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Y&R Recap – Tue May 21: Victor’s Secret Exposed: Cole Finds Jordan, and Ashley Tempts Tucker

Jordan, Cole, Tucker, and Ashley.

Today’s Young and the Restless recap airs in the USA on Tuesday, May 21, 2024, and airs one day ahead in Canada. We post our Y&R recaps every weekday!

Last Episode

Kyle Abbott, Devon Hamilton-Winters, and Summer Newman.

On the last episode of Y&R, Kyle played dirty pool on his mom, Devon suggested to Lily that they split Chancellor-Winters apart, and Claire asked Summer to reconsider her as Harrison’s nanny.

The Newman Ranch House

Cole walks into the living room and says hello to Victor. He says he was down at the stables making the arrangements for Claire’s riding lessons and asks how Victor is and whether there’s any word from Nikki.

Victor is carrying a silver serving tray. He says he’s fine, and Nikki is progressing well.

Victor Newman carries a serving tray covered with a cloche.

Cole’s happy to hear that. He asks if Victor is home alone.

Victor wonders why Cole’s asking him all these questions.

Cole asks who the tray is for.

Cole Howard questions Victor.

Victor’s Secret Wine Cellar

Jordan paces around her cell, tormented by the stink of the Brussels sprouts that Victor had left for her. She cries out that he must have known the sprouts would make her vomit.

Jordan breaks down, crying, and wonders how this could have happened to her… She has to get out!

Jordan Howard clutches the bars of her cell and cries.

Adam’s Apartment

Chelsea shows up at Adam’s and says getting an email from Connor’s team this morning was nice.

Chelsea Lawson enters Adam Newman's apartment.

Adam figures Connor must be getting better… He requested a video call.

Chelsea worries that it could be bad news.

Adam says he’s trying to break the habit of thinking it could be bad news, and so should Chelsea.

Adam and Chelsea talk in front of the door.

Chelsea agrees, and they decide to call Connor.

They sit down at the laptop and video call their son.

Connor answers and says, “No! You can’t call now!” He disconnects the call.

Connor Newman talks to his parents via a video chat.

The Genoa City Athletic Club

Audra and Nate are sitting down and eating breakfast in the dining room. Audra says she was right; Nate was interested in her as more than a friend!

Audra Charles smiles as she eats breakfast.

Nate says he never denied it.

Audra says he never confirmed it, either.

Nate Hastings talks to Audra over breakfast.

Nate says he’s always felt that way, but the timing was wrong for him, or Tucker was involved.

Audra says Tucker’s ship has sailed… Bon voyage!

Tucker McCall talks to Audra.

Tucker walks into the dining room and approaches their table. He tells Audra that their public morning-after breakfast is very subtle… He’s surprised she didn’t send invitations to the whole town, or if it’s all for his benefit.

Ashley shows up in the dining room and watches Tucker from afar.

Ashley Abbott spies on Tucker.

Adam’s Apartment

Chelsea asks what happened; why was Connor so upset?

Adam and Chelsea sit on the couch.

Adam doesn’t know. He says he’ll call Connor’s team and find out what’s going on.

There’s an incoming video call. It’s Connor, and they answer.

Connor says they called too soon. It was 9:13… They don’t understand.

Connor talks to his parents.

Adam says they want to understand and asks Connor to tell them what’s up.

Connor says not only did the time have 13 in it, but all the digits add up to 13… Can’t they see how bad that is?

Adam says they hadn’t considered it, but they didn’t mean to upset him.

Adam and Chelsea talk to Connor.

Chelsea says they were so excited to hear his voice that they jumped the gun.

Adam says they won’t do it again.

Chelsea says they aren’t supposed to reassure Connor… Can they move past the timing issue?

Connor looks unhappy.

Connor agrees.

Adam asks how the classes and therapy are going.

Connor says it’s not going good.

Adam and Chelsea talk to Connor.

The Newman Ranch House

Cole tells Victor he thought he smelled Brussels sprouts.

Victor nods and shows him that he’s carrying a bowl of sprouts. He’s taking them to the horses!

