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Y&R Recap – Thu May 23: Victor Foils Jordan’s Escape, Ashley Agrees to Treatment, and Cole and Michael Plan a Rescue

Jordan, Victor, Ashley, and Michael.

Today’s Young and the Restless recap airs in the USA on Thursday, May 23, 2024, and airs one day ahead in Canada. We post our Y&R recaps every weekday!

Last Episode

Jordan, Cole, Tucker, Ashley, and Jack.

On the last episode of Y&R, Jordan begged Cole for help, Devon told Jack about Billy’s antics at Chancellor-Winters, and Lily is unhappy about Nate getting closer with Audra.

The Tack House at Newman Ranch

Victoria tells Claire she’s happy that she’s pursuing a career in childhood education… She can’t think of anything more perfect for her.

Victoria Newman talks to her daughter, Claire Grace.

Claire says she’s looking forward to long rides with her mom and little sister when she comes home.

Victoria says they should ask Cole and Johnny to join them, too.

Claire noticed that Cole was distracted when they last met… What’s up with that?

Claire talks to Victoria.

Victoria agrees, and things were tense between Victor and Cole, too. She says Cole seemed relieved that Victor wouldn’t be joining them for lunch, and she thinks Victor felt the same way.

Claire wonders what’s going on with her dad and grandfather.

Victoria talks to Claire.


Cole thinks back to Jordan telling him that Victor was keeping her in the cell as a trophy.

Cole thinks back to Jordan talking to him.

Michael shows up and interrupts his reverie. He asks why Cole wanted to meet.

Cole says there’s something they need to discuss, but first he has to hire Michael as his attorney so it’ll stay between them.

Michael Baldwin talks with Cole Howard.

Michael says hiring him is overkill unless Cole is in legal jeopardy… Cole can trust his discretion.

Cole nods. He trusts Michael completely, but once he hears what he has to say, Michael might prefer to make their relationship official.

Cole talks earnestly with Michael.

Victor’s Secret Cellar

Jordan digs at the bedsprings under her mattress, looking for something she could use to break free from the cell she’s being kept in.

Jordan Howard lifts her matress and pokes her finger.

She pokes her finger on something in the mattress, and cackles as she pulls out a long wire. She goes to the door and inserts the wire into the lock. “I’ve gotta get out of here!”

She twists the wire around, hoping to activate the unlocking mechanism.

Jordan cries as she tries to unlock the door.

The Abbott Mansion

Alan asks Jack and Traci what trauma Ashley could have experienced after the breakup but before she came home from Paris.

Alan Laurent talks to Jack and Traci Abbott.

Jack says Ashley didn’t mention anything other than the blowup with Tucker.

Traci explains that Tucker came right home to Genoa City after the breakup.

Jack nods. They didn’t hear from Ashley until after she got home.

Jack talks to Alan.

Alan says there’s some time that’s unaccounted for.

Jack is surprised… Ashley’s change happened earlier than he thought… When she told him about the trauma she experienced in Paris, that wasn’t actually Ashley he was talking to!

Alan talks to Jack and Traci.

The Neil Winters Jazz Lounge

Tucker rolls Ashley over after her collapse.

Tucker holds Ashley and helps her to her feet.

Ashley wakes up. “Get off me!”

Tucker says he should take her to the hospital.

Ashley tells him not to touch her… She doesn’t need to go to the hospital! She asks what they’re doing there.

Ashley doesn't want Tucker to touch her.

Tucker tells her to sit down; she’s not steady on her feet!

Ashley agrees and takes a seat. She asks what happened.

Tucker says she passed out, and he caught her.

Tucker reaches for Ashley.

Ashley thinks he’s exaggerating… She must have gotten dizzy! She says she needs to get out of there and gets up from the chair.

Tucker grabs her by the arms and tells her to wait for a minute.

Ashley asks him again not to touch her.

Ashley is scared and confused.

Tucker asks if she can tell him what happened a moment ago.

Ashley says she doesn’t need to explain herself to him.

Tucker says he’ll take her home.

Tucker talks to Ashley.

Ashley says he’s being ridiculous… She can take herself home!

Tucker says she can’t. She’s not well, and she doesn’t remember what happened!

