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Home » Chelsea is Released, Adam Wants More, and Sally & Chloe Make a Deal

Chelsea is Released, Adam Wants More, and Sally & Chloe Make a Deal

Chloe meets Sally to discuss their financial future

This episode of The Young and The Restless airs Wednesday, Nov 16, 2022. In this episode, Adam wants Chelsea to wait to tell Connor what happened to her, Sally and Chloe meet with Nick, and Chelsea gets a new apartment. This episode airs one day early in Canada.

On the last episode of Y&R, Chance tells Abby “it’s over!”, Devon is confronted by Lily about Amanda, and Tucker tells Diane to leave town.

Mental Health Care Facility

Chelsea is folding some clothes when Adam shows up. He says she’s looking stronger, and she says she’s feeling better.

Chelsea tells Adam she's been released - Y&R Recap for Nov 16, 2022
CBS – Chelsea tells Adam she’s been released

She says she has spoken with Dr. Malone, who’s authorized her release today. Adam asks if she thinks she’s ready, and she says that she hasn’t had any thoughts about hurting herself and is feeling better.

Adam says that he can help her find a place to live, as the Grand Phoenix may not be the best place for her right now. She declines, and says that she will take care of it, she just wants to see Connor.

Adam is happy for Chelsea's release - Y&R Recap for Nov 16, 2022
CBS – Adam is happy for Chelsea

Adam says that Connor is eager to see her. Chelsea says that it’s important that Connor knows the truth about why she had to come to the facility.

Adam disagrees, and says she doesn’t need to discuss the incident that she’s barely started to work through herself. He asks her to think about what’s best for Connor.

Adam doesn't think Connor needs to hear about Chelsea's suicide attempt yet - Y&R Recap for Nov 16, 2022
CBS – Adam doesn’t think Connor needs to hear about Chelsea’s suicide attempt

Chelsea says that she has been thinking of him, and Adam says that she doesn’t need to rush in with all the details. She doesn’t want Connor to hear it from someone else, and that she needs to arm him with the truth.

She mentions that her therapist agreed, and Adam says that he doesn’t want Connor to think that he pushed Chelsea into this.

Dr. Malone talks with Chelsea and Adam about her release - Y&R Recap for Nov 16, 2022
CBS – Dr. Malone talks with Chelsea and Adam

Dr. Malone comes in. She asks Chelsea if she’s ready, and Chelsea says she is. She asks Adam if he will respect her decision, and he reluctantly agrees.

Adam says he’ll come back and drive her home, but Chelsea says that Sharon and Billy already volunteered. Adam asks her to consider what he said, and leaves Dr. Malone and Chelsea to talk.

Dr. Malone talks alone with Chelsea - Y&R Recap for Nov 16, 2022
CBS – Dr. Malone talks alone with Chelsea

Dr. Malone asks why Chelsea looks uncomfortable, and she says that Adam doesn’t want her to tell Connor what happened with her.

Chelsea says that she knows he wants what’s best for Connor.

Dr. Malone says that what’s important is Chelsea’s state of mind, and they decide how to make sure Connor knows that what happened with Chelsea is not his fault.

Dr. Malone advises Chelsea to talk to Connor - Y&R Recap for Nov 16, 2022
CBS – Dr. Malone advises Chelsea to talk to Connor

She says that she’ll need to tell Connor what happened so that he knows he’s not responsible, and it’ll need to be done in a setting where he can express himself, even if it’s anger.

They talk about Chelsea’s friends, and Chelsea says that Chloe and her are really close, and Dr. Malone says that she’ll have to let her in on what happened as well.

The doctor asks her to call when she’s had her talk with Connor to let her know how it went. Sharon and Billy show up to pick her up. Dr. Malone tells her to be well and leaves.

Billy and Sharon show up to pick up Chelsea from rehab - Y&R Recap for Nov 16, 2022
CBS – Billy and Sharon pick Chelsea up

Chelsea says there’s only one small problem… She doesn’t have anywhere to go. She asks if they can drop her off somewhere with Internet access where she can look for a place.

Billy says “Sure!”, and Sharon and he share a look, and Chelsea asks what that was about. Billy says she’ll find out in due time, and says it’s time to hit the road.

Billy leads Chelsea out of the facility - Y&R Recap for Nov 16, 2022
CBS – Billy leads Chelsea out

After they’ve left, Adam shows up again at the clinic and meets Dr. Malone. He says he’s there to meet with Chelsea, that he’s had second thoughts about their conversation.

Dr. Malone tells him that she’s left with Sharon and Billy, and that she’s glad that she has so much support. Adam says she’ll have lots of support over the coming months.

Adam asks Dr. Malone where Chelsea is - Y&R Recap for Nov 16, 2022
CBS – Adam asks where Chelsea is

Crimson Lights

Sharon is talking with Billy, who’s surprised that Chelsea is being released already. He says that it’s good news.

Sharon says that the doctor says that she’s no danger to herself or others, she’ll have one last in-patient session, and she’ll be out!