Victor lifts the cloche and shows Cole a bowl of Brussels sprouts.

Cole says it’s not hay and oats.

Victor’s phone pings. While he responds, he says that the sprouts were left over from last night and he doesn’t want them to go to waste.

Cole says it’s fancier than what they used to feed the horses when he worked the stables at the ranch… And they’re delivered on a tray from Victor Newman!

Cole talks to Victor.

Victor laughs. Isn’t that something? He tells Cole that times have changed.

Cole agrees they have. He can go down to the stables with Victor and help him feed the horses.

Victor says he likes to do it himself… It relaxes him. He asks Cole what he wants to know… It’s obvious he’s not just there to talk.

Cole figures Victor is hiding something; he doesn’t know what it is or why he’s doing it, but every time they talk lately, he doesn’t feel like Victor is telling him the whole truth.

Victor sits and talks to Cole.

The GCAC Dining Room

Nate tells Tucker to take it easy.

Tucker is surprised Audra and Nate aren’t feeding each other chocolate-covered strawberries.

Tucker talks to Audra and Nate.

Audra says Tucker is embarrassing himself.

A server walks by and drops off the bill.

Tucker asks the server to take back the bowls of strawberries at Nate and Audra’s table and to pour some chocolate on… And put it on his tab.

Tucker talks to the server as Audra and Nate look on.

Ashley hides in the corner, watching.

Nate gets up, angry, but Audra tells him to relax… Tucker is having one of his tantrums, which happens when he doesn’t get what he wants. She says not even Tucker can ruin her mood this morning, especially after the glorious night she just had!

Tucker says he didn’t think their relationship was over, but at least he knows why she didn’t accept his marriage proposal.

Tucker McCall.

Audra says that goes to show how little he understands her.

Tucker says it’s obvious that how she felt about him was conditional. “I love you, Tucker, as long as I get to go to Paris.” He says she cut and ran at the first sign of trouble.

Audra says it wasn’t the first sign… He strung her along so many times and then pulled the rug out from under her!

Audra Charles talks angrily to Tucker.

Tucker says he regrets how he handled the situation with Ashley, but he needs to consider his son… That’s not a rejection of Audra!

Audra says he can think whatever he wants… She told him she wouldn’t marry him or anyone else, but Tucker thought he could change her mind and force it on her. What about what she wants? She says there’s a good reason she ended the relationship and asks Nate to leave with her.

Nate nods. “You read my mind.”

Audra and Nate leave as Tucker watches.

Tucker asks Audra what will happen to her career. She won’t have anything to do with Glissade after this.

Audra and Nate walk out.

Ashley walks over to Tucker and asks if he’d like to come with her.

Tucker laughs.

Tucker holds his face in his hands as Ashley approaches.

The Newman Ranch House

Victor tells Cole he’s invited him to his home and given him the run of the place, but Cole has a strange way of showing his appreciation.

Victor points at Cole as they talk.

Cole asks where Victor keeps disappearing to.

Victor says it’s none of his business; Cole is a guest in his home, and he’s starting to become an unwelcome guest… What does Cole think he’s doing?

Cole says he doesn’t know… That’s what he’s trying to find out.

Cole sits on the couch and talks to Victor.

Victor tells Cole not to question him.

Cole says Claire is his daughter and lives on the ranch… He wants to make sure she’s safe.

Victor eats a Brussels sprout and tells Cole they want the same thing… Have a nice day!

Victor eats a sprout.

Cole says he’s more suspicious since they’ve had this conversation.

Victor pulls a Scrooge. “I said goodbye!”

Cole glares at him and leaves.

Cole glares at Victor.

Adam’s Apartment

Chelsea asks Connor to tell them what’s going on.

Adam and Chelsea video chat with their son.

Connor says he’s been dealing with a lot; it’s no big deal.

Adam says of course it’s a big deal… What type of stuff has he been dealing with?

Connor says he’s been dealing with memories and feelings, but he doesn’t want to talk about it.

Connor talks to his parents.

Chelsea says he must have wanted to talk about it, or he wouldn’t have asked them to call him.

Adam says they want to listen and help.

