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Y&R Recap – Mon May 27: Victor Agrees to Release Jordan, Ashley Has a Breakthrough, and Chelsea Eyes Sally for Help

Victor Newman, Jordan Howard, and Ashley Abbott.

Today’s Young and the Restless recap airs in the USA on Monday, May 27, 2024, and airs one day ahead in Canada. We post our Y&R recaps every weekday!

Last Episode

Victor confronts Cole and Michael, Summer smiles at Claire and Harrison.

On the last episode of Y&R, Victor foiled Jordan’s rescue by Michael and Cole, and Summer extended an olive branch to Claire for Harrison’s sake.

Crimson Lights

Adam and Chelsea meet up at the coffee shop. Adam says it’s a good sign that they’re being allowed to see Connor.

Chelsea Lawson and Adam Newman prepare their coffees.

Chelsea says she wouldn’t take no for an answer after their call with him.

Adam says the doctor backed up Connor’s explanation about the call… Their timing was off, and the thirteens in the time threw him off.

Chelsea says that was their fault… Again.

Chelsea smiles as she talks to Adam.

Adam says the doctors are working on it; they just have to wait for the results.

Chelsea thinks they’re not making things easier for Connor… She thinks they’re making things worse.

Adam says she needs to think about seeing Connor in person soon… Think about the hug she’ll be able to give him!

Adam talks to Chelsea.

Chelsea smiles.

Nick walks into the cafe and asks Adam if he had the call with Connor… How’d it go?

Adam says they did, and it was great to see his face.

Nick Newman talks to Chelsea and Adam.

Chelsea nods; the doctors say he’s progressing.

Nick doesn’t buy it; he knows them better than that! How is Connor really doing?

Nick looks questioningly at Adam and Chelsea.

The Abbott Mansion

Ashley checks her phone.

Jack and Traci enter the house. Jack says they just went for a nice walk.

Ashley Abbott looks at her phone as her siblings, Traci and Jack, walk into the room.

Traci asks where Alan is.

Ashley says she asked Alan to leave. She can only handle so much at one time… Her head is spinning!

Traci says they can reach out to him later; he’ll understand.

Traci talks to Ashley as Jack watches.

Ashley says she needs more than a few minutes… She doesn’t know what she needs.

Jack tells her to take all the time she needs to think things through.

Ashley says it’s a lot to process. She asks Jack if Alan told them he thinks she might have Dissociative Identity Disorder.

Ashley Abbott sits on the sofa.

Jack says it’s only a theory right now; Alan wants to do a full medical work-up first.

Ashley says she had conversations that she doesn’t remember and where she was a completely different person.

Traci says it’s hard to answer; it’s been confusing for them, too.

Jack Abbott talks to Ashley.

Ashley says Traci sent for Alan, but wasn’t she supposed to see the therapist that Sharon recommended?

Jack says she was, and she agreed to it.

Traci tells her that she skipped out at the last minute at the therapist’s.

Ashley asks Traci if she thinks she’s unbalanced and should commit herself.

Ashley talks with her sister, Traci.

Victor’s Secret Wine Cellar

Victor asks Cole and Michael what they’re doing in his cellar.

Victor Newman talks to Michael Baldwin and Cole Howard as Jordan Howard watches.

Jordan says they’re saving her from him. She calls him a monster.

Victor laughs. “Over my dead body!”

Jordan tells him he’s a decent man, surely…

Jordan yells and points at Victor through the bars of her cell.

Victor interrupts and tells her to stop talking.

Jordan tells Michael and Cole not to listen to Victor; Victor has something bad planned for her, and if it comes to fruition, her blood will be on their hands!

Victor asks Michael once again why they’re there.

Victor Newman talks to Jordan.

Michael tells Victor that as his lawyer and friend, he couldn’t stand by and let this happen.

Victor says he went behind his back.

Cole tells Victor not to blame Michael… He was the one who was suspicious of Victor and who got Michael involved.

Michael looks suspiciously at Jordan as Cole talks to Victor.

Victor asks who else he told.