Sharon talks with Billy at Crimson Lights - Y&R Recap for Nov 16, 2022
CBS – Sharon talks with Billy

Billy doesn’t think that it’s a good idea to go back to the Grand Phoenix, she should start somewhere fresh. Sharon agrees, and says she’s already come up with a solution.

Sharon explains to Billy about the apartment over Crimson Lights - Y&R Recap for Nov 16, 2022
CBS – Sharon tells Billy her plan for Chelsea

Sarah says that Mariah and Tessa are relocating to the tack house on the Newman ranch, so the apartment upstairs will be available for Chelsea to move into.

Billy says that Sharon is going above and beyond for Chelsea, given their past relationship. Sharon says that Rey would have approved, and she feels that it’s the right move in her heart.

Billy asks Sharon why she's willing to help Chelsea -Y&R Recap for Nov 16, 2022
CBS – Billy asks why Sharon is so willing to help

Billy thinks that Chelsea would welcome the offer.

Adam comes into the coffee shop and meets up with Sharon and Billy, and says that he was just visiting with Chelsea. Sharon says that he must know that she’s being released, and he agrees.

Adam shows up at Crimson Lights to talk to Sharon and Billy about Chelsea - Y&R Recap for Nov 16, 2022
CBS – Adam shows up to talk about Chelsea

Adam says that he’d like to talk with her when she’s not busy, and she says that it’s ok, they’re all together on this.

Adam remarks that he thought they agreed that they’d wait to tell Connor, but that she wants to tell him right away, even though she doesn’t even have a place to live.

Sharon says that she’s got the apartment upstairs, which Adam takes well. He asks Sharon what she thinks about telling Connor, and she asks what Chelsea’s therapist thinks.

Adam is concerned about Connor - Y&R Recap for Nov 16, 2022
CBS – Adam is concerned

He says that he wants her unbiased opinion, and she says that if Chelsea feels up to it, then she should do it. She asks what he thinks, and he says he’d like to have a word with Billy alone. He pulls Billy to the side.

Adam says that he’s grateful that Billy saved Chelsea’s life, and wants to know what Billy’s involvement means for Chelsea’s future.

Adam asks Billy what his plans are with Chelsea - Y&R Recap for Nov 16, 2022
CBS – Adam asks Billy what his plans are with Chelsea

Billy says that he wants Chelsea to be better, to be happy. Adam asks if it’s a joke to him.

Billy tells Adam that when he got her off the ledge, that he made a promise to her that he’d be there to help her through it.

Adam asks what Lily thinks about all this. Billy tells him that it’s none of his business, and that he may not know what’s best in this situation with Chelsea, but he thinks they need to take their cues from Dr. Malone.

Adam and Billy talk about Chelsea - Y&R Recap for Nov 16, 2022
CBS – Adam and Billy talk

After picking up Chelsea from the mental health facility, Billy, Sharon, and Chelsea arrive back at Crimson Lights.

Sharon asks how Chelsea’s feeling, and she says that it’s nice to be back at the coffee shop, but she needs to get busy looking for a place.

Chelsea wants to find a place to live, when Sharon tells her that she can live upstairs - Y&R Recap for Nov 16, 2022
CBS – Chelsea wants to find a place to live

Sharon says that the apartment upstairs is available, and that it’s available, if Chelsea is interested. Chelsea is stunned, and asks why Sharon would offer it, after everything that Chelsea’s done to her.

Sharon says that she wants to help, and that there’s room for Connor as well. Chelsea says she doesn’t know what to say, but she says, “Yes. Thank you so much.” She gets up and hugs Sharon.

Sharon and Chelsea share a hug - Y&R Recap for Nov 16, 2022
CBS – Chelsea embraces Sharon

Chancellor Park

Sally meets with Chloe at the park. Sally says, “I invite you to brainstorm, you bring a bucket, and it’s not even filled with muffins or a nice pumpkin chai!”

Chloe explains that it’s Miles’ bucket, and that they’re going to fill it with positive things until it’s overflowing with goodness.

Chloe meets Sally in the park - Y&R Recap for Nov 16, 2022
CBS – Chloe meets Sally in the park

She puts a few coins in, and says that that represents the money they’re going to be making very soon. She says that their resumes will gleam, with CEO and COO on them.

Sally puts some gloves in, and says that they’re fashion designers too.Chloe puts in a doll, and says that represents their leadership skills, and all the people that have worked for them.

Chloe and Sally fill the bucket with "good energy" - Y&R Recap for Nov 16, 2022
CBS – Chloe and Sally fill the wish bucket

Sally says their biggest problem is to choose what they’re going to do next… Fashion, media, there’s nothing they can’t do!

Chloe says they just need the special sauce to bring things together until the job offers pour in. She says that they just need to take the lead, and they give each other a high-five.

Chloe asks Sally to accept Nick's offer - Y&R Recap for Nov 16, 2022
CBS – Chloe asks Sally to accept Nick’s offer

Chloe says that it wouldn’t hurt if Sally would just accept Nick’s offer. Speaking of the devil, Nick chooses that time to appear in the park. Chloe waves and invites him over.