The Abbott Mansion

Jack tells Alan he didn’t know what to look for when Ashley was talking to him on the phone after the breakup. He wasn’t looking for any signs of mental illness.

Traci talks to Alan and Jack.

Traci says Ashley was furious with Tucker after the breakup.

Jack says that’s in keeping with who Ashley is.

Traci nods. That’s true. Maybe the traumatic event happened on Ashley’s second trip. She explains that she and Ashley had gone to Paris, and that’s when Ashley found out that her memory of the breakup was incorrect. Ashley had sent Traci back home while she stayed in Paris.

Alan talks with Traci.

Alan asks how Ashley seemed at that time.

Jack says Ashley was agitated and furious with herself for misremembering. He says Ashley was furious at Tucker one minute, and then she was ready to forgive him the next.

Traci agrees. Ashley’s mood swings started around that time.

Traci Abbott.

Alan thinks it’s a good theory that Ashley’s mood swings happened after she visited the bistro for the second time.

Traci says her heart is broken that she’d left Ashley alone in a foreign country to experience such trauma. She asks Alan how they can help her.

Alan says it’s up to Ashley… She’s able to surface at times and suppress whatever alter is in control. It’s important that they connect to the “real” Ashley… She’s the only one that can tell them what trauma caused the dissociative identity disorder (DID).

Alan talks to Traci and Jack.


Michael tells Cole to give him a dollar. Cole does, and Michael tells him that he’s on retainer now.

Cole hands Michael a dollar.

Cole asks Michael what he knows about where Victor stands regarding Jordan.

Michael says all he knows is that Jordan fell to her “apparent” death when Victor’s security team chased her… And she’s mourned by no one!

Cole says Jordan is alive.

Cole talks to Michael.

Michael chuckles. That’s not what he was hoping to hear. He asks if Cole has seen her.

Cole says he has; Victor is keeping her in a dungeon at the main house.

Michael curses.

Michael sighs.

The Newman Ranch House

Victor approaches the entrance to his hidden wine cellar and sees that the secret panel has been left open a crack. He ponders it for a moment before pushing it open and entering.

Victor pushes on the already-open secret door.

The Neil Winters Jazz Lounge

Ashley tells Tucker not to insert himself into her life; she’s perfectly capable of getting home by herself!

Tucker says she’s not capable; she just collapsed and shouldn’t be behind the wheel!

Tucker McCall talks to Ashley Abbott.

Ashley says she’ll take a rideshare.

Tucker says he’s taking her; she needs to be home with her family.

Ashley doesn’t want Tucker to tell her what to do. He should find Audra; she wouldn’t appreciate them being alone! She’s leaving!

Ashley looks at Tucker with tears in her eyes.

Tucker tells her that she’s in trouble, and he thinks she knows it. She’s scared, but it’s okay. She may not want to, but it’s okay to ask for help; it’s not weakness, it’s strength to do what she needs to do, even though she’s afraid of it. He begs her to get the help she needs. She needs to be home with her family, and he’s taking her.

Ashley gives in. “Okay.”

Tucker leads Ashley up the stairs out of the lounge.

Tucker leads Ashley out of the lounge.

The Tack House

Victoria tells Claire that Cole thinks Victor is somehow involved in Jordan’s death and there’s more to it than they know… Victoria isn’t sure but says nothing is impossible with Victor Newman. She says Cole just deflected when she asked him about it.

Victoria talks to her daughter.

Claire is confused… Cole thinks Victor had something to do with Jordan’s death?

Victoria shrugs. She couldn’t get any more details from Cole. Cole had told her that whenever he tried to get more information about Jordan that Victor would just shut him down… That made Cole suspicious that Victor was hiding something.

Claire asks what Victoria thinks.

Claire talks to her mother.

Victor’s Secret Wine Cellar

Victor walks down the stairs and finds Jordan trying to pick the lock with the piece of wire she found. He grins and says she’s busy at work… Why did it take so long for her to try to escape?

Jordan says it’s not her first try.

Victor smiles as Jordan attempts to unlock the door.

Victor says it’s futile to try to get out.

Jordan calls him a bastard. “Let me out!”

Victor says she must be having a wonderful time… Just look at all the Brussels sprouts and vodka! What could be better? He says she had a visitor… Didn’t she?

Victor taunts Jordan.