Connor isn’t sure anyone can help.

Adam Newman.

Adam asks him to just try.

Connor says he started having bad thoughts during therapy that everyone would be happier if he wasn’t around.

His parents reassure him that’s not true; it’s just the opposite! Everyone wants him there!


Connor says the OCD is telling him not to believe them. His OCD says they’re only saying it because they’re supposed to and that he’s a bad person and is useless.

Chelsea asks if his team is helping him with those thoughts.

Connor says the doctors have some ideas, and he’s trying his best, but he wishes he could be normal and not so much trouble for everyone. He’s sorry he’s not a better son.

Chelsea Lawson looks upset.

The Neil Winters Jazz Lounge

Tucker and Ashley (Ms. Abbott) enter the lounge. Tucker says he shouldn’t be around anyone right now… Especially Ashley!

Tucker and Ashley stand in the lounge and talk.

Ashley asks why he shouldn’t be around her… Does he think she’s a nutcase?

Tucker says he’s just not in the mood.

Ashley says she might be able to help… She saw Nate with Audra and can tell it’s all “falling apart” for Tucker.

Ashley talks to Tucker.

Tucker says they should cut this short. He tells Ashley to go home; he’s going somewhere else.

Ashley asks where he’s going to go… Why don’t they go somewhere together? She asks him to take a walk with her, just the two of them.

Tucker says he needs some time alone.

Tucker talks to Ashley.

Ashley says Tucker’s thinks too much. She says they’re so much alike… They’re crazy when it comes to love; they find someone and think that person will fix them, but when they don’t, their worlds fall apart. She says it’s stupid; they’re both strong people!

Tucker says he’s leaving.

Ashley says there’s no reason for him to leave… The lounge doesn’t open for hours; they have all the privacy in the world! She tells him to have a seat, relax, and “have a chat” with her.

Ashley gestures as she talks to Tucker.

In Ashley’s mind, Ash asks Ms. Abbott whether she’s planning to kill Tucker right now. Ashley heads behind the bar and says she’d love an old-fashioned, but… Wine it is! She grabs a bottle and a couple of glasses and brings them to Tucker.

Tucker says it’s a bit early for libations.

Ashley asks when he became such a Puritan; people have strange ideas about what’s acceptable behavior… That must be why she’s such a pariah! She tells him to loosen up.

Tucker talks to Ashley as she pours wine.

Tucker smirks and asks if the wine has been poisoned.

Ashley laughs. Will her taking the first sip make him feel better? She says Audra must have really done a number on him… Tucker probably felt like he had the upper hand until Audra pulled a fast one on him.

Tucker doesn’t say anything.

Ashley smiles at Tucker.

Ashley wonders if it’d make him feel better to know she’s sad that his heart was broken.

In Ashley’s mind, Belle says that Ms. Abbott’s too smart to kill Tucker right now; people saw her and Tucker go downstairs! She needs to think about it, and think about it hard!

Ashley drains her glass and says the wine is perfectly safe. She pushes his glass over to him and urges him to drink up; if he’s lucky, he won’t feel any pain soon!

Tucker sits and talks with Ashley.

Chancellor Park

Nate and Audra walk into the park. Nate asks Audra if she’s okay.

Audra and Nate walk into the park.

Audra says she’s thinking about everything, and don’t get her started on Tucker!

Nate says he found it interesting that Audra allowed Tucker to think they spent the night together.

Audra says she didn’t say anything about their sleeping arrangements.

Audra talks to Nate.

Nate says that’s true, but she neglected to mention she spent her “glorious” night alone in her bed.

Audra smirks. Details! She says Tucker deserved it after all the times he’d jerked her around, and she did have a wonderful night with Nate. She says it’s been a long time since she felt so free and at ease talking with someone; she felt like a respected equal.

Nate smiles at Audra.

Nate says he had a great time, too.

Audra asks if he’s angry that she let Tucker think whatever he wanted to.

Nate says she did the world a service; egomaniacal bullies like Tucker need to be put in their place now and then.

Audra talks to Nate.

Audra says Nate will be on Tucker’s hit list now.