Cole says he only told Michael; he didn’t tell Victoria because he didn’t want her to be implicated in this scheme, and Michael told Cole not to do anything behind his back.

Michael says that’s not true… Cole is trying to protect him; Michael is as much a part of what was about to happen as Cole is!

Victor talks to Cole and Michael.

Victor asks if this is why Michael tried to lure him and Nikki away for lunch.

Jordan cries that Cole and Michael are her “angels of mercy,” and will get her out.

Victor tells her to shut up. He tells Michael and Cole to follow him upstairs. They leave the wine cellar.

Jordan holds the bars of her cell.

The Abbott Mansion

Traci tells Ashley that they wouldn’t describe it as committing herself. They think she needs to get help; the fact that Ashley confided in her about her blackouts is reason enough to get treatment!

Traci talks with Ashley.

Jack says they’ve seen personality shifts big enough that they couldn’t ignore them, and they’re dangerous.

Traci says they’d feel better if Ashley was supervised around the clock by doctors who can help.

Ashley says she’s not going to Fairview.

Ashley listens to Traci as Jack looks on.

Jack says they’ve agreed it would do her more harm than good to go there.

Traci says they’ll find her the best care for her.

Ashley’s not sure.

Jack thinks waiting would be a mistake.

Jack talks to Ashley.

Ashley says Alan said the same thing and wants to help her. Alan thinks Ashley suffered some kind of trauma after the argument she had in Paris with Tucker, but she needs to figure out what it was before she can get treatment.

Jack asks what she thinks about it.

Ashley says she’s sorry she put them through such hell; if they think she should go… She will.

Ashley looks sad as she talks to Traci and Jack.

Crimson Lights

Chelsea, Adam, and Nick have a seat. Chelsea tells Nick that the call with Connor was difficult… Connor was upset that they called a couple of minutes early, which set off his OCD. She says the doctors told them it wasn’t Connor himself who was upset, but his OCD made it feel that way; it feels like they’re failing him over and over.

Chelsea talks to Nick as Adam listens.

Nick nods. It must be upsetting not to be able to see him in person, too.

Adam says they knew there’d be ups and downs going through this.

Chelsea says the doctors told them they’re ready for an in-person family therapy session; it’ll be the first time they’ve seen their son since he’s been admitted.

Nick talks to Adam and Chelsea.

Nick thinks that’s promising.

Adam says he was going to clear the trip with Nick and Victor first.

Nick shakes his head. He doesn’t have to do that. He needs to go; it’s family before business… Always.

Nick, Chelsea, and Adam sit and talk.

The Newman Ranch House

Victor, Michael, and Cole step into the living room. Victor closes the door to the hallway and tells Michael and Cole that this is his plan, and neither of them have the right to interfere!

Victor Newman talks to Cole and Michael.

Michael says they can’t unsee what he’s doing.

Cole agrees. They’d be accomplices to a crime!

Victor asks what crime he’s talking about.

Michael says he could name a few… Kidnapping, illegal imprisonment, intent to cause harm… They’re all felonies with hefty sentences!

Cole Howard and Michael Baldwin talk to Victor.

Victor tells him that’s enough… This is his plan, and Jordan has damaged his family enormously! She should rot in hell! He asks them to leave the premises and not to speak of this again… Ever!

Cole and Michael disagree… They’re not going anywhere!

Victor asks if he needs to remind them that Jordan almost killed the love of his life.

Victor gestures as he talks.

Michael says they’re aware of that, and the courts will recognize that, too.

Cole tells Victor Jordan will spend the rest of her life in prison.

Victor says they can’t take that risk… What if she escapes again and hurts his family even more?

Cole and Michael furrow their brows as they talk with Victor.

Michael asks what Victor has planned… To keep her locked up forever and let her starve to death?

Victor yells that Jordan deserves it after what she did to them… She almost killed Nikki and almost killed Cole’s daughter, too!