The Newman Ranch House

Nikki arrives home with her luggage. She calls out for Victor, but there’s no response.

Nikki Newman looks around for her husband.

The Abbott Mansion

Jack asks Alan if Ashley will be able to come back from her Dissociative Identity Disorder.

Alan says it’s possible, but it’s a rare disorder and quite complex. The important thing is to identify the trauma that created it, and once they deal with the underlying issues, hopefully, the alters will subside.

Alan Laurent talks to Jack and Traci.

Jack asks if that will be the end of it.

Alan shakes his head. He says Ashley will need therapy in a controlled setting to deal with the aftermath.

Traci asks if Alan is recommending that Ashley be put into a psychiatric hospital.

Traci talks to Alan as Jack listens.

Alan says Ashley will hopefully make that decision herself.

Jack says Ashley’s familiar with being in the hospital.

Traci isn’t sure that Ashley would agree to go back to a place like Fairview after her experiences.

Traci and Jack talk.

Alan says they can make that decision later; he knows a lot of wonderful places in Europe.

Traci asks if he thinks there’s hope.

Alan says there’s hope; Ashley has a loving family who supports her… They’ll get her through this!

Alan talks to Traci and Jack.

Jack nods. First, they have to find her!

Alan thinks that may be more difficult than before… He says he upset one of Ashley’s alters yesterday, and she hasn’t contacted him since. He mentions she’ll probably reach out to a family member first and asks them to let him know if she contacts them; he’ll do the same.

Jack and Traci thank him for his time.

Tucker and Ashley arrive as Jack opens the door for Alan to leave.

Alan goes to leave just as Ashley and Tucker arrive at the door.

Jack asks Tucker what he’s doing with his sister.

Ashley asks what Alan is doing there. She comes inside with Tucker.

Ashley stares at Alan in surprise.

Traci asks if there’s anything they can do for her.

Ashley says she’s fine… She was just a bit dizzy.

Tucker says Ashley isn’t fine. She collapsed.

Tucker talks to Alan.

Jack asks what Tucker did.

Tucker says he didn’t do anything; they were at the jazz lounge talking, and Ashley went to leave and fainted.

Ashley says she doesn’t remember any of it and doesn’t know if she actually fainted.

Ashley looks uncomfortable.

Tucker is thankful Alan is there. He thinks it’s another of Ashley’s blackouts since she couldn’t remember anything that happened right beforehand.

Jack asks Ashley what she was doing with Tucker, of all people.

Tucker says Ashley wanted to talk to him and took him down to the jazz lounge, where she tried to convince him that they still belonged together. He says she had a glass of wine, but mostly it was Ashley trying to convince him to give their relationship a second chance.

Jack and Traci Abbott.

Jack asks Ashley if that’s true.

Ashley shrugs. She doesn’t remember.

Tucker says Ashley was unsteady on her feet and hardly said a word on her drive over.

Tucker McCall.

Jack asks Tucker if he’s trying to be a hero.

Tucker says he’s not a hero, he’s concerned.

Jack thinks Tucker is trying to insinuate himself back into Ashley’s life.

Tucker asks that they not do this right now… Ashley needs help. He tells Ashley that she may not want to be honest with him, but it’s time that she was honest with herself and her family.

Ashley looks sad.

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Michael tells Cole that he asked Victor about Jordan’s death more than once, and Victor swore that it was true. He can’t believe he was stupid enough to believe him. He says Victor is usually very careful… How did Cole find out?

Michael holds his head as he talks to Cole.

Cole says Victor was acting secretive and would disappear from time to time, though his security team insisted he hadn’t left the ranch. It happened more than once, so he confronted Victor about it and asked what was going on.

Michael figures that didn’t go over well.

Cole says Victor was mad and ordered him out of the house. He pretended to leave, but he stuck around and followed Victor. He says he was able to slip into the secret door and found Jordan’s prison cell in what looked to be an abandoned wine cellar.

Cole looks intense as he talks to Michael.

Michael rubs his face in frustration. “Victor, Victor, Victor.”

Cole says Jordan thought he was a hallucination at first but asked him to release her.

Michael asks if he helped her escape.

Michael Baldwin.

Cole snorts. Hell no!

Michael asks if he’s told anyone else about this.

