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Y&R Recap – Fri Jan 19: Claire Hugs Victoria as They Bond, While Victor Questions Cole About His Plans For the Future

Claire, Cole, and Victor.

Today’s Young and the Restless recap airs in the USA on Friday, January 19, 2024, and airs one day ahead in Canada. We post our Y&R recaps every weekday!

Last Episode

Seth, Nikki, and Diane.

On the last episode of Y&R, Nikki caught Seth red-handed and confronted him, Jack offered Nikki his support, and Kyle & Jack agreed Diane should be co-CEO.

Memorial Hospital

Claire lies in bed. She dreams that her aunt Jordan is visiting her and telling her they’re alike and Claire can’t escape her; Jordan is burned into her soul forever.

Jordan talks to Claire Grace in her dreams.

Claire wakes up in a panic and sees Victoria in the room with her.

Victoria tells her she’s not alone.

Victoria Newman.

Newman Ranch

Cole comes to visit Victor. He says it’s been a while since he had a private summon from Victor and wonders when he’d want to “lay down the law.”

Cole Howard and Victor Newman.

Victor laughs and says he doesn’t intend to lay down the law. He says everything has changed since Cole and Victoria discovered their daughter is alive.

Cole says after all these years, he’s a father… It’s unreal!

Victor says it’s very real, and steps have to be taken. He asks what Cole’s intentions regarding Claire are.

Victor Newman.

Newman Media

Lauren enters Nikki’s office and says she figures Nikki wants to talk to her about Jack. She says Nikki probably thinks Lauren betrayed her and Jack crossed the line, but she stands by her reason for talking to him about her.

Lauren Fenmore.

The Abbott Mansion

Ashley is staring into space with a listless expression on her face.

Ashley and Jack Abbott.

Jack walks into the living room and says good morning to Ashley. He asks if she’s heading to the office, but she doesn’t respond. He asks if something is up… Did Tucker do something?

Ashley says Tucker is still trying to convince her that she imagined his explosive outburst in Paris… He says he was never violent, and she’s lying to herself.

Jack calls Tucker a son-of-a-bitch. He can’t believe Tucker blew up and is still trying to gaslight Ashley about it. He tells Ashley to stay away from Tucker; that will shut the man down!

Ashley and Jack talk.

The Genoa City Athletic Club

Billy and Devon are having lunch and talking business.

Tucker approaches them and says they’re the new “Chancellor-Winters power couple.” He says he must have threatened them so much that they needed to circle the wagons and join forces. He’s flattered.

Devon Hamilton-Winters, Tucker McCall, and Billy Abbott.

Billy says they consider all “vicious corporate raiders” a threat and isn’t surprised that Tucker is flattered by it.

Tucker says he’s no threat. He’s putting all his attention into Glissade.

Billy thought the board would eliminate the company once they learned about Tucker’s scandal.

Billy talks to Tucker.

Tucker says Glissade’s entire board of directors has been replaced.

Billy says Tucker must think replacing the board before his company even gets off the ground is a successful launch.

Tucker says he does think it’s a successful launch. He came to tell them that Glissade will be his only focus moving forward.

Devon looks uncomfortable and doesn’t say a word.

Devon looks unimpressed.

The Abbott Mansion

Ashley tells Jack she can’t cover her eyes and pretend Tucker doesn’t exist; she’ll run into him unless she leaves town.

Jack says she can’t give up… Genoa City is her home.

Ashley talks to Jack.

Ashley says it’s not Tucker’s home… She’s not going anywhere.

Jack tells Ashley not to let Tucker get under her skin.

Ashley says what Tucker did in Paris was awful, but what he’s doing now is even worse. She asks why he’s being so cruel to her.

Jack talks to Ashley.

Jack says she’s legally free of Tucker; what will it take to free herself emotionally?

Ashley tells Jack he’s not listening… Tucker is trying to get her to doubt her sanity.

Jack says she knows what happened in Paris and what Tucker is capable of. It’s time to rid herself of him!