Cole says he thought leaving Jordan locked in her cell and forgetting he’d ever seen her, but he can’t do it; he won’t stoop to her level because it’s wrong. He says that someone else is going to figure it out soon. Victor’s staff will figure something’s up, and so will Nikki and Victoria!

Victor yells and points his finger.

Victor says he has an alarm that will warn him if someone goes downstairs… That’s how he knew they were there!

Michael tells Victor to listen to reason.

Victor tells him to stop his nonsense; there’s no logical argument for Michael to make… “That woman” has to rot in her dungeon! He says Jordan killed a lot of people, including the guards and prisoners who died in the fire she set… And he won’t let anyone do that kind of damage to his own family; let her rot in hell! She’s exactly where she belongs!

Cole talks to Victor as Michael looks on.

Victor’s Secret Wine Cellar

Jordan clutches the bars and hyperventilates. She cries that she was so close to freedom.

She runs over to the bed and throws the bedcovers off in frustration. She cries, saying everything is slipping away from her.

Jordan curses and yells as she grabs the bars of her cell door.

Tucker’s GCAC Suite

Tucker calls Audra and leaves a voicemail telling her that he found out she’s decided to go on their Paris trip after all… It might be a waste of a plane ticket unless she’s planning to go shopping, since he canceled the meeting she had scheduled without his knowledge, and if she schedules another one, he’ll cancel that, too.

He ends the call, throws his cell phone on the bed, and plops down in an armchair.

Tucker talks on the phone.

The Abbott Mansion

Traci tells Ashley it must be terrifying to think about returning to Paris, where this all started.

Traci talks to Ashley as Jack looks on.

Jack says they trust Alan will get to the heart of the matter.

In Ashley’s head, Ms. Abbott tells Ashley to stop listening to Jack and Traci.

Ashley looks confused and rubs her head.

Ashley holds her head.

Ashley’s Mind

Ashley appears in a white, brightly lit room, sitting on a bed. Ms. Abbott and Belle approach her and sit on the bed. Ashley looks at them in confusion. “Who are you?”

Ashley looks at Belle and Ms. Abbott. She's confused.

Belle starts talking in circles, saying Ashley is the flower, and they’re her petals… Or maybe she’s the onion, and they’re the layers…

Ms. Abbott says they don’t have time for poetry and stupid metaphors.

Ashley looks at them in shock. They’re the voices that have been tormenting her for months!

Ms. Abbott and Belle talk to Ashley.

Belle says Ms. Abbott is more of a tormentor… Belle is the fun one! She wishes Ashley could remember when they were at the piano bar… That was a good time!

Ms. Abbott reminds Belle that she almost blew their cover there… For the umpteenth time!

Belle says at least she didn’t try to murder anyone.

Belle talks to Ashley.

Ms. Abbott rolls her eyes.

Ashley says she doesn’t remember any of it, but figures they’re the ones who are causing her blackouts.

Ms. Abbott calls Belle a “stupid idiot” and tells her she’s freaking Ashley out.

Ms Abbott.

Belle tells Ashley to take it easy… They’re there to help her.

Ms. Abbott agrees and says Ashley is their number one priority, and that’s why she can’t be in control right now.

Belle nods. She says Ashley absolutely cannot go to Paris with Alan, either.

Ashley looks fearfully at Ms. Abbott.

Crimson Lights

Adam says they’re going to tell the doctor they’re ready to try again to have an in-person visit with Connor.

Adam holds Chelsea's hand comfortingly as they talk to Nick.

Nick knows Connor appreciates his parents being there for him; it may not seem like it, but on some level he knows they’re both fighting for him, and if there’s anything they need, just ask… Nick’s willing to help however he can.

Adam thanks him for saying that but thinks the best thing to do is to put their faith in the doctors. He asks if Chelsea is okay; he needs to talk to Sally and let her know.

Chelsea tells him to go; she has to check in on Marchetti anyhow.

Chelsea talks to Adam as Nick looks on.

Adam nods and leaves the cafe, thanking Nick as he leaves.

Nick tells Chelsea she doesn’t have to hold it together in front of him… How’s she really doing?

Chelsea tears up. “Not great.”

