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Y&R Recap – Wed May 22: Jordan Begs Cole for Help, Devon Tells Jack About Billy’s Antics, and Lily is Unhappy Nate & Audra Are Getting Closer

Jordan, Cole, Tucker, Ashley, and Jack.

Today’s Young and the Restless recap airs in the USA on Wednesday, May 22, 2024, and airs one day ahead in Canada. We post our Y&R recaps every weekday!

Last Episode

Jordan, Cole, Tucker, and Ashley.

On the last episode of Y&R, Victor’s secret was exposed when Cole found Jordan, Ashley tried to tempt Tucker, and Connor talked to his parents.

Crimson Lights

Jack calls Traci and leaves her a message, asking her to let him know if she hears from Ashley.

Devon runs into Jack, almost knocking the coffee from his hands. He apologizes, saying his head was in another place.

Jack and Devon run into each other.

Jack waves it off. His head is in another place, too… His family.

Devon hopes everyone is okay.

Jack nods. He hopes so, too, but doesn’t want to burden Devon with it. He asks what has Devon so distracted.

Jack Abbott talks to Devon.

Devon says it’s work; with family businesses, the lines can get a little blurry.

Jack laughs. He asks if Billy is making it easier or harder for Devon at Chancellor-Winters.

Devon hems and haws. He says the word for it would be “exciting.”

Jack figures that’s an evasive answer. What’s Billy done now?

Devon Hamilton-Winters talks with Jack.

Victor’s Secret Wine Cellar

Cole looks shocked as he sees Jordan lying on her cot in her cell. He calls out. “Jordan!”

Cole Howard looks through the bars at Jordan.

Jordan wakes up, startled. She thinks it’s Victor who’s woken her… She can’t even get a good night’s sleep!

Cole asks what’s going on.

Jordan looks up and sees it’s Cole. She runs over to the bars and tells him that he needs to get her out of there.

Jordan Howard talks to her nephew, Cole.

Chancellor Park

Nate brings some ice cream cups and hands Audra one. He sits beside her on the park bench. He hopes she likes vanilla… It’s what he judges all other flavors against.

Audra agrees. Vanilla is the best! She says she thought Nate had to get to work.

Audra and Nate sits and talk as they eat ice cream.

Nate eats his ice cream and says that it won’t matter if he’s a few minutes late.

Audra says it’s a big change from when he used to burn the midnight oil at Newman.

Nate says he had “other” reasons for working late there.

Audra Charles and Nate Hastings sit and talk.

Audra grins. She’s aware.

Nate asks her about saying she enjoyed his good side.

Audra says she should have listened to him and realized that he was giving it to her straight about Tucker… And he buys her ice cream before lunch!

Audra smiles at Nate.

Nate has the feeling she was talking about herself, too… Maybe she’s not the bad girl she pretends to be; is she ready to explore her good side?

Audra says that’s quite the stretch… She did all her soul-searching in her twenties, and she’s done with it; she finds it boring!

Nate laughs. Is she sure about that?

Nate talks to Audra.

The Neil Winters Jazz Lounge

Ashley (Ms. Abbott) and Tucker sit at the bar, sipping on wine. Ashley tells Tucker she knows he’s wounded… Not just hurt by her, but by Audra, too. She mentions that she saw Audra with Nate; she moved on fast!

Ashley (Ms. Abbott) talks to Tucker McCall.

Tucker says nothing.

Ashley says Tucker must be feeling raw and vulnerable, but she wants to let him know she was wrong and is sorry. She asks him to forgive her and to trust her; they’ve always come back to each other over the years… It’s the “realest” thing they’ve ever known. She caresses his face and tells him to come with her so she can remind him of how absolutely incredible they are together.

Tucker smiles and pushes her hand away.

Tucker pushes Ashley's hand away.

Crimson Lights

Devon and Jack take a seat at a table on the indoor patio. Devon thinks it’s funny that Jack assumes Billy already did something at the company.

Jack says he didn’t mean to assume the worst; Billy has a unique management style, and sometimes it ruffles some feathers.

Jack Abbott talks to Devon.

Devon says it’s nice to hear it’s not just him… He and Billy haven’t seen eye to eye on a lot of things lately. He says Billy convinced Jill to hand over all her power to him, and that caused a bit of tension in the office.