Nate knows he can handle whatever Tucker dishes out; he’s more concerned about Tucker going after Audra.

Audra says he’ll try, but she knows his playbook well, and she’s going to stay one step ahead of him.

Nate looks concerned.

Adam’s Apartment

Adam tells Connor that his OCD is telling him lies about his parents and telling him that he’s useless. If anyone should be apologizing, it’s Adam… He says he should have been a better father and should have been there for Connor when he needed him.

Adam and Chelsea talk to Connor.

Chelsea assures Connor that nothing he’s going through is his fault, and he doesn’t need to be perfect for them to love him. Nobody’s perfect, and there’s nothing he could do or say to make them stop loving him.

Connor doesn’t want to make them sad anymore.

Adam says he doesn’t make them sad… All they care about is making things better for him!

Connor disconnects the call.

Connor says the call might have made things worse. He goes to disconnect the call.

Adam and Chelsea ask him to give them a few more minutes.

Connor says he can’t; goodbye. He disconnects the call.

Chelsea cries.

The Newman Ranch House

Victor walks through the hallway with the silver serving tray. He pushes against a wall panel, steps into the secret passageway, and descends the stairs.

Victor Newman carries a tray and opens a secret door.

Victor’s Secret Wine Cellar

Jordan has messed up her cell, and items are strewn across the floor. She crawls around on the floor, drinking the bottle of booze that Victor had left for her.

Jordan stumbles around, drinking.

Victor knocks on the bars of her cell. “I brought you some new Brussels sprouts!” He looks over and says she hasn’t finished the ones he brought her yesterday.

Jordan says she hates them.

Victor scoffs. They’re full of vitamins and fiber! He throws them into the cell.

Victor throws Brussels sprouts on the floor of Jordan's cell.

Jordan asks him to get her some real food, not the sprouts!

Victor says he decides what she eats and when she eats it.

Jordan laughs and drinks more.

Jordan laughs and drinks booze.

Victor asks if she’s drinking at this hour.

Jordan doesn’t even know what day it is… How long has she been down here?

Victor says it hasn’t been that long… Not nearly long enough to pay for what she’s done to his wife and his entire family!

Victor talks to Jordan through the bars.

Adam’s Apartment

Adam calls the treatment team and lets them know that Connor seemed particularly upset today. He ends the call and tells Chelsea that the doctors were going to keep a closer eye on Connor to make sure he’s all right.

Chelsea thanks him for handling it; she would have been a mess if she’d called. She hates that their son feels useless and thinks he’s a burden to them… It’s ripping her heart out!

Chelsea and Adam.

Adam says Connor sounds hopeless.

Chelsea says they can’t give up on him.

Adam says he’s not ever going to give up hope for Connor, but he’s worried that Connor has gotten worse with the team’s treatment. Maybe this isn’t the right place for him.

Chelsea and Adam sit on the sofa.

Chelsea says they don’t have much of an alternative.

Adam says he was hoping he’d hear a breakthrough when Connor wanted to talk to them, but instead he told them how miserable he was.

Chelsea figures they were wishing for too much too soon.

Chelsea talks to Adam.

Adam nods. Maybe. He says she doesn’t need to hang out with him; he’ll probably just drag her down. He tells her she probably wants to spend time with Billy and tell him what’s going on.

Chelsea says Billy is away on a business trip.

Adam says she can call him.

Adam Newman.

Chelsea shakes her head. She says Billy is supportive and understanding, but she feels like she’s unloading on him all the time. She asks if he “bombards” Sally with every bad phone call or issue that Connor has.

Adam says he tries not to.

Chelsea says they’re together as parents. Their partners want to be there for them, but Connor is their son. She says Adam had said there would be times when they’d need to reassure each other, and this is one of those times.

Chelsea and Adam talk.

The Neil Winters Jazz Lounge

Tucker watches Ashley drink and chuckles. He figures neither of them need to be drinking right now.

Ashley’s phone pings with a notification. Traci and Alan have sent her messages asking for her. She puts the phone away.

Ashley's phone shows notifications from Traci and Alan.