Cole shakes his head. He needs time to process it first. He understands what Victor’s motivations are; he’s only trying to protect his family and punish Jordan, but this isn’t the way to do it! Jordan should be behind bars, but it should be in a proper prison, and shouldn’t be personally incarcerated and tortured by Victor. He also doesn’t want Victor to get in trouble for him exposing this; that’s why he came to Michael for advice.

Michael nods. Cole wants advice on how to take on Victor Newman.

Cole Howard.

Victor’s Secret Wine Cellar

Jordan asks Victor who would have come to visit her; thanks to Victor, the world thinks she’s dead… Unless he’s changed his mind and wants to sell tickets to his own private zoo!

Jordan talks to Victor through the bars of her cell.

Victor says it’s good that Jordan’s kept her sense of humor… She’ll need it.

Jordan says she understands… Victor has won; he’s reneged on their deal and he won’t send her off to a federal prison. They need to get on with it! She tells him to bring her a vial of poison so she can be free.

Victor says he won’t make it that easy on her.

Victor smiles at Jordan.

Jordan says Victor must have some sense of decency.

Victor says he has no sense of decency or mercy when it comes to her.

Jordan says he should just kill her.

A tear runs down Jordan's cheek as she talks to Victor.

Victor says he won’t do that as long as she’s of use to him.

Jordan tells him to stop with the promises and hope… That’s the worst punishment of all!

Victor says she should get on the floor and eat the Brussels sprouts. Meanwhile, he’ll get her another bottle of vodka. He leaves.

Jordan yells after him to come back.

Victor laughs as he talks to Jordan.

The Tack House

Victoria tells Claire she’s relieved that Jordan is out of their lives for good.

Claire says it’s the best feeling in the world to wake up and not be afraid, and to be part of the family.

Victoria and Claire talk in the kitchen.

There’s a knock at the door.

It’s Nikki, who embraces her daughter. She grins and says it’s great to be home.

Claire welcomes her back, and Victoria says they weren’t expecting her back for another couple of weeks; is everything okay?

Nikki smiles at her daughter and granddaughter.

Nikki laughs and says she didn’t break out from rehab. Her counselors and the medical staff felt she’d been doing so well that she could go home and continue her treatment there.

Victoria asks how she feels.

Nikki says she feels strong, although the first few days were rough. She says that failure wasn’t an option since she just wanted to get home to be with her family, but once she committed to it, she had a feeling of freedom from alcohol and Jordan, and she felt a sense of excitement to get back to the wonderful life they live.

Victoria and Claire talk to Nikki.

Victoria says they’re all feeling the excitement of a Jordan-free world and are feeling safe again.

Claire figures Victor must be “beyond excited” to see Nikki is home.

Nikki says she hasn’t seen him yet… Do they know where he is? The staff told her he hadn’t left the ranch, but she can’t find him anywhere! She can’t wait to surprise him!

Nikki talks to Victoria and Claire.


Cole asks Michael how they’re going to get Jordan out of her cage and into a prison without Victor facing any charges.

Cole and Michael sit and talk.

Michael says the legal ramifications are enormous for Victor if it was discovered that he kept Jordan under lock and key. Even if they could secretly arrange for Jordan to be arrested and put in prison, there’s nothing to stop her from talking to anyone and telling them she was incarcerated and tortured by Victor!

Cole says Jordan is seeing rats and spiders that aren’t there. She barely recognized him, and along with her history, he doubts anyone would believe anything she said. He asks if Michael has any ideas.

Michael talks to Cole.

Michael says Victor is stubborn and wouldn’t listen to reason or allow them to put Jordan in a real prison, so he and Cole will have to do the dirty work themselves to get her out of a cage and into a legitimate cell.

Cole nods. And they’d have to do it without Victor knowing.

Michael laughs. Exactly.

Cole talks to Michael.

The Newman Ranch House

Victor walks into the living room and sees Nikki’s bags there. He calls out for her, but there’s no response.


The Abbott Mansion

Tucker tells Ashley to talk to her family; she’s safe at home and everyone in the room wants to help her.

Ashley says she doesn’t know what to say; she assumes Tucker is telling the truth, but she doesn’t remember seeking him out or having a conversation with him and drinking wine.

Tucker talks to Ashley as Traci and Jack look on.