Jack is surprised… Jill gave control to Billy?

Devon nods. He says she did it without talking to him or Lily first. Billy says it was all Jill’s idea, but Devon doesn’t believe it.

Devon talks to Jack.

Jack says nobody, including her son, could have convinced Jill to do this.

Devon agrees and says that’s why he thinks it’s Billy’s doing… He’s been trying to consolidate power ever since he returned to Chancellor-Winters.

Jack is shocked… The company is called Chancellor-Winters, after all. Neil and Katherine built something to be honored and respected, and Jill has always led with that in mind.

Devon knows it, but he doesn’t think Billy sees it that way. He tells Jack that Billy wanted to add the Abbott name to the company… That’s how much Billy “respects” Neil, Katherine, and the company they built! Billy wanting to rebrand the company tells Devon everything he needs to know about him!

Jack looks surprised.

The Neil Winters Jazz Lounge

Tucker pushes Ashley’s (Ms. Abbott) hand away and tells her he’s not going anywhere with her.

Ashley pouts and asks why not; they can recapture what they had before it all fell apart.

Ashley talks to Tucker.

Tucker says that she’s not Ashley, and things didn’t just fall apart… It blew apart. He asks if she remembers that.

Ashley says she remembers, and she’s asked him to forgive her… He should just forgive her and they can move on!

Tucker says it’s not just about the fight… She’s been back and forth between wanting him back and never wanting to see him again ever since they came back from Paris.

Tucker talks to Ashley.

Ashley says that losing him made her lose her center; she became volatile and pushed him away and tried to tell herself she needed to walk away from him, but she can’t walk away from her soulmate, and neither can he!

She tries to embrace him, but he pushes her away.

Tucker says it’s a nice thought, but there’s something seriously wrong. This isn’t about love; she’s going through something right now, and he’s just sitting there and watching it happen. He buries his head in his hand.

Ashley glares at Tucker.

Victor’s Secret Wine Cellar

Jordan is thankful that Cole is there… He is there, right? This isn’t just a hallucination? She rambles that she’s been hallucinating, seeing rats and spiders, and isn’t sure what’s real. She reaches out her hand to Cole and asks to hold him.

Cole backs out of her reach and says he’s not coming anywhere near her.

Cole looks at Jordan with horror.

Jordan knows he’s there and real. She says his mother would be so happy he’s there to get her out… He’s her beloved nephew, and he’ll get her out. His mother raised him to be a good man who knows the importance of justice. She asks if he has the key.

Cole looks around and says there is no key. He asks how she got in there; they heard she had drowned in the river.

Jordan says none of it’s true; Victor set everything up, and he’s going to keep her in there… She’s Victor’s trophy; he comes down to gloat at her in all her misery. She says Cole has to find something to get her out of there. She asks why he’s not moving and begs him to help her; she needs food desperately! She says she’s learned her lesson and is reformed, and if he gets her out, she’ll leave town and never return.

Jordan talks to Cole.

Cole can’t believe she thinks he’d trust her after everything she’s done.

Jordan tells him to call the police, then… Not only on her but to call the cops on Victor, too! Victor is insane! She begs him to get her to an actual prison; she can’t take it anymore!

Cole turns away.

Jordan Howard in a cell.

Jordan asks why he’s just standing there… Is he dense? Do something!

Cole says he can’t do anything, and he can’t call the police, either.

Jordan says she’s all the family he has left… The Newmans drove his mother to an early grave!

Cole points as he talks to Jordan.

Cole says Victoria and Claire are his family; Jordan took them away from him once already and will never stop trying to do it again!

Jordan says he can’t just leave her in there; Victor is a madman!

Cole doesn’t say anything. He turns away and walks up the stairs.

Jordan yells after him to come back. She cries for him not to leave her there… She’s not a caged animal!

Jordan cries and holds her hands over her heart.

Crimson Lights

Jack is surprised that Billy wanted to add the Abbott name to Chancellor-Winters.

Devon nods. Billy also wanted to call it Abbott-Chancellor-Winters and claimed it was Jill’s idea. He figures that Billy had never told Jack about it.

Devon smiles at Jack.

Jack says it’s the first he’s heard of it.

Devon says Billy was so focused on his power grab that he never thought about how it could affect others.

Jack hopes Billy hasn’t made things unworkable between them.

Jack talks to Devon.

