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Y&R Recap for Jan 3: Danny Reunites With Cricket, Billy Asks For Lily’s Forgiveness, and Mariah & Tessa Leave To Meet Delphine

Cricket comes into the coffee shop and sees Danny sitting drinking coffee

This episode of The Young and The Restless airs Tuesday, Jan 3, 2023. We provide early Y&R recaps daily! In this episode, Cricket runs into Danny at Crimson Lights, Tessa & Mariah go to meet the baby’s mother, and Chelsea convinces Billy to work on his relationship with Lily . This Young and The Restless (Y&R) recap’s episode airs one day early in Canada.

On the last episode of Y&R, Sally’s pregnancy test is positive, Stark isn’t convinced that Diane is on his side, and Phyllis is hurt that Summer spent Christmas with Diane & not her.

Crimson Lights

Daniel and his father, Daniel, talk while having a coffee.

Danny tells him that he may be going through some tough times with Heather and Lucy, but he’s proud of who he’s become.

Danny Romalotti and Daniel Romalotti Jr sit at a table in the coffee shop, talking - Young and The Restless recap for Jan 3, 2023

Daniel says that he’s really happy that they’re going to be working together.

Danny says that he’s going to start working on the music right away, and says that communication is key.

Danny and Daniel hug as Daniel leaves the coffee shop

Daniel asks that he won’t bottle up his feelings, and Danny says that he won’t say goodbye, but he’ll see him soon. They hug as Danny leaves the shop.

Daniel sits at the table drinking coffee, when Cricket walks into the shop.

Cricket comes into the coffee shop and sees Danny sitting drinking coffee

She says that she knew that he was in town, but didn’t know if they’d cross paths. She asks how long he’ll be staying.

Danny says he’s leaving today.

Cricket says that she’s there to meet with Mariah and Tessa.

Danny Romalotti talks with Cricket Blair in Crimson Lights

Danny says that he doesn’t want to hold her back from her meeting with Mariah and Tessa, and Cricket says that she’d love to have a drink with him after her meeting.

Mariah and Tessa thank Sharon for getting the plane tickets to see Delphine.

They say that they’re hopeful to hear any news about the adoption.

Mariah and Tessa speak with Sharon in the coffee shop - Young and The Restless recap for Jan 3, 2023

Cricket sits with Sharon, Mariah, and Tessa. She says that Delphine is really impressed with Mariah and Tessa, and their letter really helped.

Tessa says that this is the most important interview of their life.

Cricket sits at a table with Mariah, Tessa, and Sharon and talks about their upcoming meeting with Delphine

Mariah says that they’re managing their expectations, but they’re hopeful.

Sharon says that adoption is a process, not an event.

Cricket says they need to have questions of their own when they go to see Delphine, and to make sure to tell her how strong their relationship is.

Mariah and Tessa sit at a table with coffee mugs in front of them, talking

Danny listens in to Cricket talk with Mariah and Tessa, and reminisces about meeting Cricket for the first time.

Flashback - Cricket and Danny talk

He remembers falling in love with her, and then remembers how he ruined their marriage by cheating on her with Phyllis.

He’s pretty torn up by his memories.

Danny listens in to Cricket talk with Mariah, Tessa, and Sharon

Mariah says that they’re aware that things could go wrong, and might lead to them not getting a child, but every step they take in this journey will lead to their baby.

Sharon tells them they should get packed up, as they don’t want to miss their flight.

Mariah and Tessa get up from the table to leave, as Sharon and Cricket watch

Tessa and Mariah leave, and Sharon and Cricket talk after they’ve gone.

Cricket says the favorite part of her job is to arrange things like the adoption.

Christine (Cricket) Blair stands, talking to Sharon in the coffee shop

She goes into the other room where Danny is waiting for her. She thanks him for waiting, and he says that it’s worth the wait to spend some time with her.

Danny and Cricket stand talking

They sit down, and Cricket explains that she’s mostly doing pro bono work as a lawyer. She asks if he’s still enjoying touring as much as ever.

He says that he does, but it has its downsides. He enjoys travelling the world, and says that Gina sometimes comes out and does a set with him. Cricket’s happy to hear that Gina is still in his life.

Danny and Cricket sit at a table in the coffee shop, talking

Danny says that it’s turned out to be a wonderful holiday season for him, and asks if she knows that Daniel is back.

Cricket says that she heard the news, and that she’d heard that Danny was in town by seeing an Instagram post about his return.

She says that she hadn’t realized that he and Phyllis had stayed in such close touch over the years.

Cricket and Danny sit at a table in the coffee shop

Danny says that he wouldn’t say they’re “close”, but they’re more acquaintances. He wonders what things might be like if Phyllis had never been part of his life.

Cricket says that she’ll never forgive or forget what Phyllis did to her, that she nearly cost her her life.

Danny says that he’s sorry for the pain she caused Cricket.

Danny and Cricket talk in the coffee shop, sitting at a table together

Cricket says that she’s just happy that they’ve both found happiness, even if it wasn’t together.

Danny says that the last time that they saw each other was at her and Paul’s wedding, and asks how they’re doing together.

Cricket says they’re doing really good.

Cricket and Danny talk in the coffee shop

Danny expresses thankfulness that they’re happy together.

She asks him if there’s anyone special in his life.

He says that he has been seeing someone, but there’s always room for a dear friend in his life.

Danny smiles as he talks with Cricket

She says they still need to stay in touch, and maybe Paul and her can come to his next concert.

He lets her know that he’d love that. He tells Cricket that he has to go so that he doesn’t miss his flight.

Danny takes Cricket's hand as they talk in the coffee shop

They get up, and Cricket wonders if that’s his way of asking her to drive him to the airport.

