them.

Jack talks with Diane.

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