Chelsea tears up as she talks to Nick.

The Newman House

Michael tells Victor he knows how his mind works, and even though he’s furious and repulsed by Jordan, he’s not a killer. If he lets Jordan die, it’ll haunt him!

Michael talks to Victor.

Victor says he’ll be the judge of what haunts him.

Michael says it doesn’t work that way; they both know that better than anyone else.

Cole says Victor has put Jordan through hell for weeks; it should be enough.

Victor looks away, grumpy.

Michael says Jordan is a shadow of her former self; doesn’t Victor want to be free of the burden of keeping her prisoner? He reminds Victor of the price he’d have to pay if she was discovered… He’d spend the rest of his life in prison!

Victor says the only way that would happen is if one of them went to the authorities; is that what they’re planning to do?

Cole says they’re trying to protect Victor like he always tries to protect everyone else.

Cole talks to Victor.

Victor sighs. What’s their plan?

Michael says Jordan is a prison escapee and an arsonist… The system will be prepared to contain her at all costs, and she’s tipped her hand; they know all her tricks and scams.

Cole says the woman he saw in the cage isn’t capable of any new scams.

Michael says the authorities would put Jordan in a prison that nobody escapes from.

Michael Baldwin gestures as he talks.

Victor asks what would happen if Jordan told the authorities that Victor had kept her in a dungeon.

Michael says Jordan’s a psychopath and can claim what she wants.

Cole nods. Who’d believe her? Let her rant and rave!

Michael says a judge would think she’s just trying to get a lenient sentence, but it won’t change the judge’s mind about what she’s done. He says there’s one more thing they need to do… They’ll have to destroy the dungeon and the cell and bury all the evidence.

Victor Newman.

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Ashley’s Mind

Ashley tells Belle and Ms. Abbott that Jack and Traci are right… Something is very wrong with her.

Belle talks to Ashley as Ms. Abbott rolls her eyes.

Belle tells her not to fret; they’re here to protect her!

Ms. Abbott nods. It’s clearly too much for Ashley.

Belle says Ashley just needs to sit back and take a nice, long nap.

Belle talks to Ashley.

Ms. Abbott says she needs to let her take charge.

Belle thinks she should take charge. She has a much better chance of getting them out of this situation, especially if Alan’s involved… He has a thing for her!

Ms. Abbott says that Ashley should stop fighting her and let her take it from here.

Ashley looks fearful.

Ashley asks how she’s fighting her.

Ms. Abbott says she had everything under control until “stupid Tucker” woke her up from her nice deep sleep.

Ashley asks if she’s talking about the lounge… Why was she there? Why was Ms. Abbott there?

Ms. Abbott talks to Ashley.

Ms. Abbott says she was trying to take care of Ashley like she’s trying to take care of Ashley now, but Ashley keeps resisting her… It’s time for her to stop resisting and let Ms. Abbott take over!

Belle tells Ms. Abbott to take it down a notch. She tells Ashley that Ms. Abbott is telling the truth; Ashley doesn’t want to go to Paris… She won’t find anything good there and could make things a lot worse!

Ashley asks what she’s going to find in Paris… What is Belle talking about?

Ashley is confused.

The Abbott Mansion

Traci leans over… “Ashley? Can you hear me?”

Ashley wakes up and looks around, confused.

Traci wakes up as Jack and Traci talk to her.

Jack asks what just happened.

Ashley says she was in an incredibly strange place; she’s breaking apart!

Traci says they’re with her, and she’s safe with them.

Ashley says Alan is right… She has to go to Paris; the answers are there!

Traci talks to Ashley.

Crimson Lights

Chelsea tells Nick she thought she’d be tougher and more resilient considering her own mental health issues and having gone through therapy for them. When this all started, she thought she’d be a rock for Connor, but she feels like she’s running on fumes now.

Chelsea and Nick.

Nick says it might be hard for her because she knows what it’s like, and she’s feeling things from her side and Connor’s. He tells her that she has to let Connor work through his own feelings; it’s the only way he’ll get stronger.