Traci sits down with her and asks her what the last thing she remembers is.

Ashley breaks down in tears and says she’s afraid to even ask what day it is.

Tucker says he thinks Ashley is herself now.

Ashley cries as Traci talks with her.

Alan says he’d like to talk to Ashley alone as long as Ashley is okay with that.

Ashley nods and says she doesn’t know what’s happening; can he help her?

Alan says he’ll do everything he can.

Tucker McCall.

Jack thanks Tucker and says Ashley’s in good hands now… He can leave.

Ashley thanks Tucker for being concerned about her and knowing she needed to be with her family.

Tucker nods and tells her to take care. He leaves.

Ashley talks to Tucker as he leaves.

Jack asks Ashley if there is anything she wanted to say but couldn’t because Tucker was there.

Ashley says she doesn’t remember anything; she can’t comment on something she can’t remember. There are a lot of fragmented pieces, and nothing’s coming together for her.

Traci says they’re thankful she’s home and safe so they can take care of her; they were so worried! She hugs Ashley.

Jack and Traci sit and comfort Ashley.

Ashley says she’s sorry if she hurt them. She knows they just want to take care of her and love her.

Jack says that’ll never change.

Alan says he and Ashley should talk now.

Alan talks to Ashley as Jack and Traci leave.

Jack and Traci agree and leave the house so Alan and Ashley can talk.

Alan asks Ashley how she’s feeling… She’s been through a lot!

Ashley says she’s confused, and everything is foggy.

Ashley talks to Alan.

Alan asks if she remembers anything specific happening with someone.

In Ashley’s head, Ms. Abbott says Ashley is weak and “these people” don’t want to help her… They want to control her, and Ms. Abbott wants to set her free; she’s the only one who can keep Ashley safe!

Ashley holds her head in her hands.

Ashley grabs her temples and cries out for them to stop.

Alan figures Ashley wasn’t talking to him just then.

Ashley shakes her head.

Alan talks to Ashley.

On the front porch, Jack tells Traci that Ashley is home; it’s the first step.

Jack talks with Traci.

Traci says Ashley is frightened; she’s never seen her so unsure of herself!

Jack says at least they have what they think is the real Ashley, and she’s ready to get the help she needs.

Traci was afraid Ashley would take off and they’d never see her again… And they have Tucker to thank for it.

Traci talks to Jack.

Jack disagrees. He’s not about to thank Tucker; he may have done the right thing this time, but Jack is convinced Tucker is to blame, at least in part, for Ashley’s issues. Every one of these events has involved Tucker’s presence; that’s not a coincidence!

Traci isn’t sure what to think.

Jack says he’s convinced Ashley would be better off if she never sees Tucker again.

Jack Abbott talks to Traci.

The Genoa City Athletic Club

Tucker sits at the bar in the dining room and sips a drink.

Tucker sits at the bar and drinks.

He thinks back to Ashley switching between personalities after their breakup, going from one extreme to the other, first despising him, then wanting him back.

Tucker sighs and sits back to nurse his drink.

In a memory, Ashley smiles at Tucker before she kisses him.

The Tack House

Victoria tells her mom she doesn’t know where Victor is… Since Nikki left, he’s been going on a lot of long walks.

Victoria and Claire talk to Nikki.

Claire nods. Victor missed Nikki a lot; they all have!

Nikki smiles and says she missed all of them, too. Now she’s home, she never wants to leave again. She asks them to tell her everything; what did she miss?

Claire says she’s starting horseback lessons. She’s scared, but excited.

Nikki looks happy and relaxed.

Victoria figures Claire will be a natural.

Nikki wouldn’t expect any less.

Claire asks if she could get lessons from Nikki, too.

Victoria and Claire smile at Nikki.

Nikki loves that idea.

Victoria laughs and tells Claire to wait… Nikki will have her post around the arena for hours.

Nikki laughs as she talks to her daughter and granddaughter.

Claire grins and wonders if she should be more afraid now.

Nikki laughs. They don’t have anything to be afraid of ever again! What else is going on?

Victoria says not much else has happened; they’re just happy that Nikki is home again.

Victoria laughs as Claire talks.


Cole says Victor will “explode” if he discovers they went behind his back.

Cole and Michael sit and talk.