Ashley says it’s not that easy, but Jack’s right. She will talk to Tucker and settle it once and for all! She leaves the house.

Ashley looks upset.

Newman Media

Nikki tells Lauren she’s angry… In fact, she’s furious, but she’s not angry with Lauren… She’s angry with herself. She hates what she’s done to her friends and family, and it has to stop.

Lauren says Nikki doesn’t need to worry about her friends; she needs to focus on her recovery.

Nikki Newman.

Nikki says it’s her battle and wants to fight it alone without dragging people into it.

Lauren says she can’t do it alone.

Nikki says she’s doing well. She hasn’t had a drink since Lauren came to her rescue the other night.

Lauren talks to Nikki.

Lauren says that’s wonderful; Nikki’s winning the day-to-day battle, but the war isn’t over yet.

Nikki’s aware of it; she has to keep fighting.

Lauren asks what Nikki will do about an AA sponsor to get her through rough patches. She knows Seth is fighting for his own sobriety, and Nikki can’t rely on him. Lauren thinks Jack could be the answer… He understands the trauma of addiction and what it takes to overcome it.

Nikki talks to Lauren.

Nikki says she’d be dragging a dear friend into her chaos.

Lauren scoffs and says a dear friend can’t be dragged in… A dear friend will stand by her and fight alongside her. She says Jack knows her almost as well as Victor, and he needed help with his recovery in the past.

Nikki says turning to Jack might compound her issues and lead to another problem with Victor.

Lauren looks at Nikki.

Newman Ranch

Cole tells Victor he’s taking things with Claire from moment to moment… He’s trying to provide the type of care she needs.

Cole and Victor talk.

Victor understands. He asks whether Cole’s putting his life and career on hold like Victoria is.

Cole says he’s been on a sabbatical from his teaching so he could work on his book, so there’s no need for him to return to Oxford right now; he can write from anywhere, and Claire needs him with her.

Victor asks if Claire said she needed him.

Victor looks at Cole.

Cole says she doesn’t need to; whatever happens, he plans to be part of his daughter’s life.

Victor asks if Cole is planning to move back to Genoa City.

Cole says that’s his plan for the time being. He asks what steps Victor plans to take.

Cole smiles at Victor.

Memorial Hospital

Victoria says she knows Claire wanted to be left alone, but she wanted to check in on her after their trip. She says she’s proud of Claire; it couldn’t have been easy confronting Jordan. She asks if Claire is happy with the outcome.

Claire says that when she first saw Jordan as a prisoner, she was relieved and felt that justice was being served and it made her hopeful that she could work with her therapists. She knows the worst of it is behind her, but there’s still so much to do, and it scares her.

Claire and Victoria sit on the bed.

Victoria asks if Claire has talked to her therapist about it.

Claire says she has… The therapists tell her that the damage took years to create, and it’s like a cancer they have to treat. They have to replace the damage with healthy thoughts and behaviors, and the healing process won’t take place overnight.

Victoria says Claire’s rebuilding her life and creating a new Claire. She’s deciding who she is and figuring out her place in the world. She says it’s a big step in Claire’s healing and recovery.

Victoria talks to Claire.

Claire says if she can heal and get better, they might let her out of the hospital. Even if they do let her out, what happens to her then?

Victoria says they’ll take it slow when she gets out and see if Claire wants to be part of their family.

Claire says she knows all about the Newmans. She’s spent her life researching them and says she saw a lot when she was working for Nikki… The Newmans hold some pretty terrible grudges against each other!

Claire looks at Victoria.

Victoria says they don’t all hold grudges.

Claire says they’re cold and spiteful and even worse with strangers.

Victoria says sometimes that’s true, but Claire will have to find out first-hand what they’re like; she can’t rely on news from the Internet or her aunt’s warped perspective. She’ll see for herself how loyal and loving they can be.

Claire and Victoria talk.

Claire laughs and asks if Victoria thinks Claire will be part of the Newman family.

Victoria says Claire can be part of the family if she wants. It’s her decision, but Victoria is hopeful.

Claire asks about Cole; will he be part of her life, too?