Devon says it’s not fun; he thinks Billy thrives on conflict. He asks if Jack could talk to Billy and ask him to “relax.”

Jack is sorry for all the tension, but Jill putting her trust in Billy is a big deal, and he doesn’t think Billy could have persuaded her to do it… This isn’t something Jill would have done lightly.

Devon thinks Jack is saying, “No.”


Jack says they’re all professionals; they’ll find their way through it, and hopefully they won’t have the Abbott name on their building.

Devon says that won’t happen as long as he has a say in it.

Jack says he’s got some advice about Billy; any push for power that Billy does is because he’s insecure and feels undervalued. He thinks Billy might feel that Devon and his family haven’t accepted him.

Jack and Devon talk.

Devon says Billy would be right about that.

Jack tells Devon that everyone at Chancellor-Winters is trying to move the company forward, and Billy has to be part of that vision now. He says Devon can set the tone; think of what Neil would do!

Chancellor Park

Audra tells Nate that she’s seldom unsure of anything… Especially about what she wants. She asks what Nate thinks he knows about her.

Audra smiles at Nate.

Nate says it’s more about what he doesn’t know about her and what she doesn’t know about herself. He thinks she’s still searching for something.

Audra says she is; she’s searching for a new job!

Nate says she’s ambitious but wonders what’s behind her drive; she came to Genoa City ready to take it by storm!

Audra eats ice cream as Nate talks to her.

Audra says she had an agenda that was driven by Tucker.

Nate wonders if she was driven by heartbreak.

Audra scoffs. Is he talking about Noah Newman? That was a lifetime ago!

Audra talks with Nate.

Nate says losing someone you love can change you; Nate knows it all too well. He says it can make a person put up walls around their heart.

Audra asks if they’re talking about her, or about Nate and Victoria.

Nate says they could be talking about any of them… Or it could even be about him and Elena; he’s still figuring it out, but he knows he used ambition as a distraction.

Nate talks to Audra.

Audra says it seemed like more of an aphrodisiac with him and Victoria.

Nate asks if that’s how it works with her and Tucker… Or is it transactional?

Audra asks how they got back to Tucker.

Audra Charles.

Nate apologizes. He hopes her last “crash and burn” was a wake-up call. From where he sits, everything with Tucker is transactional.

Audra thinks he’s completely off the mark… Maybe what they’re doing is transactional; maybe she’s just hanging out with him for the ice cream and job prospects!

The Neil Winters Jazz Lounge

Ashley (Ms. Abbott) tells Tucker that she’s spilled her guts to him, and all he’s going to do is to observe her and her mental health? He’s trying to convince himself that she’s unbalanced so he can ignore how he really feels about her, but he should just stop fighting his feelings and go with her!

Ashley (Ms. Abbott) talks to Tucker.

Tucker tells her that if she’d stop deflecting, she’d see that everyone around her is trying to get through to her and help her.

Ashley yells that being apart from him isn’t helping her.

Tucker says he knows she thinks she’s being sincere, but it’s coming from a broken place. She needs help.

Tucker McCall looks at Ashley.

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The Abbott Mansion

Traci and Alan talk in the living room. Traci tells Alan she doesn’t know what else to do.

Traci holds up her hand as she talks to Alan.

Alan nods and says that Ashley’s radio silence is concerning.

Traci says she couldn’t sleep; she was up all night wondering what could be going on with Ashley and trying to figure out what she could say to coax her into getting treatment.

Alan says he’s been doing the same thing.

Alan talks to Traci.

Traci says she and Ashley were in a psychotherapist’s waiting room when Ashley went to the washroom and left before her appointment. Traci asks why she didn’t know not to let Ashley out of her sight.

Alan says he’s learned that people don’t seek help until they’re ready.

Traci says that’s not a lot of comfort, but she appreciates the gesture.

Traci Abbott talks to Alan.

Alan says it’s obvious she cares a lot about Ashley; it’s a lot to handle.

Jack walks in and asks if there’s been any word from Ashley.

Traci says they haven’t heard anything yet.

Jack Abbott talks with Alan.

Jack asks Alan when he last saw Ashley.

Alan says they had lunch together yesterday. He says Ashley was charming and seemed to want to spend more time with him, but then they had a misunderstanding and he hasn’t seen her since. He says she hasn’t been returning his messages, either.