He laughs and says that’d be great.

They leave, saying how much they have to talk about.

Danny and Cricket get up to leave so she can drive him to the airport

Newman Media

Nate and Victoria are in a meeting, and Victoria says that Nick hasn’t shown up for this meeting.

Nate asks if his presence is causing conflict between Victoria and Nick.

Nate and Victoria sit on a couch in Newman Media's offices talking - Young and The Restless recap for Jan 3, 2023

Victoria says that Nate is a real asset to the company, and asks if Nick has been causing problems.

She says that Nick should have stepped back when Nate was made CEO, but he let his personal life take over.

Victoria says that Nick and her will get over it, they always do.

Nate and Victoria sit and talk in the Newman Media offices

Nate asks if anything else is bothering her, and he’ll grab a coffee for them both.

He comes back with coffee, and Victoria shares her memories about being a parent.

She says that she had turbulent times with her son, Reed, and that he’s doing well now.

Nate brings Victoria a coffee in the Newman Media offices

She goes on to say that Johnny is having problems now, that the situation is more complicated than she imagined.

Nate says that her son will always love and appreciate her.

Victoria says that he doesn’t know that for sure.

Nate and Victoria hold coffees and talk in the Newman Media offices

Nate says that Johnny will always know that she’s his compass, and will be able to guide him.

Victoria smiles and says that’s very nice of him to say, but she’s not sure.

Nate says that maybe she just needs to give Johnny some space.

Victoria thanks him for his perspective.

Victoria smiles as she talks with Nate

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Y&R News

Chelsea’s Apartment

Billy comes in to see Chelsea, saying that he wants to know how Connor’s project went at school.

Chelsea says that she doesn’t think that’s the real reason he’s there.

Chelsea smiles as she talks with Billy - Young and The Restless recap for Jan 3, 2023

Billy tries to deny it, but he’s not very convincing.

Chelsea says that everything is obviously not OK with him, he’s looking sad.

She asks to let her support him the way he’s supported her, and asks him to tell her what’s wrong.

Billy looks sad as he talks with Chelsea, sitting on her sofa

Billy sits down, and confesses that Lily told him that she thinks their relationship is over.

Chelsea says that he needs to fix it with Lily, and that he needs to stop focusing on Chelsea’s problems, that should help.

Billy says that Chelsea isn’t the issue, it’s him. He says that he’s less than an ideal long-term partner.

Billy and Chelsea talk as they sit on a sofa in her apartment

Chelsea says that him and Lily are perfect together, and asks if he’s willing to give that up.

She says that he’s strong and loyal, and he should go and make things right with Lily.

Billy says that Lily was calm and rational when she laid out the reasons their relationship was over.

Chelsea says that he needs to go back to Lily and tell her exactly why they should be back together.

Chelsea talks with Billy as they sit in her living room

After Billy leaves, Chelsea gets a text from Connor, asking her if they can have pizza with Johnny sometime soon.

Chelsea gets a text from Connor asking for pizza night with Johnny


Lily comes into the restaurant and sees Nick. He invites her to sit with him to talk about Nate joining Newman Media.

Lily comes into the restaurant and finds Nick there - Young and The Restless recap for Jan 3, 2023

Nick says that he wants to apologize if hiring Nate has added to the family issues.

Lily says that they have no proof that Nate was trying to get information from Chancellor-Winters, but she thinks it’s pretty clear.

Lily sits at the table with Nick as they talk in Society

Nick says that he can neither confirm nor deny any of this.

Lily says that a lot of people she relies on have let her down, but it doesn’t change how much it’s hurt.

Nick asks if she’s talking about Nate or Billy.

Nick talks with Lily, sitting at a table in Society

Lily asks why he’d bring up Billy. Nick says that it must be challenging to be with Billy, but he’s willing to give his perspective on the issue.

He says that he’s impressed and proud of the way she’s handling things, and she’ll make it through this rough time with Billy.

Nick has to leave, and signs the bill. He gets up and says goodbye.

Nick leaves the restaurant, leaving Lily at the table

As Nick leaves, Lily gets a text message. It’s from Billy, asking if they can meet.

Lily sits at a table in the restaurant and gets a text message from Billy asking to meet

The Glam Club

Lily comes into the Glam Club to meet with Billy.

Billy stands with his arms crossed, facing away from the door, as Lily comes into the club and sees him - Young and The Restless recap for Jan 3, 2023

She sits down with him, and he tells her that he thinks their relationship is worth saving, and that he’s willing to fight for everything that they have.

Billy says that he knows he lets her down, and asks for one more chance.

Billy and Lily talk while they sit in the Glam Club

Lily says that when she told him how she felt, he never put in any effort, and made her feel like she never meant anything to him.

Billy says he’s sorry, that he’ll do anything for their relationship. He promises to go to couples therapy, and says that they can’t stop trying now, they’ve been through so much together.

Lily reacts as Billy tells her they should work on their relationship

She says that he’s right, they owe it to each other to keep trying. They take each others’ hands.

Billy and Lily hold hands as they resolve to work on their relationship

Newman Enterprises

Victoria is sitting at her desk working, when a text message comes in from Chelsea asking if she can take Johnny and Connor out for pizza together.

Victoria gets a text from Chelsea asking if she can take Johnny and Connor out for pizza - Young and The Restless recap for Jan 3, 2023

Victoria starts sending a response, saying that Johnny is too busy with homework.

Victoria starts sending a response to Chelsea, saying "Johnny has too much homework"

At the last moment, though, she decides to delete the message, and instead sends a message saying that it’d be fine, and they’ll work out a time for the boys to get together.

Victoria changes her mind and sends Chelsea a message saying that they'll find time for Connor and Johnny to get together