Claire smiles at Victoria.

Newman Ranch

Cole tells Victor he’s here to help his daughter and Victoria however they need him.

Victor Newman.

Victor says Cole hasn’t raised a child… Is he ready for this responsibility?

Cole says he has no choice but to help heal the hurt and pain that Claire’s going through.

Victor says Cole is concerned about his daughter, and Victor is concerned about his, too. He says nobody will take precedence over Victoria and her well-being.

Cole Howard.

The GCAC Dining Room

Tucker tells Billy and Devon he has no intention of hurting Chancellor-Winters; Devon is his son, Dominic is his grandson, and he doesn’t want to destroy their legacy.

Devon, Tucker, and Billy.

Billy says if Tucker wants to turn Glissade into a powerhouse, he should do it from Paris and leave town.

Tucker nods. He tells Devon it was nice to see him. He leaves the dining room and heads up to his room.

Ashley enters the club and catches Tucker in the lobby as he’s walking upstairs. She asks if she can talk to him.

Ashley talks to Tucker.

Tucker doesn’t think there’s anything left to say between them. He invites her to talk in his room.

Ashley asks if he thinks he’ll be more convincing in his room.

Tucker says it’s a private place to talk… What’s the problem with that?

Tucker and Ashley.

Ashley says they can talk where they are.

Tucker says they’re in public and have an audience. He gestures to Devon and Billy. He says she knows nothing went down in Paris the way she says it did… What does she want to talk about?

Ashley asks him to follow her. She heads down the stairs to the jazz lounge.

Ashley Abbott.

Newman Media

Nikki tells Lauren that Victor wouldn’t be pleased if she turned to Jack for a sponsor.

Lauren knows Victor and Jack’s rivalry goes back decades, but Victor would want what’s best for Nikki.

Lauren gestures as she talks.

Nikki thinks Victor would want to be her sponsor over Jack.

Lauren says Victor can’t fill that spot. Nikki needs a sponsor who understands what she’s going through and has beaten his addiction. She needs a real sponsor, not just love and affection. She asks if Nikki’s only issue with Jack is how Victor will respond.

Nikki says it’s a valid concern, but Jack has experience and has seen her at her best and worst; he’s seen her sober and not sober.

Nikki talks to Lauren.

Lauren says Nikki needs an experienced AA member who’s currently sober.

Nikki nods. It’s true, but how does she let Jack in instead of her husband?

Lauren says Nikki’s not giving Victor enough credit. He only wants her recovery, and Jack could be instrumental in it.


Nikki says it would hurt Victor’s feelings if he knew she turned to Jack for support. She thinks it’d be better if it were kept a secret.

Lauren doesn’t think starting her recovery by keeping secrets from her husband is a good idea.

Victor walks into the office. He’s happy to see Lauren. “Two friends chatting together, how nice is that!”

Victor Newman.

Memorial Hospital

Victoria tells Claire that Cole wants to be part of her life; they both do.

Claire asks if they want her to be family after everything she’s done.

Claire and Victoria.

Victoria says Claire needs to start seeing what she’s done in terms of what her aunt did to her; that’s how she and Cole see it. She says Cole is a good man and would have been a wonderful father. They were heartbroken when they thought they lost her, and they never got to be the parents they wanted to be to Claire; maybe they can be her parents now.

Claire smiles and says they’ll be good parents, but she’s not sure she knows how to be someone’s daughter.

Victoria says Claire should start thinking about when she’ll recover, not if she’ll recover. She says Claire will get better and get out of the hospital. She asks Claire to give her a chance to make up for the time they lost.

Victoria looks sad.

Claire says she’s afraid.

Victoria says she can lean on Victoria… She won’t give up on her.

Claire tears up and hugs her mom.

Claire hugs Victoria.

Victoria says this is what family is about… Being there for each other through good times and bad.

Claire says she should get ready for her next session.

Victoria asks if she and Cole can keep visiting Claire.

Victoria smiles as she hugs Claire.

Claire nods. They can.