Michael laughs. They must be out of their minds, but he doesn’t see any alternative; they have to get Jordan out for Victor’s sake.

Cole agrees. That’s why he knew Michael was the right person for this.

Michael says he’s had a lot of experience with this type of vigilante justice… And it never ends well. He doesn’t know what Victor was thinking! He understands since the authorities let her slip through their fingers too many times, but Victor’s plan was ill-conceived!

Michael looks weary as he talks to Cole.

Cole nods. They need to put an end to it before anyone else gets hurt, including Victor. After the hell that Jordan put their family through, nobody else should have to suffer anymore for what she set in motion!

Michael grins and says they need to Jordan into a real prison, and keep Victor out of his own orange jumpsuit… But how?

Cole thinks he has an idea.

Cole Howard.

The Tack House

Victoria asks her mom if she’d like some tea.

Victoria and Claire talk with Nikki.

There’s a knock at the door. It’s Victor, who calls out, asking if Victoria is home.

Nikki answers the door with a smile.

Victor is happily surprised to see her. He gives her a big hug. He tells her she looks beautiful, strong, and rested. He hopes she didn’t leave rehab too early.

Victor smiles at Nikki.

Nikki says she couldn’t stay away another second. She’s made such good progress that her therapist recommended her for outpatient care. She has a lot of work to do, but she’s never felt stronger or more committed to her sobriety, and now that they’re free of Jordan forever, nothing can threaten her recovery!

Victor kisses her, and Nikki tells him she loves him.

Nikki grins as she talks to her husband.

Victor’s Secret Wine Cellar

Jordan paces around her cell, looking for a way to escape. She’s convinced she’ll find a way out of her cell, and when she does… “I’m coming after you, Victor Newman, and your whole damn family!”

Jordan stands at the door to her cell and grasps the bars.

The GCAC Dining Room

Tucker’s phone rings. He answers.

Tucker talks on the phone.

The caller is one of the Glissade people from France, who asks if Tucker will be attending any of the meetings with Audra this week.

Tucker is confused… Is Audra in Paris?

Tucker looks worried as he talks on the phone.

The Abbott Mansion

Traci tells Jack that Ashley wanted to get help before but backed out at the last minute, but Traci thinks that it’s different this time.

Jack says they can only hope Ashley is ready to take the steps to get better again.

Traci thinks it’ll be very overwhelming when Ashley finds out that she has DID.

Jack says Ashley’s always in control, and he doesn’t know how she’ll cope when she finds out she’s not always in control.

Traci knows Ashley has worked hard to overcome mental health issues in the past; when she finds out she may have to go back into a facility, it’ll bring back all kinds of memories of Fairview and will add to her emotional baggage.

Jack says wherever it leads her, Ashley will have their love and support.

Traci says it gives her hope that the Ashley who came home today is their sister, not someone else.

Jack hopes she’s right.

In the living room, Alan asks Ashley who she is talking to.

Ashley says she doesn’t know. She asks him to help her; she doesn’t know what’s happening to her!

Alan says he thinks they’re dealing with several personas. He asks if she’s heard of DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder).

Ashley nods. She’s heard of it.

Alan says it’s rare and presents in different ways, but in this case, they’re looking at multiple distinct personalities and identities that can control her behavior. He says it’s usually the result of severe trauma.

Ashley can’t believe that’s what’s happening to her.

Alan says that another symptom of DID is memory loss, which she’s admitted to. He says he, her family, and Tucker have seen her forget memories from her past, and they’ve all met personalities that are very different from the Ashley they know.

Ashley says she hasn’t experienced any trauma recently… Nothing that would have triggered something like this!

Alan thinks she might be blocking the trauma. They think it happened in Paris.

Ashley wonders how it could be the argument she had with Tucker… It was upsetting, but it wasn’t anything that would have made this happen to her.

Alan says there are “ways” of exploring this.

Ashley asks if he’s talking about putting her away… She won’t go!

Alan says she needs to be in a safe place where she can get good treatment. He promises he’ll be there with her all the time to make sure she’s getting the best care. He says the important thing is to uncover the incidence that caused the trauma and they can begin to address it.

Ashley asks how she’s supposed to remember the trauma.

Alan says he was thinking she could come back to Paris with him, and they could explore the memories together, where they could hopefully find the truth.

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