Chelsea hates to watch her child suffer while she does nothing. She laughs and thanks him for letting her “crumble” in front of him. It’s been tough since Billy is away on business meetings with Chancellor-Winters executives.

Nick says he doesn’t like to hear that; it’s a lot for Chelsea to take on by herself.

Nick and Chelsea talk.

Chelsea says she hasn’t had to do it on her own… Surprisingly, Adam has been pretty great!

Nick nods. He was surprised to hear Adam talk about the process, saying it was one step forward, two steps back!

Chelsea says Adam was very Adam in the beginning… He fought the diagnosis and threatened to yank Connor out of school and treatment programs. Adam didn’t trust any of the doctors, either, but then he did a bunch of his own research and came around. She laughs and says unbelievably, Adam has been the more stable parent.

Nick grins. He never thought he’d see the day when someone said Adam was the stable one!

Chelsea smiles at Nick.

The Genoa City Athletic Club (GCAC)

Sally and Adam sit in the dining room. Sally asks Adam how the call with Connor went.

Sally Spectra talks with Adam.

Adam says it didn’t go too well, but there’s an upside… The doctors want him and Chelsea to go in for an in-person family therapy session, and they’re going to leave first thing in the morning.

Sally asks how long he’ll be gone.

Adam says the doctors suggested a week or two.

Adam talks to Sally.

Sally smiles and says it sounds like an important step. She wants to get Connor a present to let him know she’s thinking about him; maybe she’ll get him that card game they always play. She suggests that Adam bring Connor the soccer jersey that he loves… She’d noticed that Connor had left it at Adam’s place, and thinks it would bring Connor a lot of comfort to have it.

Adam says Sally’s been really great and patient through this.

Sally says of course she has… She loves Connor!

Adam says he loves her, so she needs to stop putting on a brave face… He can tell something is wrong. What is it?

Sally smiles at Adam.

The Abbott Mansion

Jack asks Ashley if she’s feeling strong enough for a trip to Paris.

Ashley says she’ll do whatever she needs to do to get the voices out of her head. If Alan says she needs to go to Paris, she’s going!

Traci and Ashley sit on the sofa and talk.

Traci is happy. She says Alan will help her get to the bottom of it and help her every step of the way. She says she’s going to go to Paris with Ashley and won’t take no for an answer.

Ashley smiles and says she won’t fight her on it.

Traci promises she’ll be there for Ashley to give her the love and support she needs.

Traci talks to Ashley.

Ashley thanks her and asks if she could pack for her. She then asks Jack if he could call and have the jet readied for their trip.

Jack nods. It’ll be done.

Ashley gets up from the couch.

Ashley gets up as Jack and Traci talk to her.

Traci says she can pack for her, but where is she going?

Ashley says she’s going to see Alan.

Jack asks if it’d be easier for her to call Alan instead of leaving.

Ashley says she needs to see him in person and tell him while it’s fresh in her mind and let him know she will take his advice. She promises Jack and Traci she’ll do whatever she needs to get better. She leaves the house.

Ashley talks to Jack and Traci.

The Newman House

Cole says he understands that Victor feels betrayed, but he and Michael felt this was the only way… They only have the family’s best interests at heart.

Cole talks to Victor.

Michael asks what would happen if Nikki were to stumble on the secret panel like Cole did… What would happen to her sobriety if she found out that Jordan was living in her basement?

Cole says nobody wants to see Victor go to prison. Jordan is ruthless, and if she somehow got the upper hand, things could go wrong! What would happen if Victor fell down the stairs or if Jordan managed to jimmy the lock?

Michael says things could happen that would put everyone on the ranch in danger. With their plan, the only person who suffers is Jordan.

Michael points excitedly as he talks.

Victor asks what they suggest.

Cole says Victor can be the hero… He could say his men found Jordan washed up on the riverbank, barely alive.

Michael nods. Victor would be the one to bring her in, and justice would prevail because of Victor Newman.

Victor purses his lips.