Tucker asks her if that was her friend, Alan.

Ashley shakes her head; Alan is long gone and on his way back to Europe.

Tucker nods. Really. He heard that Alan was sticking around a while.

Tucker talks to Ashley as she drinks wine.

Ashley says Alan told her that Tucker was asking for information about her.

Tucker asks if Alan told her that he was doing it out of concern.

Ashley says he doesn’t need to be concerned about her; Alan gave her a “very clean” bill of mental health!

In her mind, Belle says Ms. Abbott is a good liar… Tucker might actually believe her!

Ashley smiles at Tucker as they talk.

Chancellor Park

Nate and Audra sit on a bench and talk. Nate says she was smart to finally walk away from Tucker.

Nate and Audra talk.

Audra says if she was smarter, she wouldn’t have opened up her heart to a person like Tucker in the first place. She doesn’t know why she thought he’d change or she could change him!

Nate says it’s not her problem anymore.

Audra says, “Enough about Tucker!” She asks if he has to get to work.

Audra talks to Nate as they sit on a bench.

Nate says he still has some time before he needs to be there.

Audra says he’s lucky… Seems like she’s going to have nothing but time!

Nate asks if Tucker was serious about cutting her out of Glissade.

Nate talks with Audra.

Audra says Tucker would blow up the company rather than let her get anything from it.

Nate asks what her options are.

Audra says she doesn’t know… Is Nate offering to give her job back at Chancellor-Winters?

Audra looks questioningly at Nate.

Victor’s Secret Wine Cellar

Victor picks up the uneaten bowl of Brussels sprouts. “Guess you don’t want any!”

Victor holds a serving tray and talks to Jordan.

Jordan says that Victor mentioned he had a “special assignment” for her.

Victor says he must have forgotten.

Jordan says whatever it is, she’ll do it… She begs him… She’s capable of doing it, but she has to get out of the cell!

Jordan gestures as she talks to Victor.

Victor is incredulous that she’d beg him… Nikki begged her for mercy after she’d put alcohol into her veins! How does it feel to be on the other side of it?

Jordan says she’s sorry.

Victor shrugs. Not good enough. He goes to leave.

Victor smiles at Jordan.

Jordan calls after him to bring Nikki down to her; she’ll apologize! She’ll beg, grovel, whatever they want! She just needs to get out!

Victor comes back and says he loves to hear that. He takes the cover off the Brussels sprouts and pops one into his mouth. He says he wants her to grovel… He loves to hear it! He leaves.

Jordan yells after him that she’s sorry! She’s so sorry!

Jordan yells through the bars at Victor.

Adam’s Apartment

Chelsea and Adam flip through a photo album and discuss their memories of Connor.

Chelsea and Adam look through a photo album.

Thanksgiving, when Connor was dressed up like a turkey.

Connor’s birthday in France. They had his party in the middle of the night. Chelsea says they were trying to grab a little piece of happiness.

Adam says that was before things changed between them.

Chelsea and Adam look glum.

Chelsea says things always change.

Adam says they were always able to make Connor feel better; they’d chase away the monsters in the closet, but they can’t chase away the monsters now.

Chelsea nods. They just have to hope that Connor can fight off the monsters himself.

Chelsea and Adam talk.

Adam agrees, but Connor has to do it with their help.

Chelsea says Connor will always have their support.

Adam hugs her and comforts her.

Adam hugs Chelsea and she rests her head on his shoulder.

Chancellor Park

Nate tells Audra he’s not sure about offering her a job; he doesn’t think Devon, Lily, or Jill would be anxious to bring her back after she duped them the last time. He says he’s only there because he’s family.

Audra says she was kidding, but if he did have a job for her, she’d jump on it, but she understands that she’s a little “toxic” for Chancellor-Winters right now.

Audra smiles as she talks to Nate.

Nate asks what she’s going to do… She mentioned making a move for Glissade; is that still on the table?

Audra doesn’t want to make any decisions before she’s had time to process things.

Nate thinks it’s wise to let the dust settle.

Nate looks thoughtful.