Nick has a seat on a bench, while Chloe approaches him and explains that they need work… Not just for financial reasons, but a sense of purpose. She’s really over the top in trying to get Nick’s interest.

Nick appears. How fortuitous! - Y&R Recap for Nov 16, 2022
CBS – Nick fortuitously appears

Nick is interested in hearing what she has to say. Chloe explains that Sally regrets getting off on the wrong foot with Summer, and that Summer may not trust Sally, but Chloe does.

She asks Nick to convince Summer that Sally needs a second chance. Sally tells her to dial it back, that she doesn’t need anyone’s help.

Chloe asks Nick for jobs for both her and Sally - Y&R Recap for Nov 16, 2022
CBS – Chloe asks for a job

She says that she’d never ask Nick to get a job at Marchetti with Summer. Chloe interrupts and enthusiastically says they’d do so well.

Nick says he would consider giving them a loan to start their own fashion label. Sally says that they have to decline, though his offer is very generous.

Chloe says that they need to speak in private about the offer, when her phone dings with a text message. It’s her sitter, and she asks Sally to not make any decisions without her. She leaves.

Nick speaks to Sally alone - Y&R Recap for Nov 16, 2022
CBS – Nick speaks alone to Sally

Nick says it’s a first, where he made an offer, and feels the need to apologize right away. He says he didn’t plan it, but it just came to mind when Chloe asked for some help.

He says that it’s just a loan, and not to take any more from it. It won’t need to be repaid in kisses or anything else.

He asks her out on a date to have some drinks, and says that they won’t talk about money, just to talk about where they are in life, and to catch up. Sally likes that idea a lot.

Chloe comes back and asks what happened while she was gone. Nick says he’s going to leave them to discuss things, and to let him know on his offer.

Nick speaks with Chloe and Sally - Y&R Recap for Nov 16, 2022
CBS – Nick speaks with Chloe and Sally

Chloe says that they should take Nick up on his offer.

Sally says that she doesn’t want to be in anyone’s debt, and says that things between Nick and her are up in the air, so she doesn’t want it to get messy if anything bad happens between them.

Sally says that she needs to keep her personal life separate from their business life, and that it could be complex if she’s involved with their banker.

Chloe asks Sally to reconsider Nick's offer - Y&R Recap for Nov 16, 2022
CBS – Chloe asks Sally to reconsider

Chloe says that this type of opportunity only comes through once in a lifetime, and begs her not to say no to it, and she asks her to just think about it.

Later, Adam arrives at the park, thinking about Chelsea, and how he was invested in getting her some relief from the pain he caused, and how she said that maybe it wasn’t about her at all… Maybe it was just the guilt talking.

Adam reminisces about Chelsea - Y&R Recap for Nov 16, 2022
CBS – Adam reminisces about Chelsea

He flashes back to how Sally had told him that he’s like an addiction, and that it’s not healthy, that it’s toxic, and letting him into her life was a huge mistake. He says he’s deeply sorry for lying to her, for hurting her, for loving her. He says that he would have given everything up if it means that it would make up for the pain.

Adam remembers a fight with Sally - Y&R Recap for Nov 16, 2022
CBS – Adam remembers a fight with Sally

He thinks about Chloe, and how she said that his desperate pursuit caused Sally to run the other way.

Adam remembers his talk with Chloe - Y&R Recap for Nov 16, 2022
CBS – Adam remembers his talk with Chloe about Sally

He thinks about how Nick and him had talked about him still being in love with Sally.

Chelsea’s New Apartment

Sharon, Chelsea and Billy arrive at Chelsea’s new apartment above Crimson Lights.

Sharon and Billy welcome Chelsea to her new apartment - Y&R Recap for Nov 16, 2022
CBS – Sharon welcomes Chelsea to her new apartment

She thanks Sharon and Billy for everything. Sharon says, “Welcome home!”

Sharon leaves to help Mariah with some unpacking at the tack house.

Chelsea says that she needs to send Lily a gift for taking up Billy’s time. She asks if Lily knows the whole story about Chelsea.

Chelsea asks Billy about Lily's knowledge of her suicide attempt - Y&R Recap for Nov 16, 2022
CBS – Chelsea asks about Lily’s knowledge

Billy says that he kept it deliberately vague.


Adam is sitting at the bar having a drink when Nick comes in. Adam says, “Look who shows up! Bartender, the drinks are on him!”

Adam sees Nick at Society, Adam has a drink in front of him at the bar - Y&R Recap for Nov 16, 2022
CBS – Adam sees Nick

Adam snarkily asks him to have a seat, but Nick says that he’s there to meet someone else.

Adam says, “Geeze, I wonder who that could be?” when Sally enters.

Sally shows up for her date with Nick - Y&R Recap for Nov 16, 2022
CBS – Sally shows up for her date with Nick

Billy just nods. It’s exactly who he thought it would be.