Alan Laurent talks to Jack.

Traci says she’s been talking with Alan, and she figures Ashley might be worse off than they thought.

Jack asks for clarification.

Traci says Ashley is very unpredictable right now and could go anywhere and do anything because she’s literally not herself!

Traci Abbott.

The Neil Winters Jazz Lounge

Ashley (Ms. Abbott) tells Tucker he’s a coward… Pretending to be a hero? He’s pathetic!

In her mind, Belle says that’s better; she needs to push Tucker away… They don’t need him!

Ashley (Ms. Abbott) talks to Tucker.

Ashley (Ms. Abbott) says Tucker is afraid of how he feels about her, and that’s why he ran to Audra.

Tucker tells her to leave Audra out of it.

Ashley says Audra was a rebound and didn’t accept his marriage proposal… What else does he need to know? She laughs and says she heard all about his big romantic gesture and the big ring that she’s not wearing. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that Audra doesn’t want him or want what Tucker wants… But she does. Audra could never give him what he needs, but she can.

Tucker McCall.

Chancellor Park

Nate tells Audra she’s not working him for a job. They both know that would be a waste of time.

Nate smiles at Audra.

Audra knows she burned her bridges at Chancellor-Winters. They may have forgiven Nate as their cousin, but not her.

Nate says there won’t be a coup attempt, either… At least not with the two of them planning it.

Audra asks why he’s talking about a coup… Just because she’s out of a job at Glissade doesn’t mean she’s gearing up for a hostile takeover!

Audra takes a spoonful of ice cream as she talks to Nate.

Nate says she may not be looking to do it at Chancellor-Winters, but he thinks she’s up to something, and he wouldn’t be surprised if it had to do with Glissade. He reminds her that she approached him about joining her to make a move against Tucker a while ago.

Audra says she remembers.

Nate says even though they’re joking around, she doesn’t seem too worried about finding a new job, which leads him to believe she must have a plan in the works, or at least the beginning of a plan.

Nate grins at Audra.

Audra smiles. Something will turn up; she always lands on her feet!

Nate says that’s true… Audra is extremely desirable!

Audra grins. Is she?

Audra smiles at Nate.

Nate says, “As an employee.”

Audra laughs. Is that all?

Nate says he’s not offering her a job, and she’s spending time with him because she wants to and isn’t getting something out of it.

Nate and Audra joke around.

Audra nods. No quid pro quo! (No getting something in return!)

Nate says she seems to be enjoying their relationship, and so is he… But to be clear, he knows they’re just friends, no strings attached.

Lily walks into the park as Audra laughs and wipes ice cream off Nate’s lips.

Lily watches as Audra wipes ice cream off of Nate's face.

The Newman Ranch House

Cole exits the secret passage and looks around warily. Nobody saw him. He heads back to the living room, where Claire and Victoria are laughing and talking.

Cole sneaks out of the secret passage.

Claire is all smiles. She tells Cole that she and Victoria groomed Midnight Blue. She’s got a lot to learn, and she hasn’t even gotten on a horse yet! She says she loves everything about the stable, including the smell!

Victoria thinks she’s a “natural.” She tells Cole that Claire really bonded with Blue; the horse really responded to her!

While they talk about horses, Cole doesn’t say a word… He stares, deep in thought.

Cole ponders as Claire and Victoria talk behind him.

Claire says she’s excited for the lesson.

Victoria figures Cole must be excited about it, too.

Claire looks over at Cole and says he’s awfully quiet… What’s wrong?

Claire talks to Cole as Victoria looks on.

Victor walks in before Cole can answer and says he sees that Cole made it back to the main house.

Victoria thinks for a moment and asks why Cole is there… She thought they were going to meet at the stables!

Victor asks him if he got lost.

Victor talks to Cole as Victoria and Claire look on.

Cole says he got caught up on a call to England and came to see if Victoria and Claire would like to have lunch.

Claire says that works for her… It turns out that grooming a horse is pretty tough; she’s worked up an appetite and is starving!

Victoria smiles and asks if Victor would like to come with them.

Victor hugs Victoria. Claire smiles.

Victor says he has stuff to do. He kisses Victoria and Claire goodbye.

Cole, Victoria, and Claire leave the house.