Audra doesn’t want to let it settle for too long… She’s not the type who sits around and waits for things to happen.

Nate thinks she might be wrong; maybe Tucker will realize he can’t do it without her.

Audra says they’ve tried working together without sleeping together before, and she thinks it’s finally time to say goodbye to Tucker and Glissade for good.

Audra talks to Nate.

The Neil Winters Jazz Lounge

Tucker asks Ashley if Alan said she was cured.

Tucker McCall.

Ashley says Alan realized she may have been unpredictable lately, but she didn’t need to be committed, and they both felt better after their conversation.

Tucker asks if Alan offered her any observations or suggestions.

Ashley asks if Tucker wants to know because he’s shopping for a shrink. She thinks Tucker could use some time on a shrink’s couch, but Alan wouldn’t be a good fit for him… That’d be too messy.

Ashley talks to Tucker.

Tucker asks what she means.

Ashley says she figures Tucker wants to know where things stand with her and Alan personally.

Tucker says he thought they were friends.

Tucker smiles at Ashley.

Ashley says Alan wanted something different, but it didn’t feel right for her.

Tucker asks if Alan wanted to pursue something romantic with her.

Ashley nods. Of course!

Ashley Abbott looks at Tucker.

Tucker laughs.

Ashley asks how that makes Tucker feel.

Tucker wonders if it makes a difference how he feels.

Ashley says it does. She’s tried, but she can’t let go of the dream… She and Tucker were going to conquer the world, and she believed it. She believed in him, and she wants it back.

Tucker looks at Ashley.

The Newman Ranch House

Victor walks up the steps from his secret wine cellar and opens the secret panel. He steps out, carrying the serving tray, and heads off.

Victor leaves the secret passage holding a serving tray.

Cole steps out from around the corner, where he’d been hiding and watching Victor.

Cole approaches the secret panel and gently presses it, looking around to make sure he isn’t seen.

The passage opens, and Cole walks into the secret stairwell and heads downstairs. The door closes behind him.

Cole opens the secret passage.

Chancellor Park

Nate tells Audra it’s a big moment for her… Tucker has been in her life for a long time, and it can be hard to let something like that go, even if it’s the right move.

Nate smiles at Audra.

Audra says it’s finally time to move on.

Nate says he’s there for her… Whatever she needs.

Audra says he’s been there for her before, and she wonders why. She hasn’t been a good friend and never listens when he gives her great advice… And she got him in trouble with his family!

Audra smiles at Nate.

Nate says it’s a new day with new beginnings.

Audra smiles. She’ll drink to that! She laughs and says she tried to bring out the bad side of him so many times in the past, but it turns out she wanted the good side of him all along!

Nate Hastings.

The Neil Winters Jazz Lounge

Tucker tells Ashley he doesn’t know where she’s going with this, but he won’t be going with her.

Ashley puts her foot up and kicks him playfully. She says she knows he still has feelings for her; he’s always trying to save her because he loves her.

Ashley playfully kicks Tucker.

Tucker says Ashley needs to concentrate on her own well-being, and he has something else he wants to focus on.

Ashley tells him to forget about Audra… He doesn’t need a little girl, he needs a woman. She’s his perfect partner, and he should go with her so she can show him how much she loves him.

Tucker says she keeps telling him she loves him, but the next second, she’s happy he’s gone… What’s with that?

Tucker looks at Ashley appraisingly.

Ashley says she’s been “tied up in knots” over losing him and wanting to be with him, but she’s afraid of getting hurt again and upsetting her family, but she’s put it behind her completely… She’s over it!

Tucker asks if her clarity just happened after a few conversations with Alan.

Ashley says that’s not the way it was… She realized they had to go through fire to get to where they are now; they’re standing on the ground with their eyes wide open! She wants a real life with him and knows he wants that, too.

Ashley talks intently with Tucker.

Victor’s Secret Wine Cellar

Cole walks cautiously down the stairs into the cellar.

Cole takes in the wall of wine, looks at the cell, and sees Jordan sleeping on the cot.

Cole looks through the bars at Jordan.
Jordan sleeps on the cot in the cell.

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