Victoria asks Claire to call her if there’s anything she needs. She leaves Claire’s room.

Newman Media

Nikki tells Victor she was thanking Lauren for being so supportive.

Lauren talks to Victor and Nikki.

Lauren says she didn’t need to thank her; she was only doing what any friend would.

Nikki asks Victor what brought him by; she thought he had a meeting.

Victor says the meeting ended sooner than he thought, and he wanted to take her out for lunch. He asks Lauren to join them.

Nikki and Victor smile at Lauren.

Lauren politely declines, saying she needs to get back to work.

Victor understands. He thanks Lauren for being a friend to his wife.

Lauren says Nikki is strong, and she can’t help but admire her.

Nikki smiles at Lauren.

The GCAC Dining Room

Billy says Devon gave Tucker a frosty reception; he obviously wasn’t kidding when he said he cut him out.

Devon says he doesn’t joke about stuff like that and doesn’t believe Tucker has stopped seeking revenge… Devon has been burned too many times and thinks Tucker is waiting for them to lose focus before he makes his next move.

Devon talks to Billy.

Billy agrees. He’s glad he and Devon are on the same page. He wishes Ashley was on the same page, though.

Devon asks if Billy wants to check on Ashley.

Billy grins and says he’d love to defend his sister against Tucker, but Ashley wouldn’t want him involved. He hopes she’s telling Tucker to go to hell.

Billy talks to Devon.

The Neil Winters Jazz Lounge

Tucker and Ashley arrive in the lounge. Tucker wishes the bar was open; he could use a drink.

Ashley tells Tucker to stop with the mind games; she’s not playing, and it’s not a joke to her. She says Tucker needs to admit what happened in Paris, and he needs to admit it right now.

Ashley talks to Tucker.

Tucker asks who’s really playing games. He says the fantasy she created about what happened between them is not true.

Ashley says they both know what happened that day.

Tucker says Ashley created a false memory to justify breaking away from him.

Tucker talks to Ashley.

Ashley asks why she’d do that.

Tucker says that’s his question… Why? He may not be perfect, but why does Ashley need to create this fiction that makes him out to be some kind of monster?

Ashley sputters with outrage.

Tucker says she has a problem with commitment. He believes she fell in love with him, but it was too hard for her to accept… What if he broke her heart again? He thinks when things get “too real” for her, she has to figure a way out of it. What they had was real.

Ashley looks upset.

The Abbott Mansion

Jack opens the door for Lauren and invites her in. He says he tried to keep Lauren’s name out of it, but Nikki had already figured out that she had told Jack.

Jack and Lauren in the living room.

Lauren says Nikki understands, and she doesn’t blame either one of them.

Jack’s glad. He hopes Nikki will take him up on his offer to help her.

Lauren and Jack sit and talk.

Lauren says Nikki is starting to come around and realizing the importance of having a friend as a sponsor.

Jack says trust is the key to the whole thing. Nikki knows she can trust him.

Lauren says she can’t think of anyone better for the role.

Jack and Lauren.


Victor and Nikki sit and look at the menu while they talk. Victor says it’s lovely to have lunch with his beautiful wife.

Nikki hopes Victor wasn’t worried about her.

Nikki holds a mug.

Victor says he’s always concerned about her, but right now, he’s concerned about their daughter. He says Victoria is going through a lot, and he had a discussion with Cole earlier.

Nikki hopes Victor didn’t put any pressure on Cole; he’s trying to work things through with Victoria and Claire.

Victor says Cole wants to get to know his daughter, but Victor feels strange about Eve Howard’s son moving back to town.

Victor Newman.

Nikki says it brings up memories of the hell that Eve put them through.

Victor nods. He recalls that Eve tried to convince him that Cole was his son, but that was proved false.

Nikki says Eve was “pure evil.”

Victor says Cole’s plans were vague. He asked if Cole was moving back to Genoa City, but Cole was vague about his future plans. Victor is worried that Cole will be close to Victoria again; she’s gone through a lot, and Victor doesn’t want her to go through any more emotional turmoil.