Chancellor Park

Lily walks up to Nate and Audra. She says hello and tells Nate they have a call with the business division; will he join them, or is he busy?

Lily smiles testily at Audra.

Nate says he’ll be there; he was taking a little break first.

Lily says she can see that. She tells him not to be late. She gives Audra a disdainful look and leaves the park.

Audra rolls her eyes; Lily won’t be giving her any job offers!

Audra and Nate look as Lily leaves.

The Neil Winters Jazz Lounge

Tucker tells Ashley she can’t convince him that something isn’t wrong with her.

Ashley nuzzles his neck and asks what she has to do to convince him she’s okay.

Ashley snuggles up to an uncomfortable Tucker.

Tucker pushes her away again and says she needs to see a therapist.

Ashley says she has… She’s spoken to Alan.

Tucker asks if he’s talking to Ashley right now… It’s hard to keep up!

Tucker looks upset as he talks to Ashley.


Lily tells Devon she just ran into Nate in the park and he was flirting with Audra.

Lily Winters sits at her desk and works on her laptop as she talks to Devon.

Devon says it’s Nate’s business who he hangs out with, and he warned them he was seeing Audra.

Lily says she’s not sure she can trust Nate’s instincts if he thinks it’s okay to hang out with Audra.

Devon talks to his sister.


Victoria tells Claire she might be ready to ride by the time Katie comes home. She says Harrison really likes her, and Victoria hopes she’ll be Harrison’s nanny.

Victoria Newman talks to her daughter, Claire Grace.

Claire says she had to say no to Kyle… It’s not fair to Summer.

Victoria figured Summer would like someone who Harrison likes so much take care of him. She says Summer should know that there’s nothing to be afraid of with Claire.

Claire says it may take them some time to figure out they’re really safe.

Claire talks to her mother as Cole looks on.

The Neil Winters Jazz Lounge

Ashley asks what he’s talking about… Just because she changes her mind doesn’t mean she’s a different person every time!

Tucker says she sent Alan away because she’s afraid of what he’ll find out about her.

The Abbott Mansion

Alan says it’s a preliminary diagnosis. He asks them to describe her mental state. He can’t imagine this happening because of a breakup.

Alan Laurent talks to Traci Abbott.

Traci wonders if it has something to do with the brain tumor Ashley had… Maybe it’s come back?

Alan says it doesn’t seem like a tumor… It’s probably something more traumatic than that.

Traci wonders how they’ll find out what it was… Ashley won’t talk to any of them!

Jack Abbott looks at Alan with shock.


Claire tells Victoria that she knows what she wants to do and wants to work in early childhood education. She wants to pursue a master’s degree!

Cole Howard is lost in thought.

Victoria asks what the “play-based” approach is.

Cole zones out and thinks about Jordan asking him to help her escape. He excuses himself from the table and heads outside. He calls Michael and says he needs to see him urgently… How soon can they meet?

Cole leaves the table as Claire and Victoria talk.


Nate walks into the office. He says he’s trying to find a work/life balance.

Lily says she hopes he knows why she’s uncomfortable seeing him cozy up with Audra.

Lily and Devon look at Nate with amused smiles.

Nate says he’s not offering Audra a job, and he’s offering his support as a friend; she’s going through a tough time.

Devon hopes her tough time doesn’t have to do with Tucker; he hopes she’s not trying to pull Nate into a battle with him!

Nate says they’re hanging out because they enjoy each other’s company… And her tough time is because she broke things off with Tucker.

Nate talks to Lily and Devon.

The Neil Winters Jazz Lounge

Ashley (Ms. Belle) gets up and prepares to leave, telling Tucker this wasn’t the romantic reunion she was hoping for.

Ashley talks to Tucker.

Tucker’s sorry to disappoint, but he’s acting out of concern. The real Ashley would want to get help and would want to heal.

Ashley says she’s sick of him and his sanctimonious crap. Shove it! She heads toward the stairs to leave the lounge.

Tucker calls after her, telling her she’s not safe.

Ashley clutches her head as Tucker looks on.

In Ashley’s mind, Belle says Ms. Abbott tried it her way, but she failed… Now let go! Ashley clutches her head.

Tucker walks up behind Ashley, talking to her.

Ashley falls over, seemingly unconscious, but Tucker catches her before she hits the floor.

Tucker catches Ashley as she falls unconscious.

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