Alan’s Suite at the GCAC

Alan is on the phone. He promises he’ll call when Ashley arrives.

There’s a knock at the door, and he tells the caller to hold on. He answers the door. It’s Ashley, and he invites her in. He tells the caller that Ashley has arrived and ends the call.

Alan talks on the phone as Ashley enters his room.

Ashley asks if he was speaking to Jack.

Alan says it was Traci. They’re worried about her! He wishes she’d called him; he would have come right over.

Ashley says Alan’s right… She’s losing her mind!

Ashley talks to Alan.

Tucker’s GCAC Suite

Tucker pours himself a drink. His phone rings, and he answers.

Tucker McCall talks on the phone as he holds a glass of whiskey.

He tells Jean-Jacques that he’s sorry he had to cancel the meeting between him and Audra, but Audra is to have no further contact with anyone at Glissade.

Tucker listens for a moment and is told that Audra is meeting with the companies that Glissade acquired. He asks how many meetings have been set up. They talk for a minute more, and Tucker says he’ll figure it out. He disconnects the call and rests his head in his hand.

Tucker rubs his eyes.

Crimson Lights

Chelsea’s phone pings with a notification. She winces as she tells Nick she missed a meeting with his daughter, Summer, who’s also her boss!

Chelsea talks to Nick.

Nick figures Summer will understand, given the circumstances.

Chelsea says Adam is lucky to have Nick cover for him at work… She’s been having a really hard time trying to focus on the job! She feels guilty for letting her team down at the office.

Nick says Chelsea should just take a leave of absence… Summer is a mother and will understand!

Nick and Chelsea talk.

Chelsea says she’d be letting too many people down; they’re finalizing the winter line. Her team is amazing, but she’s the only senior designer.

Nick says she has to stop thinking she’s letting anyone down… There has to be a solution; someone must be able to step in and help her finish the line!

Chelsea talks with Nick.

The GCAC Dining Room

Sally tells Adam she’s been in a bit of a funk about work, but it’s nothing to worry about.

Adam asks if she’ll talk to him about it if he promises not to worry. He wants to support her the way she’s helped him!

Adam talks with Sally.

Sally sighs and says she feels lost lately.

Adam knew it; he’s been too distant lately!

Sally says it has nothing to do with him or with them; this is about her career. She’s never been so unsure about her future!

Sally and Adam.

Adam says he dropped the ball about pushing her design company to Victor, but he can pick it up with him when he gets back to town.

Sally says she’s realized she doesn’t want him to… Moving into interior design was a mistake, and the reason that her business hasn’t succeeded is because her heart isn’t in it. She’s tried to convince herself that designing offices was the same as designing clothes, but the truth is she misses fashion; it’s in her DNA!

Adam says it’s an easy answer… She should go back to fashion.

Adam talks to Sally.

Sally is afraid it’s too late; she’s had her moment, but fashion is fickle and people’s memories are short. She could try to launch a line again, but be faced with people asking, “Sally who?”

Adam says it’s never too late to start over. When he gets back to town, he’ll do everything he can to help her do it!

Sally smiles and says that hearing Adam say it almost makes her feel like she can do it. She kisses him.

Sally smiles at Adam.

Victor’s Secret Wine Cellar

Victor, Michael, and Cole walk into the cellar.

Victor talks to Jordan as Cole and Michael watch.

Jordan gets up off the floor. “My judge and jury.” She asks what their verdict is.

Victor says Michael and Cole want him to deliver her into the hands of prison guards or the doctors at the “loony bin.”

Jordan laughs and asks if this is Victor’s latest trick. He wants her to believe that? She knows he wants her to die a slow and miserable death in front of him!

Jordan looks disheveled.

Victor says she’s an evil woman and has done extraordinary damage to his family. He says he told the police that she plunged off a bridge into the water 100 feet below… Maybe they should make that story a reality!

Jordan says she can’t play his game anymore… He’s won! Do with her what he will; just put her out of her misery!

Victor smiles. “Not yet.”

Victor smiles at Jordan as Cole and Michael look on.