Nikki Newman.

Crimson Lights

Victoria and Cole sit and talk over coffee. Victoria says Claire is scared and overwhelmed by the time and work it will take to heal. She said she saw hope in Claire’s eyes for the first time today.

Cole thinks that’s wonderful. He thinks Claire’s recovery will be faster if she lets them help her.

Victoria sits and talks with Cole.

Victoria says she said the same thing to Claire, and Claire hugged her. She thinks that’s progress.

Cole says Claire was unreachable and distant beforehand… That’s great news!

Victoria says feeling Claire in her arms was wonderful, but Claire is still fragile and desperately wants love and support.

Cole talks to Victoria.

Cole says Claire needs as much reassurance and affection as they can give her.

Victoria says that for the first time, she truly feels that they will get their daughter back.


Nikki tells Victor he’s getting ahead of himself. Victoria is focused on Claire, not Cole. She doesn’t think Victoria will rekindle her romance with him.

Nikki and Victor.

Victor says Cole and Victoria used to be very much in love with one another.

Nikki says that may be true, but they broke up before their baby was born.

Victor says Victoria’s been in many “doomed” relationships in the last few years. What if this is the start of another one?

Victor talks with his arms crossed.

Crimson Lights

Cole tells Victoria he’s a bit jealous… She connected with their daughter! He wishes he could have been there.

Victoria says he can be there next time; Claire has agreed to let them visit her.

Victoria smiles at Cole.

Cole thinks it’s incredible progress. He wishes everyone was so positive and hopeful.

Victoria asks what he means.

Cole says Victor invited him to the ranch for a meeting.

Cole talks to Victoria.

Victoria laughs. She should have figured! She says her dad can’t stay out of his children’s lives… He’s overprotective. She says she loves him, but he can be maddening. She asks what Victor wanted to talk about.

Cole says Victor wanted to know his plans for Claire and seemed to accept that Cole is staying in town for a while. He says that Victor seems more open about Claire and talked about taking steps to include her in the family.

Victoria is surprised. “He said that?”

Victoria squints at Cole.

Cole nods. He hopes that Claire is open to it and that they can start to build a real relationship with her. He says he never thought he’d say it, but he seems to have something in common with Victor… They both feel the need to protect their daughters!

Victoria says they’ll protect her together.

The Jazz Lounge

Tucker tells Ashley he knows she loves him, but he thinks it’s too much for her, and she chose the comfort of the Abbotts over him.

Tucker looks at Ashley.

Ashley says she never chose… Why can’t he understand that?

Tucker asks what she wants him to understand. He thinks she wanted to save face about her inability to commit to him, so she convinced herself it was all his fault. He says she had to make him the “bad guy.”

Ashley says he could have concocted the whole scenario.

Ashley gestures as she talks.

Tucker shakes his head. He was a fool to think he could compete with the Abbotts… It’s obvious he will never be able to.

Ashley says Tucker’s trying to psychoanalyze her again.

Tucker says Ashley has never been able to maintain a relationship because she runs away to the comfort of her family when it gets too real for her.

Tucker talks to Ashley.

Ashley says Tucker thinks he knows her, but he doesn’t. She tells him to go.

Tucker says an incredible life will always be out of reach for Ashley because she won’t let herself have it. He leaves the lounge and heads upstairs.

Next Week on The Young and the Restless

Traci talks with Ashley about Tucker. She wonders if there’s a way to find out what really happened between them.

Traci Abbott and Ashley Abbott.

Heather asks Daniel if he wants a future with Lily… And Daniel answers that he’s not sure.

Heather and Daniel.

Jordan gets ahold of a cell phone and calls Claire from prison.

Jordan calls Claire.

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2 thoughts on “Y&R Recap – Fri Jan 19: Claire Hugs Victoria as They Bond, While Victor Questions Cole About His Plans For the Future”

  1. I know a lot of people who are only watching the show when Michael Damian is on it. I am afraid that at some point he will leave and take all of his fans with him and one of those fans could possibly be me even though I have watched for about 48 years now!

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