Crimson Lights

Adam meets Chelsea in the cafe. He says the Newman jet is ready to go… Is she good to head out first thing in the morning?

Adam holds out his hand as he talks to Chelsea.

Chelsea says she hasn’t cleared it with work yet, but she will. She says she had an interesting conversation with Nick, who suggested she take a leave of absence and step away from Marchetti to focus on Connor.

Adam thinks it’s a good idea.

Chelsea figures Nick would let Adam take a leave of absence, too.

Chelsea Lawson.

Adam says he knows, but working at Newman gives him a welcome distraction. Nick could step in for him at a moment’s notice, but Chelsea doesn’t have the same luxury.

Chelsea nods. She says she’s having problems focusing at work because her heart is a thousand miles away with Connor.

Adam says she should do it; take the leave of absence!

Adam Newman.

Chelsea says she would, but she doesn’t have anyone to cover for her. She won’t leave Summer in the lurch!

Adam thinks for a moment and says he just had a conversation with someone… And it might help both of them! He asks if she’d consider letting Sally step in for her.

Chelsea looks surprised.

Alan’s GCAC Suite

Ashley and Alan sit on his sofa to talk. Ashley asks if Traci told him what happened with her.

Alan asks her to tell him in her own words.

Ashley and Alan sit on the couch.

Ashley says she was talking to Jack and Traci and got lightheaded… She must have blacked out. She says she was in a very bright white room and there were two other people there… They were her, but they were different. One was a bitch, and the other one had a Southern accent. She says they were both fighting and arguing over her.

Alan is intrigued and asks what they were saying.

Ashley says they told her that she should absolutely not go to Paris with Alan and that she should let them take over. She asks if this is what Alan was trying to explain to her.

Ashley talks to Alan.

Alan nods. He says the personalities, which are referred to as “alters,” think they’re doing the right thing… They think they’re protecting Ashley, but the fact that they exist at all means there’s something terribly wrong.

Ashley asks what they’re protecting her from.

Alan says that’s what they need to find out. He thinks Ashley should go to Paris with him as soon as possible.

Alan Laurent talks with Ashley.

Tucker’s GCAC Suite

Tucker calls his assistant, Hayley. He tells her to book him the next flight to Paris. He wants to leave tonight.

Tucker talks on the phone.

Victor’s Secret Wine Cellar

Victor pulls the cell key out of his pocket. He unlocks the door, pulls it open, and steps inside.

Victor opens the cell and enters. Jordan cowers as Cole and Michael watch.

Jordan sobs and backs away. She yells for him to get back; she won’t die like this! She runs past him into Michael and Cole, who grab her by the arms. She begs for them to help her.

Victor picks up a bottle (Chloroform?) and pours some of the contents into a handkerchief.

Jordan sobs, begging for him to stop.

Victor pours choloform into a handkerchief.

Victor holds the handkerchief over her mouth and nose until she collapses in Cole and Michael’s arms. They lower her into Victor’s armchair.

Victor makes a call. He says they found Jordan, the woman who escaped from prison twice, terrorized his family, and almost killed his wife. He says they found her on the banks of the Galewood River; she’s alive, and they’ll bring her to them. He ends the call.

Victor makes a call as Cole looks at Jordan.

Cole tells him he’s done the right thing.

Victor shakes his head. He says Cole and Michael betrayed him, and he won’t easily forget it. He leaves them and walks up the stairs.

Jordan is asleep in the armchair.

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1 thought on “Y&R Recap – Mon May 27: Victor Agrees to Release Jordan, Ashley Has a Breakthrough, and Chelsea Eyes Sally for Help”

  1. I love Y & R . I have watched from day 1 . Love the characters
    When a character makes you mad, sad or a flood of tears it’s great acting. I love what’s going on now with Victor, Jordan, Ashley & Clare. Tucker & Jack often pull at my heartstrings. The Connor story is sad . I love Adam & Sally back together. It’s just great acting on all parts . Happy to see Nick & Adam become brothers . It’s just a great show! I’m a forever fan ♥️♥️💕

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